Articles in the Dog Health Category
Dog Health »
Dog Health, Yorkshire Terrier »

A healthy Yorkie puppy should be strong, plump, cheerful and very moving: coat glistens and shines, eyes are living and clear. Yorkie Puppies are very curious and trying to explore all around. Puckish puppies deliver a lot of troubles to the owners: they have to make sure constantly that the puppy would not gnaw and drag things, shoes, not spoil the furniture. A healthy Yorkie puppy either is sleeping, or is in motion. Such behavior is characteristic of all healthy pups.
Dog Health »
The importance of diet and exercise in labrador retriever training
Do you know that the right diet and exercise execute an important function in labrador retriever training? Perhaps you don’t really make it a point that you can nourish your dog well and/or lead him to go through appropriate physical exercises. Well, keep in mind that it’s very necessary for you to prioritize your labrador’s needs, specially when it comes to diet or nutrition, training and exercise. Or else, you won’t be able to productively finish off a number of labrador retriever training activities. You may even have trouble nurturing an obedient, faithful, sociable, joyful and fit dog. Nobody wants an uncontrollable labrador dog, right?
Diet and exercise can have a major effect in the kind of dog training program that you aspire to make happen. Indeed, how you feed and exercise your labrador retriever dog may either improve the progress of your labrador dog’s training or put it at risk. That’s the reason why you must be wary with what you present your dog during mealtimes. It’s also advisable that you be mindful of your labrador’s inclinations, especially in regards to labrador dog treats or goodies. As you can see, unacceptable feeding routines can result in loads of problems along with the outward exhibition of a number of behavioral problems such as aggression.
Proper ways of feeding your precious labrador retriever pet can augment the way your labrador retriever dog learns and reacts to your training strategies. A well-fed labrador dog is more enthusiastic and focused. On the other hand, try to deprive your pet with the amount and kinds of food that he ought to have, and you will certainly take on a rather aggressive, dominant and unfriendly dog. Disregarding your labrador retriever’s needs will not help in building up trust, loyalty and respect. Nevertheless, efficiently providing for your dog’s needs will really build a good master-dog relationship.
Appropriate physical and mental exercises essentially prepare your labrador’s dog mind and body. Proper and sufficient exercise helps your labrador dog become more agile, versatile and pumped-up to embark on a wide range of labrador retriever training courses and activities. Considering how naturally-athletic labrador retrievers are, it’s not enough to only take your dog for a walk. You’ve got to be consistent in conducting various forms of physical as well as mental exercises. It’s also a good idea to incorporate swimming in your everyday exercise routines.
Therefore, be sure that you give importance to proper diet and exercise. Training a labrador retriever dog will not make any sense at all if such elements will not be given emphasis. Besides, dog training is more fascinating, safe, practical and effective if your labrador is fully-prepared and has been taught with the fundamental principles. Make certain that proper diet, consistent training, pampering and enough exercise go hand in hand so you can have a well-trained, happy, faithful and remarkable labrador retriever dog.
Dog Health »
Dog Health »

Dental hygiene important for dogs Its shame that most dog owners don’t realize that dental hygiene is as important for their dogs as it is for themselves. Teeth that have been neglected are subject to several types of mouth disease just like their human friends. We know that if we don’t brush our teeth, plague will build up and eventually cause tooth decay. The same thing happens to dogs. When plaque builds up and hardens, it becomes a coarse brown substance called tartar.
Dog Health »
What makes you love your dogs? Is it because of the way he loves you in return and the eagerness that you feel when he attempts to please? This love can be more emphasized through dog training as it creates the firm bond between you and your /
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One well recognized method of dog training is through the use of dog treats. But dog treats are not for positive reinforcement dog training alone. Most dog owners have used them as snack alternatives. This does not proceed pleasurable experiences but may also aid in maintaining your pals health. br /
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Like with other pet stuffs, there are considerations that an owner should first evaluate before allowing his pet to dog treats. Health components concerning with calorie content is on the priority /
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One of the growing concerns on dog health nowadays is obesity. Almost half of American dogs are overweight. Like with the case of human, obesity may lead to a variety of diseases like diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. br /
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Overindulgence is thought as one of the contributing reason for obesity. This may be due to human factor. Most owners tend to give dog treats on an unregulated basis. For most, it doesnt matter how many calories does a single biscuit may contain. To resolve this issue, an owner needs to cut back on the daily calorie intake of his pet until he reduces some weight. Controlling the quantity of dog treats throughout the day may be of great help. You may also choose to lessen his foods gradually until he reaches normal weight. In line with this, it is ideal to stick with dog treats with low calories. The subject on obesity may further be resolved through consulting the vet and to implement a regular exercise /
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It is also an ill practice to give your dog commercially produced human foods. Some of which may contain elements that are not suited for your dogs health. Commercial foods are also often rich with fats and calories and low in nutrients and vitamins. Moreover, this practice is really not healthy for your dogs manners. This only encourages begging. Give him his dog treats in his own place instead but always bearing the thought of how healthy the dog treats you give /
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Tips on Dog Treats Selectionbr /
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It is always best to buy naturally produced dog treats. These save you from unnecessary additives that may post threats against your dogs health. Fat and sugar-rich dog treats are complete no-no. look for dog treats that have high concentration of fibers and /
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Dog treats that are primarily made from fishes are good sources of unadulterated health components. These are great foods for human as well as dogs. They are low in calories and /
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Avoid giving dog treats before any major meals. If you are training him using positive reinforcement, cut back portions of his meals to balance his diet with dog treats. br /
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There are dog treats that are especially made to optimize your dogs health. Working in the same principle as that of the vitamin supplements. These are aids to maintain your dogs health and may even relieve symptoms of certain diseases. br /
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Dont allow that dog treats may cover as much as ten percent of your pets diet. br /
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In choosing the ideal treat, it is helpful to rely on your best judgements. It is you who know your pet well enough but in cases of doubt, you may as well consult a /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankdog biscuit recipes/a and a href= target=_blankhomemade dog biscuits/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Read important things to know in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – please make sure to read this publication. The time has come when proper info is really only one click of your mouse, use this opportunity.
Dog Health »

