Articles in the Dog Collars Category
Dog Collars »
Collar types
Collars come in a wide variety of styles, colors, and materials. The two common types of collars are training collars and buckle collars.
Training collars
The purpose of a training collar is for you to be able to guide your dog or to check your dog if necessary. (A check is a tug on the leash followed by an immediate release of tension on the leash.) A check is used when you want your dog to stop doing something. However, the check is a form of negative reinforcement and an unpleasant experience for any dog.
Buckle collars
Collars for the trained dog are called buckle collars. They are either leather, nylon, or canvas. For the untrained dog, buckle collars are virtually useless. Trying to control a dog with a buckle collar would be difficult. Some dog owners prefer to use a harness, which is perfectly fine for dogs that do not pull or for small dogs, where pulling is not terribly objectionable. But for a medium-sized or large dog that pulls, harnesses are not a good idea because you give up the control that you are trying to achieve. The dog literally leans into the harness and drags you wherever he wants to go. The only exception for using a harness on an untrained dog is if the dog has a neck injury.
Dog Collars »

The importance of choosing the right dog collar If you are a dog owner then you understand the importance of choosing the right dog collar. There are many dog collars choices available in a variety of styles and materials. The right one for you and your pet will depend greatly on your specific needs. Dog collars serve many purposes from identification, training, or to simply look good.
Dog Collars »
We all know the adage dog is mans best friend seem to run for ages now. But we have reasons enough to consider our dogs as vital parts of our daily existence. br /
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They seem to have this special character to display love and loyalty, not to mention a unique fun that we can only witness from them. Thats why, as much as possible, we will do everything we can to give them the best treatment and best health care, just like we do for our family members. Come to think of it- we even provide them their own insurance! br /
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In this article, we will tackle some important dog health guidelines. Though considerably generalized for all breeds, information here are helpful still in maintaining our best friends optimum /
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Dental Care. Swollen, inflamed gums and secondary infections often cause the existence of other major dog health problems. It must be observed that a young dogs teeth are brushed once in a week. Older dogs must have a regular session of thrice a /
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There are especially designed toothbrushes for dogs that provide cleaning of the rear teeth. It is not a good practice to use human toothpaste for them, instead make use of enzyme toothpaste that will prevent tartar build-up. There are also dental cleaning pads that will complement for tooth brushing, if not regularly done. Such pads would cleanse your dogs teeth by means of enzymes incorporated on their surface, which are effective in removing stuck-up /
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Ear Care. We often overlook the ears of our dog, however this practice might lead to wax and dirt build-up that can cause infection and inflammation. Regular ear care will help remove ear debris and drying the ear canal. Thus, prevention of some major conditions that might as well cause us to give especial attention to those /
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Ear care also entails the extermination of ear mites that typically reside in the inner ear of our dogs. br /
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Nutritional Supplements. Dog foods are often lacking in nutrients essential for the optimum development and growth of our pets. Thus, it is very vital to supplement them with vitamins and nutrients to prevent deficiencies that might cause serious dog health complications. This is especially true for older dogs who no longer has the appetite to eat heartily. br /
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Those dogs that work hard during the entire day also need supplements. And also for those that have recently undergone surgery and sickness. br /
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Irritated and Sored Skin. Not only humans get skin irritations and allergies. Some dogs have extra sensitive skins that make them susceptible for bacterial and fungus attack which in turn may lead to wounds, scabs and skin diseases. br /
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Hot Spots. These are characterized by skin areas, which are moist and inflamed. These are typically due to irritation from fleabites, substance irritation or allergies. These spots are usually extremely itchy which cause dogs to scratch and lick on them. Thus, the aggravation of the condition that can lead to serious /
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The most vital step in healing hot spots is to reduce the frequency of scratching. Afterwhich, spraying of skin relief products may prove beneficial n stopping the pain and itchiness. br /
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If your dog display symptoms of conditions as listed here, it is wise to consult a vet immediately. He may provide you with some guidelines, which will aid greatly in preserving your pets health. It is also likely that he will prescribe you with some medications that will ease the symptoms that your dog /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankdog biscuit recipes/a and a href= target=_blankhomemade dog biscuits/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Find out practical advice in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – go through this webpage. The times have come when concise info is really within your reach, use this opportunity.
