Articles in the Grooming Supplies Category
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Golden retrievers are one of the most popular breeds of dogs today. Youve probably seen them in the park joyfully fetching a tennis ball. But what do you really know about this dog?br /
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The Golden Retriever was developed during the 1800s in Britain. The breeder, Lord Tweedmouth, wanted a dog that was loyal, kind, spirited, and energetic. He also wanted a dog with a love for water and the ability to retrieve. Golden Retrievers are the embodiment of beauty and /
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Categorized as a sporting dog, the typical Golden Retriever male weighs between 65-75 lbs. and the female slightly smaller at 55-65 lbs. As adults Golden males stand 23-24 inches and females stand 21.5-22.5 inches. Goldens coats are various shades of /
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The Golden Retriever has a water repellent and weather resistant double coat. The firm, resilient outer coat can be wavy or straight. The tail and legs are feathered with longer hair while the under coat is dense and soft in texture. The coat color varies in shades of cream to gold and is rich and lustrous. The Golden is a heavy /
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The Golden Retriever is a large, and energetic breed making them the worlds foremost family pet and companion. They are sturdy, well proportioned, and are well known for their hunting capabilities on land and in the water. The Golden is a perceptive and agile breed that trains /
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Golden Retrievers are loveable, polite, and highly intelligent. They are sweet, eager to please, and devoted family companions who are always gentle and patient with children. They exude charm and confidence however they do not do well if left alone for extended periods of time and may become mischievous and destructive. They have a tendency to be overly exuberant and easily distracted. They are friendly with other pets. In fact, they are friendly with everyone. They tend to bark as a form of greeting. The Golden Retriever is not well suited for a two career family as they require an inordinate amount of human interaction and /
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The Golden Retriever is one of the easiest breeds to train. They excel in obedience and are popular therapy and service dogs. They have many talents including competitive obedience, narcotic detection, agility, and performing /
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Caring for a Golden Retriever can be time consuming. The heavy coat of Golden Retrievers requires daily and thorough brushing with a firm bristle brush. They should be dry shampooed regularly, and bathed only when absolutely necessary with a mild shampoo to keep from drying out their skin. Also, they are prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, and skin allergies so regular veternarian check-ups are essential. They do have a tendency to gain weight so it is important not to over feed the Golden Retriever. br /
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Goldens will do okay in an apartment dwelling provided they are sufficiently exercised. The Golden Retriever requires daily exercise and they enjoy play sessions with their family, retrieving balls and other toys. Golden Retrievers are moderately active indoors and do best with a medium to large sized securely fenced /
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Golden Retriever puppies should be purchased from reputable Golden Retriever breeders who should be able to provide documentation from the American Kennel Club or similar registry organization. Ideally, you should be able to view the parents. An alternative to purchasing a puppy is to adopt a Golden Retriever from a Golden Retriever rescue or other rescue organization like the Humane /
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Now you know everything you ever wanted to know about Golden Retrievers. Remember that like any pet, owning a Golden Retriever is a long-term, significant /
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Dog Food for the Older Dogbr /
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What changes do you need to make to your dog feeding regime as your dog gets older?br /
The changes you make to your dog feeding regime, and when you make them will vary depending on the age of your dog, and the breed of your /
It is considered that the larger and giant breeds of dog age earlier than the smaller and toy breeds of /
Your objective in managing the nutrition of the older dog is to enhance his quality of life, delay further ageing changes, and to extend his life whilst maintaining his optimal /
You are also trying to slow down the onset of disease and improve immune /
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Older dogs will generally be less active than younger dogs so as a rule will require a less energy dense dog food, unless of course the dogs appetite is reduced for some reason. br /
Continuing to feed a dog the same amount of food with less exercise will inevitably result in obesity, a problem all too common in many dogs /
In the old dog obesity can be a bigger problem than in the young dog as there may also be concurrent arthritis and organ problems which will be made /
A keen eye is needed to assess the energy needs of your dog as it ages, so be aware and switch brands if your dogs weight shows marked changes as it /
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For the older dog a good quality animal protein based on meat, fish eggs, milk or cheese is better than cereal /
A balance needs to be struck between providing too much protein which may be a problem for dogs with renal failure (a common problem in older dogs), and providing too /
As ageing dogs tend to have less muscle and bone they will have less of a tissue protein reserve and need a certain level of protein in their diet to avoid a negative nitrogen /
Your veterinarian is the best person to monitor your ageing dogs renal function and advise the appropriate level of protein in his /
When your dogs protein intake is low due to inappetance, this can be increased by heating the food to increase palatability and release more aromas, and by feeding smaller more frequent meals and by supplementing with /
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Carbohydrates are mainly provided by cereals and legumes in the diet, and these are a cheap source of /
Care should be taken with the sugar content of some of these foodsbr /
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Fats are essential in the diet to provide a vehicle for fat soluble vitamins, and are essential for the health of old /
However too much may result in obesity, so again moderation is the /
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Fibre has a role too in the elderly dog as many are predisposed to /
Adding fibre in the form of wheat bran or cooked vegetables two or three times a week will help to keep your elderly dog regular!br /
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Most dog foods will have more than adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus for the older /
There may be a case for reduced levels of phosphorus and salt in the /
Some supplementation of zinc and vitamins may be helpful in the older dog, particularly the vitamin B /
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The main food types for the older dog are – dry, semi-moist or /
Diet changes should be made slowly to prevent tummy upsets and /
Be sure to have plenty of water available for your dog, particularly if fed a dried food, and also if kidney and liver disease is a /
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Reduced appetite in older dogs may be helped by feeding them 2 or more times per day with smaller portions so that they get their full daily /
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There are many commercial senior dog food diets now available. br /
It will pay you to thoroughly examine the different types to increase the life span and vitality of your older /
