Articles in the Dog Product Reviews Category
Dog Product Reviews »
Dog Product Reviews »
Before you can determine whether or not a particular dog will be of value to you there are two basic items that must be addressed. One, you must know the breed of dog you want. Are you after a German Shepherd, Bernese Mountain dog, Newfoundland, Yorkshire Terrier or other type? If its a German Shepherd that you want you should be looking for german shepherd dog breeders. And two, you must be aware of some specific information about that breed. The information you need to be versed on includes the correct size for your dog breed, how often it needs to be brushed, how much activity or exercise it needs daily, if there are genetic diseases that are common with this type, have there been tests performed that have ruled these diseases out in this pup, and what else is required in maintaining its health such as clipping its /
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There is a lot of additional information that is important for you to know as well. Some dog breeders don’t actually do the breeding themselves, but buy their animals from other areas. You should stick with a breeder that breeds and raises the pups on site. The reason for this is because you can better determine if this puppy was raised in a clean environment. Without examining its place of birth you have no idea what sort of environment it was raised in. Puppies can end up with mental or physical deficiencies if brought up in a cruel or unkempt /
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Another item for concern is the age of the puppies that you are interested in. The puppies should be at least seven weeks old before they are placed. Their parents should be at least two years old before breeding and should have been tested for any possible genetic /
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When purchasing puppies it’s important that the pups have had some interaction with other animals and children. This is to help ensure that the dogs will be friendly and sociable. It’s also a good idea to get your puppy from a dog breeder that will allow you to call him later with any questions or concerns you may have about your animal. br /
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There is a lot to know about breeding dogs and it’s very hard to find a competent experienced dog breeder who raises more than 4 or 5 different breeds. If he raises 6 or 8 or more it’s probably a good idea to look else ware for you puppy. Also, most experienced breeders belong to one or more breed clubs so ask them if that’s true with /
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As you are concerned about the specific breeder he should also show some concern with you as well. If he asks you questions about they type of environment that you will raising the pup, your family, and your experience with animals it’s usually a good sign that the animal has been raised with love. The breeder should have concern for the placement of his /
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Once you have made a decision to buy a specific dog there are few other items that should be addressed. A suggested diet should be provided for your animal. You should receive a registration certificate with your purchase. You should also require the seller to give you a 3-generation pedigree chart for the dog, a health record of the animal that includes dates the puppy was inoculated or received other veterinary care. Another important item is a health guarantee and you should require one. If it’s later discovered that the dog suffers from a genetic disease, for example, you should have some recourse. Along these same lines you should have in writing that you are allowed, within a reasonable amount of time, to have the puppy examined by a veterinarian at your own expense. And if it is found that the dog you have purchased has any defects, as determined by the veterinarian, you can return it for a full /
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Finding the perfect dog can be a long and tedious process, but with a little preparation, education and effort it’s possible to obtain a quality animal that you will be proud to /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankstop dog from barking/a and a href= target=_blankdog training biting/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Fetch pragmatic information in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – please study this site. The times have come when proper info is really within your reach, use this possibility.