Dog Collars »
My wife and I were brought up in families with dogs. In her case, Corgis with the unfortunate name of Haggis. In my case, Welsh Terriers with the more prosaic name of Taffy. When we married we still wanted dogs, but what sort? The first was a mongrel named Lemon Curd. The second a Dalmatian named Miffy. br /
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By now we had moved to a house in 8 acres and had 3 young children. We had chickens, ducks and goats and hit on the idea of breeding Airedales. As much as anything to give our children an insight into natures cycle of life. Our aim was not to make money but to have /
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My wife bought Troubadour a young male from one breeder and Misty, a young bitch, from another. Both were the offspring of Champions with no evidence of in-breeding. We set about training them, going for walks, playing with them and generally having a great time. My wife had read that it was best not to breed in the first season as this gave the bitch time to develop and mature. So as the second season approached we began our preparations. br /
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After the pair had mated I built a large pen with foot high sides in the utility room. This was to keep the puppies contained but allow Misty to get in and out at will. Lots of newspaper was laid as bedding and we awaited events. The births were all straight forward and Misty had presented us with nine jet-black puppies. We were all excited, especially the children. All the puppies thrived, the Vet came to inoculate and dock them all and before we knew it they were ready to be weaned. Also they were developing their different characters and their coats started to turn brown. Organising the feeding of nine puppies was a challenge and we have many photographs. One very funny one is of a line of nine puppies all with heads down in their bowls and tails in the /
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At about six weeks Misty had had enough and we put them up for sale from 8 weeks. People came to view and that was interesting too. Pretty well all wanted to buy and by 10 weeks they were all gone. We were tired, relieved and also sad. The 8 weeks had simply flown /
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Trouby sired and Misty bore us another two litters with a seasons rest between each. Each litter was of 9 puppies in each. The cycle of events was the same each time and we thought we were becoming experts in the field. Unfortunately Misty was then hit by a car and killed. We did not have the heart to buy another bitch and Trouby enjoyed a long and peaceful widower hood. When he eventually died of old age, the house seemed very /
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Imagine my surprise when six months later my wife said she had been very naughty and presented me with two young puppies. She named them after two favourite maiden aunts, Bess and Nell and 12 years later, we still have /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankmaltese training/a and a href= target=_blankdog biscuit recipes/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Read helpful information about the topic of a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – please make sure to read the publication. The time has come when proper information is really within one click, use this possibility.
Dog Collars »
When a pet dog refuses to eat, the problem is either physical or psychological. When a pet dog refuses to eat, his owner pleads with him and tries to tempt him with food fed by hand. If the dog is sufficiently neglected and bored he may try this to get attention. An intelligent owner will counter this common canine play by giving his dog companionship by playing with him and taking him for a daily /
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How can you handle the problem of a dog that refuses to eat not because he is neglected, but spoiled? Simply remove his food bowl after half an hour, and present it again only at the next meal time. Spoiled dogs are often obese too, so it will do no harm to skip one meal. Please do not serve him the same food, as it may be spoiled. It never occurs to some owners that their dogs lack of appetite may be caused from unappetizing meals or just a dirty /
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Food that is unfit for humans is unfit for your dog too. Dogs also eye with suspicion any new food and they have marked individual preferences for meals that are dry or moist, finely chopped, or chunky. You can add taste appeal with a little chopped onion or garlic, or a beaten egg yolk. Most dogs love liver and bacon, which either can be mixed into their regular feed in small amounts. br /
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The most effective appetite stimulant is aroma. If you have given your dog dry food and raw meat, it may smell better if the mean is seared or the dry food is moistened. A spoonful of brewers yeast sprinkled on his meal, is another good appetite awakener. Many dogs skip their noon meal entirely during hot weather. Let your pet follow his natural instinct. Fasting is an instinctive animal remedy for minor digestive disorders, however if he refuses food for more than 24 hours, you should have your veterinarian examine him. br /
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Chronic underweight or a sudden weight loss may be due to a physical malfunction and is definitely a danger signal. A voracious appetite combined with a loss of weight is one of the symptoms of internal parasites. All of these symptoms require the attention of your veterinarian, for he alone is competent to diagnose the cause and to prescribe the treatment. br /