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Every dog owner must eventually deal with some unwanted behaviors on the part of their four legged companions. Some of the most frequently encountered training problems with puppies and dogs alike are jumping on people and performing those amazing feats of escape. br /
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Jumping up on people br /
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Jumping up on people can be a cute trick for puppies, but it quickly becomes a problem behavior as the dog gets older, larger and heavier. A very heavy dog can easily knock a child or even a small adult of his or her feet, so jumping on people can be a dangerous problem as well as an annoying one. br /
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The reason puppies and older dogs jump on people is obvious – they are excited and happy to see them. Many people are reluctant to discourage this exuberant behavior, but it is important to redirect that happiness and energy in other ways. Many well meaning owners, family members and friends inadvertently encourage this jumping up behavior by picking the puppy up, kissing it or otherwise providing encouragement. br /
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This type of inconsistency is anathema to proper dog training, and in order for the dog to be trained not to jump, every member of the family must recognize and accept the importance of the training. If one member of the family allows the dog to jump up while other family members do not, the dog will understandably become confused and frustrated. The training must be firm, kind and consistent in order to be effective. br /
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One way to redirect the dog’s happiness and excited ness from jumping is to teach him to lift his paw when greeting you. This “shaking hands” posture is an acceptable way for the dog to show his happiness and his respect. Many people even teach their dogs to do simple tricks, like rolling over, instead of jumping on people. br /
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Escaping and roaming the neighborhood br /
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A responsible dog owner would never dream of allowing his or her dog to roam the neighborhood freely. Allowing a dog to roam on its own is irresponsible, dangerous (to the dog and the neighborhood), and probably even illegal. Most towns have ordinances which prohibit dogs from being allowed to roam around free, so you could be in legal trouble if your dog is found wandering the neighborhood unattended. br /
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Of course sometimes that wandering dog is not the owner’s idea, and many dogs perform amazing feats of escape when left on their own. The temptations for unattended dogs are many, including passing bicycles, joggers, children, cats and other dogs. It is much easier to prevent escapes than to recapture a loose dog, so let’s talk about some preventative measures every dog owner can take. br /
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Removing the motivation to escape is a big part of the solution. A bored dog is much more likely to spend his day plotting the great escape. A dog that is surrounded by everything he or she needs, like lots of toys, a soft bed, and plenty of fresh clean, water, is more likely to spend his or her day contentedly sleeping or playing with toys until the owner returns. br /
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In addition, a dog with lots of pent up, unused energy is likely to try to escape. Try incorporating several vigorous play sessions with your dog into your daily routine. Make one of those play sessions right before you leave. If your dog has a chance to work of his or her energy, chances are he or she will sleep or relax much of the day. br /
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Of course dealing with the dog is only half the problem. It is also important to make the property as escape proof as possible, through proper fencing and other measures. For dogs that dig, it may be necessary to extend the fence underground by placing metal stakes in the ground every few feet. For dogs that jump, it may be necessary to make the fence higher. And if none of these measures work, it may be necessary to confine the dog to the house when you are not at /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankstop dog from barking/a and a href= target=_blankdog training biting/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Grooming Supplies »
Despite what it seems to be from a distance, dog training doesnt need you to be a fearless Hercules, all it asks of you is to keep a few basics in mind. First, establish who the boss is, remind your dog again and again that you are the one on two feet while he is still on all fours, and thus what you say is Gospel and what he barks is not. Second, speak in a tone which oozes superiority, something on the lines of your first grade math teacher. Third, routine is everything so keep your training tactics consistent. Once you master these three techniques you will be the master of every single dog around! br /
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Your heart might melt into a mush every time your cute little pup cocks his head, but dont let that get in the way of your establishing who the master is. Go gooey eyed too frequently and you are likely to pay with your carpets and sandals, which it will most merrily chew through. Treat your pup the way you would treat a little kid, setting it strict boundaries and letting it know what goes and what most definitely doesnt. Establish gestures like pointing etc. which will give the dog a cue to act in a certain way. br /
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You might not think it possible but dogs, like your kids, can tell when you mean business, slacken up a bit with them and theyll know you can be taken for a ride. Interestingly enough they also have this instinct for intonation; be strict when you want him to stay put at the yard, but be enthusiastic when you are asking him if he would like to go for a walk. Its funny how youll see your own mood reflected in his responses. This is the primary step for you to establish the kind of communication with your dog which will allow you to calm him or set him up for work with a single word. br /
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One of the main methods of training your dog is to keep a certain consistency in your approach towards him. Keep your intonations, gestures and words for expressing dissatisfaction the same every time, so that he gets used to the idea easily. A young pup who grows up with a certain set of commands will respond to them more promptly than one who is frequently confused by conflicting orders. The more consistent your commands are, the better trained your dog is, the better trained your dog is the greater your confidence in him regarding his obedience to you. A few other ways of establishing consistency are to use the same door when taking your doggie out for a walk, give him the same kind of pat every night before retiring for the day, so that he knows exactly what time it is. br /
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Little things like these will help you predict your dogs behavior more accurately. Most importantly, however, remember to shower your love and affection on the little one, continue your training through little games which he might enjoy, and remember to treat him every time he does a task well, after all like a child it too needs to be appreciated and given its bit of /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankdog biscuit recipes/a and a href= target=_blankhomemade dog biscuits/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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New line of eco-friendly dog care products gets rave reviews by Doggie Aficionado, moderndog, Dog Living Magazine, City Dog and other dog publications across the US.
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