Dog Product Reviews »
So today is the big day, your new dog or puppy is coming to his new home! Getting a new dog means you’ll need a few more accessories to go with him. In order to properly care for your new pet, you’ll have to abide by certain local laws and make some additional purchases. Some of these items are necessities; some just make life with your new dog more /
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The necessities; Most of the truly necessary items for dog care are obvious. If you’ve got a dog you’ll need bowls for the dog’s food and water. Mid size to large dogs have a habit of moving their food bowl around the room as they eat. Buying heavy weighted bowls will avoid the noise and frustration of having to hunt for the bowl at feeding time. I have large German Shepard that likes to carry his bowl over to me whenever he’s ready to eat! A sturdy plastic bowl with a rubber lining on the bottom can be useful as well. The rubber on the bottom keeps the bowl from sliding around as Fido enjoys his /
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Unless you have a fenced in backyard, you’ll be needing a leash and collar for walks. Even if your yard is fenced in, you may want these anyway for training purposes. These can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like, but of course, you’ll want to take the size and strength of your dog into account when selecting them. The collar can (and should) be adorned with a license tag or at least an ID tag that provides your name and contact information in case your dog is /
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If you live in a city environment, you’ll need to purchase that miracle of modern doggie convenience the “pooper scooper.” Most cities have laws against owners simply allowing their dogs to “foul the footpath” or leave little all over the city park. In some cities, there is a hefty fine for such crappy /
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Optional; There are literally thousands of optional items available for people to purchase for use with their dogs. Some of these items, like the gravity refillable water dishes and food bowls, serve a very useful purpose; others – the dog bandana comes to mind – serve no real purpose and are just plain /
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One item that some owners do find very useful, especially those that live in a hot climate, are “doggie booties.” While they may seem like a relatively useless item, they do a good job of protecting the sensitive pads of a dog’s feet from rough terrain, rocky areas, and hot pavement. Stepping on hot sticky asphalt can be very painful for your dog. Those in cooler climates may not understand, but in some places, particularly the desert environments of cities like Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Albuquerque, the summer pavement can literally become hot enough to fry an egg. You wouldn’t walk barefoot on such a surface and neither should your dog. br /
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So before you bring Fido home, make sure you have all the accessories you need to make his and your life /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankstop dog from barking/a and a href= target=_blankdog training biting/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Fetch vital tips about a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – make sure to go through this publication. The time has come when concise information is really within one click, use this possibility.
Dog Product Reviews »
Dogs are amongst the most amazing creatures because they give unconditional love. Dogs love their masters and the masters reciprocate by providing them with all the things of comfort they can afford. Dog supplies are important and useful things for keeping your dog healthy and happy, and include items for dog grooming and maintaining good dog health. Canine or dog supplies can be classified into several sub categories, including dog training supplies, dog grooming supplies, and even more specialist items like hunting dog /
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Dog Grooming:br /
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Dogs are gods of frolic. Undertaking thorough dog grooming is like having a permanent job requiring lots of patience, yet packed with exercise and the general fun of bringing up a dog and ensuring it lives a long and carefree life. Dog grooming is an important practice which should not be underestimated – a practice which ensures good dog health and hygiene and should also help to eliminate most dog health problems. br /
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Dog grooming is in fact a somewhat intense program of dog health care that covers the entire life span a dog. Puppy care, canine health care, giving a hygiene bath, washing, combing, brushing, checking ears, paws, teeth and underside, nail trimming, removing dog fleas and insects, and fixing regular meetings with a professional veterinary are all important activities that a dog owner should undertake. A dog’s masters should follow a schedule of regular grooming sessions. br /
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Puppy care is a very important practice that requires a lot of diligence and patience. Like children, puppies require some extra special attention. A puppy needs to be handled with extreme care, and should be groomed properly, fed carefully and well, and bedded properly. br /
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Dog Grooming Supply:br /
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Good dog grooming supplies are required to help undertake the important activities of dog grooming and care. A dog supply may include a dog house, dog furniture, dog carriers, dog beds (and designer dog beds), dog toys, dog collars and leashes, dog bath tub, dog soaps, dog perfumes, dog odor removers and mouth fresheners, dog clothes, designer dog clothes, dog t-shirts, dog jewelry, dog food, dog tonics supplements and dog /
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Dog Beds:br /
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A dog bed is a bed designed especially for the sleeping comfort of a dog. It should be the snug retreat to where it retires to take sweet dreams at the end of a long and active day. Good dog beds play a very important part in keeping your dog in good health. An improper sleep may very much affect the health of a dog, thus dog masters should be very careful when buying dog pet beds. Dog beds and dog bedding include a dog bed mattress, dog bed sheets, dog bed cover, dog bed cushions, dog pillows, dog blankets and dog quilts or duvets. br /
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Dog beds are available in numerous designs and sizes including luxury dog pet beds, large dog beds, wicker dog bed, leather dog beds, top quality dog beds, orthopedic dog beds etc. There are a number of designer dog pet beds available. Dog beds can also be purchased online, as there are many dog pet bed manufacturers now selling their dog beds through their /
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“Perhaps the dog is the only animal that has seen its god, as a man is a dogs idea of what God should be.”br /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankpuppy training biting/a and a href= target=_blankstop dog from barking/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Obtain pragmatic recommendations in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – please read the site. The time has come when proper info is really within your reach, use this chance.
