Articles in the Dog Supplies Category
Dog Food »
Many dog food storage kits emphasize calories and ignore proper nutrition
There are many different opinions about freeze dried dog foods and what is more important in an emergency: calories or nutritional value. The best choice is making sure you consider both in your food storage plan. Many dog food storage kits emphasize calories and ignore proper nutrition to sustain life over extended periods. Empty calories that come from sugars should be kept to a minimum. A great many of these products give you mostly powdered fruit drinks, potatoes and other sugars. Just like in your daily diet, you should have a balanced food storage diet that includes: vegetables, fruits, protein and carbohydrates. Make sure you know how to use your food storage. A bucket of wheat might make you feel good, but if you don’t know how to use it, it most likely will not be used.
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Nutrition is the science of dog foods and the nutrients they contain
Nutrition includes the study of the actions of the nutrients within the body, including ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism and excretion. The seven major types of nutrients are: water, vitamins, protein, minerals, fiber, fats, and carbohydrates. Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins provide energy but minerals, fiber, vitamins, and water do not. However they are vital for other reasons that promote health.
A calorie is a unit of energy that, when applied to dog food, gives us an indication of the potential energy that food possesses. 1 gram of fat = 9 calories and 1 gram of protein = 4 calories. The amount of calories an individual needs to stay healthy changes according to weight, gender, age, genes, and activity level.
The types of dog food storage that would be best to sustain one’s self or family in an emergency situation, even though having been stored for an extended period of time, should provide the highest amount nutrients possible. The amount of fuel provided is important, but if the bulk of the calories lack protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables you’re just taking in empty calories which are not easily digested and don’t provide your body with nutrients. Another thing to keep in mind is in most emergency situations the quality of sanitation decreases dramatically. In addition to this, if a person is dealing with extra activity, high stress, and less sleep they will need nutritious meals to provide their bodies with the health and energy needed to overcome and continue through the circumstances they face.
Basically, for food storage as well as a regular everyday diet, the emphasis should not be based on the quantity of dog food consumed, but on the quality. You should store nutritious, quality meals. You can always add extra calories if needed. An inexpensive way to do that is by adding high calorie emergency food bars. They are compact, lightweight, require no cooking and are easy to use and eat. They are designed for high intensity, survival situations and are non-thirst provoking. You may want to consider adding a few of these food bars to your food storage if you feel more calories are necessary.
Dog Food »
Safe healthy and natural dog food
The best dog chow solutions I found solved the dog food dangers that made the news. The ones where dogs were dying from unsafe commercial dog chow. It seems the rendering of dead animals for dog food was not getting rid of the product or disease that originally killed them, so it was ending up in the food.
The solution I was looking for would have to not only create a better safe dog food, but also be a healthy and natural dog food. To do this I started going around the internet and finding bits and parts of what would be great. The idea of discovering something that would do it all seemed to be more like a cure all snake oil thing and that would not help anyone.
Then I started to see a pattern of things that would work if you could get the information all in one package. The idea of homemade dog chow kept returning in different articles and the benefits were very clear – the wheels were churning. I was still looking but the answer seemed to be all in their diet and exercise. If there was truth in what they were saying, the homemade natural food could prolong life by up to seven years and even make them smarter. It could reduce weight problems and solve the finicky eating that shows up in some breeds so often. The diet could solve skin problems and kidney stones and greatly reduce pricey veterinary visits. I found an article about all of this and more it covered all aspects of feeding your dogs and keeping them healthy, it was like it was written for me and it had more information than I had found so far. This was more and more like the solution I was looking for. It proved to be the best dog chow information.
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I am very excited about this product because so many people have been needing this for so long. Reason one – our dogs deserve it. There is no better feeling than having a happy, healthy dog to be proud of.
There are so many dog food dangers with using processed, commercial food. Wouldn’t it be great to know what healthy ingredients should be in your puppy food and be able to feel that you are giving your dogs the best and healthiest food?
Well, when I thought about it, it reminded me of the time we lost a batch of puppies to a food related problem. Back then I would have given anything to have a product like this one. I still think about those puppies whenever I see a spaniel.
The other part of this product is it has a free forum for pet owners to ask any questions or just socialize with like minded people. I am finding that forums are one of the best online resources. Its like having a twenty-four seven help line or having a classroom you can enter at will.