Dog allergy treatments. Human beings are not the only species that can suffer from allergies. Dogs can also have allergic reactions to objects in the home, chemicals and pollutants in the air, dog food, and their own hair and dander. Finding the source of these allergies can be difficult especially if the dog is allergic to a few things. If you have a dog that suffers from allergies, you may notice that they sneeze when around harmful chemicals, vomit after eating, have skin rashes, patches of fur missing, runny nose and eyes, or they may show signs of fatigue or restlessness.
Dog Health »

Dog allergies signs. Dogs that have allergies show many signs including watery eyes, coughing and sneezing, excessive scratching and biting, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and moodiness. When your dog is suffering from allergies, you may notice one or more of these symptoms. Learning what causes these allergies is the first step toward treating your dog and preventing further attacks.
Dog Health »
Cheap pet insurance is out there, but you want to search carefully to be sure that you have found a policy that is cheap as in reasonably priced, not cheap as in not worth it. We all are guilty of wanting a bargain. Lets face it we all want the best deal out there. In todays economic climate more of us are watching our pennies. But we ought to be careful, because from time to time what looks like a bargain on the surface turns out to be a costly mistake. What you want is to uncover a good solid a href= target=_blankbest dog insurance/a policy that covers all your health care needs and costs as little as /
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So, the million dollar question is – how do you find low cost, good value dog insurance? br /
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To start with, when shopping for a href= target=_blankcheap dog insurance/a, become skilled at the provisions that insurance companies use to describe the services they offer and withhold. There is a phrase you must become familiar with exclusion which means the condition is uninsurable. On occasion insurance companies will apply exclusions to pre-existing therapeutic conditions, but at other times they also will apply an exclusion to conditions connected to your pets breed. br /
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For instance, in petite breeds there can be a predisposition towards hydrocephalus or mitral valve endocardiosis. Both of these conditions can lead to grave medical problems including blindness and congestive heart failure and many insurance companies will decline to cover problems growing out of the /
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Two other insurance provisions you should become familiar with are deductible and pay out limits. The deductible is the quantity that you will pay upfront for service before the insurance kicks in to cover the remaining cost. The deductible amount is a pre-set amount and wont modify unless the policy itself changes. Numerous people have found out the hard way that pay out limits are where insurance companies can get you if you are not alert. Basically a pay out cap is the total amount the insurance company will reimburse for a precise treatment or group of related treatments. Selected pay out limits have once a year ceilings, countless others are a set amount over the life of an animal. Test out these limits vigilantly, what may look like a great deal of money for a lifetime limit can disappear quite quickly leaving you with practically ineffectual insurance just when your elder dog needs the most health /
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When you ascertain how the insurance companies structure their exclusions, deductibles and pay out limits then you will be instantly able to see when an offered policy is a good value for the money. Consider, cheap pet insurance is not always good. What you want to look for for is a dog insurance policy with reasonable pay out limits, deductions and exclusions at a price that fits within your budget. So, read the policy and get your pet insurance at no frills prices while getting a first class insurance /
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Dog Health »
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If you are worried that something is seriously going wrong with your pets heart then there are a few things that you can check before rushing off to the local a href= target=_blankanimal hospital/ /
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There is a major problem with the early stages of a cat and dog having heart failure and that is that they have no visible signs at all which is why it is best to have it dagnosed through an evaluation by a /
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There are similar things to look for in both cats and dogs with mild to moderate heart failure can sometimes experience heart enlargement, coughing, lethargy and difficulty /
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The signs to look for for really severe heart failure is going on you can usually tell by the animal having difficulty breathing (even when at rest), fainting, not wanting to exercise, loss of appetite and weight loss. Do also double check as even drooling can be involved so watch carefully to see if your dog is drooling (more than usual).br /
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If some of these symptoms to exist then it is best to go directly to your local a href= target=_blankanimal surgery/a and have your vet take a look at your /
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There are many different ways your vet may check to see if your pet has heart problems are EKG, chest x-rays, blood testing, or a heart ultrasound. The ultrasound is going to be the one to be of the most use to you as it gives your vet the ability to be able to see and measure the extent of the heart /
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If the worst comes to the worst and there is something wrong with your pet then it is not to worry as there are many vets now that are experts in pets cardiology enabling them to even a pacemaker into your /
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If you are really thinking that your pet could be suffering from one or some of these symptoms then it is best to at least get it checked to rule out serious heart problems. If left untreated it can result in worse problems or even death of a pet which as everyone who has gone through that knows it is not easy to have a pet pass /
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