Dog Product Reviews »
The truth be told, our pets are like members of our family – only better. They never second-guess us, their love is unconditional, their companionship sees us through lonely times, and theyre with us through thick and thin. Unlike our human families, though, our pets are unable to take care of themselves. Its up to us to find the pet related services that they need in order to live long and healthy lives. br /
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An Online Pet Directorybr /
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Thanks to the Internet, its possible to find a wealth of pet related services close to wherever you may be. If you live in New South Wales, for example, you can easily use an online pet services directory to find a breeder, a pet shop, or a vet in your area. If youre on holiday with your pet and he or she gets sick or is injured, you can quickly go online to find a nearby vet. br /
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More than Pet Suppliesbr /
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An online directory of pet related services can be much more than a source for pet supplies, or a tool to find a listing for a pet store near your home. It can also provide pet lovers and would-be pet owners with an abundance of information about all kinds of pet-related topics. For example, if youre considering setting up an aquarium, the dizzying array of tanks and supplies can be paralyzing. You need sound advice on the differences between freshwater and saltwater aquariums, which among the hundreds of varieties of fish you should choose, and the steps you can take to ensure that your fish thrive. br /
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Likewise, you might be considering adopting a dog, but arent sure if your lifestyle is one thats compatible with dog ownership. A comprehensive pet related services site will discuss the issues involved with adopting and caring for a dog, as well as offer guidelines for finding reputable organizations from which to adopt a dog. br /
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Or, perhaps you have rabbits and would like to add a guinea pig to your family. You may not know that rabbits and guinea pigs arent compatible because the species tend to fight, or that feeding guinea pigs food made for rabbits could lead to a vitamin C deficiency in the guinea pigs. Whether you have a cat, bird, horse, or reptile, a good website will give you the information and support you need to ensure that your pets lead long, happy lives. br /
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An Online Communitybr /
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People who love their pets – and who doesnt? – love to talk about them, learn more about their favorite breeds, and find new sources of pet products. There are websites offering pet related services that also enable you to post and read pet classified ads, let you sign up for free newsletters, and offer you the latest in pet supplies. br /
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Finding an informative pet related services site will provide you with everything from vets and breeders to articles and products designed to keep you up to date and your beloved pets with the best owners they could wish /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankdog training biting/a and a href= target=_blankmaltese training/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Find out pragmatic tips in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – please study this web site. The times have come when proper information is really within one click, use this chance.
Dog Product Reviews »
Dog Fences can be a simple wire mesh fence to keep dogs away from other people’s properties
A pet fence is a wire that is used as a boundary around the property so that animals or pets don’t stray outside the boundary and remain within the property itself. The Dog fence originated in Australia in 1880 to keep dingoes or wild dogs away from the farm lands, so that they don’t get violent with the livestock, rabbits, emus and other animals on the property. In modern times the need for a Pet fence has become inevitable so that pets don’t wander away onto other people’s properties inconveniencing the neighbors.
Initially, pet fences which were used were mostly wire mesh fences which were attached together by placing four posts in the ground and installing a gate so as to facilitate entry into the fence. The advantage of the wire fence is that the height of the fence can be adjusted depending on the size of the dog or pet. Most pets which are trained will not jump over the fence and will remain within the boundaries of the fence itself.
[caption id="attachment_1697" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Dog fence Beware of Dog"]
Pet fences or Dog Fences can be a simple wire mesh fence which is surrounding the entire boundary of the building or can be a small stretch that is wired so that the dog or pet can move around inside it. Some pet fences are chain linked and are the most common. These are found in many kennels and homes today. It consists of diamond shaped wire gauze, which is very hard to tamper with and it is agreeable with zoning laws. However, the pets can easily become irritated in a chain linked fence. Spiral rail fence is a better design for a Dog Fence and is included in many architectural designs these days.