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A young puppy that refuses to eat should cause immediately concern. A healthy diet is vital to his future well-being, and since his tiny stomach holds very little at a time, a missed meal is nourishment lost forever. Before you alert the vet or your puppys breeder, you should verify that his loss or appetite is not due to one of several easily remedied causes:br /
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– Your puppy misses his brothers and sisters or mother. (Try keeping him company and you may try hand feeding him for a while, but do not make a habit of it, especially with toy breeds.)br /
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– His feeding times do not coincide with his hunger. (Adjust your schedule to suit his appetite.)br /
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– He is too nervous to eat. (Avoid the excitement of play and visitors, just before nd after his meal times.)br /
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– His food is too tough or chunky for his baby teeth to handle. (Chop it finely, or soften it by soaking. Teething puppies often go off their feed and need a softer diet during this period.)br /
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– He has problems with his food dish. (Young puppies eat most easily from a flat dish, like a pie plate. Later on, long nosed breeds should be given a deeper dish. For long eared breeds, there are special deep tapered bowls which prevent their ears from dragging in their food.)br /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankpuppy training biting/a and a href= target=_blankstop dog from barking/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Access important information about the topic of a href= target=_blankhouse training dogs/a – please study the page. The times have come when proper info is really at your fingertips, use this opportunity.
Dog Collars »
Every dog owner is crazy about their canine however training them could be a actual hassle for various folks. There are several possibilities for this such as the dog taxing the will of the owner and besides the owner simply not being stern sufficiently. If you have tried the habitual rewarding respectable behaviour method only to uncover you are creating not much progress, then searching for other means like the electrically-powered shock collar possibly will be a way forward. These collars have been about for a few decades already although for smaller pooches these collars were simply exceedingly tough owing to the fact that there wasnt an modification for shock levels. Pros in the pooch training market made use of these collars to train hunting dogs yet now there are electric shock collars that are a great deal perfect designed for the family dog. When paying money for an electrically-powered dog training collar you will become aware of that there are two main forms, theres a bark collar and then theres a beeper /
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As you may possibly have thought, the bark collar is purposely formed to train your canine to impede barking. It does this by emitting an electric shock when your pooch barks. With any luck shortly, your pooch will understand to finish this bad behaviour. The positive thing concerning this sort of collar is that training your pooch can transpire day or night and if youre out at your job then the collar will keep on working when your animal is at your home. Countless canine owners discover that their canine has been barking throughout the day when no one is home and this can make your neighbors in actuality cross. If you would like to keep your neighbors content then obtaining this class of collar is very much suitable. The collar trains your dog when you /
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The hindrance with training a dog is that your animal is unable to comprehend what you are saying. So you is unable to merely go home and say to your pet that its been incredibly wayward for barking all day and that the neighbors have been bad tempered. As sharp dogs are, we are unable to speak with them that well. These electric shock collars are pretty economical and there isnt anything difficult about them. There is a microphone which senses when your animal barks and this then ensures the electric shock to be /
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Beeper collars in contrast are operated by you utilizing a remote transmitter. These are much more expensive to buy and are rather involved in contrast. In place of a simple unit there is a radio transmitter and a radio receiver fixed to the dogs collar. The advantage of this mode of training collar is that it are able to deal with more than only barking. There may be other sorts of bad behaviour that you need to get out of your dog such as digging holes in your turf or jumping up on people. In saying that with these conditions, you would need to have the transmitter to hand so that you can operate /
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No matter what sorts of electric shock collar you obtain its essential that you guarantee that the setting levels arent excessive. The reason of the collar is simply to make your canine unnerving; you dont in point of fact desire to cause any real ache. Only utilize the least amount of shock that you are able to. br /
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If you are a dog owner and would like to pay money for other dog goods for instance a href= target=_blanklow cost electronic training dog collars/a plus a href= target=_blankextra small wire crate/a you can do so straightforwardly on the /
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Grab practical information in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – your own guide.