All puppy owners have questions at times, as they can be a real test of your love of dogs at times. The good thing is talking to others or just to help us remember how to treat problems. I am finding as I get older I tend to forget some important things I learned years ago, like using a old clock to help a puppy get to sleep because it is like a heartbeat.
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Dog Food »
Choose a healthy food for your dog
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This article will give you information on how to choose a healthy food for your dog. With the recent events surrounding the tainted dog food found in the grocery stores, more and more people are becoming concerned about the food they feed their dog. Dogs are similar to humans in the fact that the healthier they eat the better they will feel. Feeding your dog a healthy diet can also fix behavioral problems that your dog may be having.
There are basically three levels of dog food on the market
The first is the grocery store foods. These dog foods contain low quality, indigestible ingredients. These dog foods are the equivalent of junk food for dogs. They may be easy on the pocketbook, but they are not a healthy choice for your beloved pet.
The next level is the premium foods. These are still found in grocery stores and can be found in veterinarians offices. They are just a small step above the grocery store foods. They may contain a little higher quality of ingredients, but for the most part still contain a lot of artificial flavorings and fillers. However, they are a lot more expensive that the grocery store dog food.
The last level is the healthy dog found that can be found online or purchased straight from the manufacturer. These are formulated with real fruits and vegetables and whole grains and rice. They will also contain real meat as a protein source. The healthy dog foods should not contain artificial colors or other artificial ingredients. These foods are designed to give your dog a fulls day supply of vitamins and mineral in their natural form. You should expect to pay more for these foods due to the nature of the ingredients. The good news is that you will not need to feed your dog as much because the healthy foods are more nutrient-dense than other types of dog food.
If you really want to know what goes into to your dogs food, then consider making your own. There are plenty of healthy, dog food recipes online that you can get for free. Check with your vet for the best foods for your type of dog. Use only natural ingredients and introduce your dog to new dishes one at a time. Your dog may not be able to tolerate certain foods so its best to test each one separately.
Your dog is a very important member of your family. He depends on you for all of his nutritional needs. It is your job to make sure that he is given a healthy, well-balanced diet. You wouldn’t feed your children something that would harm them, so why feed it to your dog? Do your research and find the best dog health food for your dog.
Dog Shoes »
Dogs need shoes
Why do dogs need dog boot? Just similar to us, dogs need shoes not only for fashion. Shoes are intended to shelter our feet, so dogs must receive the same treatment too.
The grounds can harm dog paws. The woodlands for instance, this area frequently contains shattered brushwood and spines that can wound the soft paws of dogs. Thus, they act like dogs of shoes and a protecting layer is best to have it put on to stay away from any cuts or bleeding.
All through the summer, the ground is hot and it can easily damage your dogs pads. Reduce the amount of time on the hot concrete or put shoes on dogs to avoid scalding. Boots are not just for winter, there are also reflective boots and light boots that can be used in the summer as well. The reflective boots are great for walking at night to have shield from car traffic.
Ash / salt is regularly used in many areas throughout the winter. Your dog can easily sustain injuries due to ash and salt often causes dogs to crack that foot is very painful. Therefore, it is wise to put on the shoes.
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It is needed to get at least one pair of shoes dog specially during the winter. You do not want to see cracks in the feet of your dogs, right?
An additional key factor to keep in mind while choosing shoes for your dog is to get dog shoes that does not have a soft pad. Surface of the pad be supposed to be slightly rough to prevent slippage of the dog.
Proper cleanliness should not be abandoned. Dog shoes should be washed to prevent bacteria increase. Bear in mind to do the weekly maintenance of your dog with the leg, including the use of dogs shoes. Check for cracks, bruises or cuts on their legs and make appropriate handling or consult your veterinarian.
On choosing the correct size dog shoes, a good rule of thumb is to pick out one size smaller than a clothing size. Or you can do some measuring; all you need is a good measuring tape or ruler. Take your dogs paw and start the measuring tape or ruler right under the nails at one end of the paw and measure down the base of the paw. If, for example, your dogs foot is 1 ½ inches long, he would be a size XS shoe according to most booties sizing charts. Remember not to take in the toenails unless they are exceptionally long, and if they’re really long you should trim them. That’s all you need to do to obtain the right size of shoes for your dog.
One thing I would advise is not to leave boots on a dogs feet all the time. This is particularly true for puppies as they need to have time to be dogs and let their normal calluses develop. Just be sure that wherever they’re walking is clean and safe.
Dog Flea Medication »