The other types of conventional Pet fences are picket fence, farm fence and snow fence. Besides these the new-age fences are the hybrid fences, which are hidden and are best suited for those who do not want to change the facade of their houses. They serve the same purpose as a conventional fence does. The only difference being that they are fixed deep in the ground along the boundary of the house. If the pet attempts to jump the fence it gives a little shock to the pet who is wearing a collar with fence sensors. They are not very expensive to install as compared to some of the other fences and help serve the same purpose in a better way.
Dog Health, Dog Product Reviews »
Dogswell Veggie Life Organic Natural Dog Treat
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="Dogswell Veggie Organic Natural Dog Treat"]
A few weeks ago while looking for a good all natural dog treat I came across Dogswell Veggie Life. I ordered a few bags of Chicken and Apple to try. I was excited to find an all natural dog treat that looked like our dogs would actually eat!
After trying many different natural and organic dog treats that my dogs refused to eat, I was hopeful they may like the Veggie Life line of organic dog treats. They did!
Not only did my dogs eat these yummy smelling treats they begged for more.
The treats are actually 100% all-natural chicken breast wrapped around apple. The ingredient’s include Apple, Chicken Breast, Flaxseed, Vitamin E Supplement and Vitamin A Acetate. So, they are not only healthy they are fortified with Flaxseed and Vitamins A & E for healthy eyes, skin and coat.
one treat | 0.01kg |
crude protein | 25% (min) |
crude fat | 0.5% (min) |
crude fat | 2% (max) |
crude fiber | 1.5% (max) |
moisture | 40% (max) |
vitamin E | 10i.u. (min) |
vitamin A | 100i.u. (min) |
omega-3 fatty acids | 0.05% (min) |
At just $4.99 for a 5oz pouch, they are no more expensive than any other dog treat. I highly recommend this all natural organic dog treat for anyone looking for a healthy dog treat! This type of dog treat is much better for a dog than the typical dog bone!
Click Here To Learn more about the Veggie Life Natural Dog Treats!
Dog Product Reviews, Dog Supplies »
Do you ever get tired of going outside every hour with your dog? We live on 15 acres, with our entire back-yard fenced in. Many days our dogs just want to run in and out of the house like kids. It seems like when I sit down, the next dog is ready to go out. I knew there had to be a way to make it easier for my dog to get in and out of our home.
Installing a dog door is one way to allow free access to outdoors, but what about the critters that can also get in and out of that doggy door? We live in the middle of the boon-docks, and all kinds of creatures and reptiles seem to make their ways into our homes!
The Staywell Infra-Red Dog Door
is the perfect answer! After much research, we decided to go ahead and order a Staywell® infra-red dog door.This intelligent doggy door is a device set up inside you door that your dog can pass in and out of at will. It comes with an electronic device that knows when your dog is approaching and unlocks for them. The mechanism is placed on the dogs collar and can sense when it is approaching. Most Infrared dog doors come with a 1-3 year warranty and can be easily installed.
The manual locking system comes with 4 ways to lock it:
- In only
- In and out
- Out only
- Locked
Now, they are kinda pricey. They range from $150-$300 depending on the manufacture of the infrared door.So why should you purchase this nifty doggy device? Simple…the infra-red dog door is set-up to only open with the key so you are ensured that no surprises will be in your home. Protecting your home is a important part of life and the infrared dog door will keep all unwanted menaces out of your home and allow your dog free access to outdoors.
This dog door can fit in windows, walls, or doors and gives you more control over your dog’s movements allowing you to install them though out the house. If company is coming you can put up and deny them access while you visit or simply let them in and out to use the restroom. This device truly will help you and your dog; giving them more freedom and you more space.
Check out the Staywell Infra-Red Dog Door, it has great ratings and is one of the most popular dog doors around!