Getting Rid of Fleas If you find yourself with a flea problem, you’ll probably need to try a couple of different flea control methods before you get rid of all of the fleas on your dog and in your home. Its up to you to choose which treatment you think is best for your dog, you, and your home. Treatments may include using flea collars, flea combs, flea dips, flea powders, flea exterminators, and other flea control methods.
Dog Supplies »

Cool dog furniture collections
After years of owning dogs, one thing that has always drove me crazy were having dog crates, dog pillows or kennels in my house. I understand we need them, but they just do not fit into my decor and many owners try to hide them, which puts our beloved dogs out of sight.
I was surfing today for a really cool crate/bed of some sort for my dog that was super house friendly and could meet my demand for trendy dog approved furniture. I was excited to come across a collection of furniture designed for people who are just like me! The BowHaus, TownHaus and ZenHaus collectiosn of pet furniture is targeted towards the pet owner who wants cool furniture that can double as a home for pets.
The DenHaus dog furniture collections appeal to dogs’ natural instincts for a sanctuary of their own and the pet owner’s desire for functional style. DenHaus designs furniture to help pet owners create personal space in their home for their pet that also works for their style. The DenHaus dog furniture set consists of the ZenHaus collection, a suite of sleek, sophisticated, oval Dens and the TownHaus collection, a set of wooden Dens crafted in a classic, timeless style.
All DenHaus Dens are distinguished by unique design, quality craftsmanship, and superb comfort. The DenHaus mission is to help pets and the people who love them live happily together.
This is exactly what I have needed for years and I am excited I found these pet furniture makers! With prices starting at $399, the furniture is no more expensive than quality regular furniture!
Dog Supplies, Headline »

Great ideas for dog gifts
I love the holidays and I think my dogs love Christmas as much as I do! Perhaps even as much as our children, as when their dog stockings are hung you will often find my dogs sniffing their stockings hoping I just may have filled them already! Each year we fill stockings for the dogs with bones and toys and even give them a few gifts.
Looking for Christmas dog gifts is so much fun! I was looking for some great ideas for gifts for a dog this past week and found some really fun stuff any dog would love! Here are my top 5 picks for dog Christmas!
Dog Food, Headline »

Dog food has been recalled! Mars Petcare US announced a voluntary recall of all dry pet food products produced at its plant in Everson, Pa. between Feb. 18 and July 29, citing potential contamination with salmonella.
The possible contaminated pet food are under the brand names include some items under the names Country Acres, Retriever, Doggy Bag, Members Mark, Natural, Ol’ Roy, Special Kitty, Paws & Claws, Pedigree, Wegman’s, Pet Pride, PMI Nutrition and Red Flannel.
Dog Food, Natural Dog Care »

ORIJEN dog food is my favorite all natural dog food! ORIJEN dog food is high-protein, low-carbohydrate and grain-free with a Biologically Appropriate ratio of 70 percent meat, 30 percent fruit and vegetables and zero grain. ORIJEN’s high-protein formulas eliminate the need for grains (which are inexpensive but inappropriate energy sources), and as high-protein diets are naturally more satiating, dogs naturally consume less ORIJEN than they would any other commercial pet food.
Dog Supplies, Headline »

With Halloween right around the corner I thought it would be fun to take a peek at this years doggie costumes! I always enjoy dressing my dogs up for Halloween and my dogs seem to enjoy the costumes. Halloween costumes for pets are just as popular as costumes for kids and come in just as many options!
Here are a few cute Halloween dog costumes that are trendy and hip for any dog.