Articles in the Dog Tips Category
Dog Tips, English Mastiff »

Care for your English Mastiff the practical way. Do you own an English Mastiff and you’re proud of it? If you have and if you’re proud, then, you are very lucky for you have come across a blog that spend its time in sharing some personal overview & understanding on how to handle this kind of mutt, so to speak. All over the Internet, there are lots of English Mastiff dogs information that you can find and there are even some domain that offer free tips on the proper way to care for, train or handle an English Mastiff and this blog can share a personal point of view in taking care of these lovely dogs and these breeds didn’t sail all the way from across the seas just to be ignored. This little Mastiff puppies guide can help you be aware of what kind of dog you have right there sleeping soundly in your living room carpet.
Dog Tips Videos »
This time we would like to share with you the info about how to train your dog to stand and stay which can in certain situations be more convenient than sit and stay. For detailed explanation on how to do that please watch the video:
Dog Tips Videos »
Today you will see how to train your dog to rollover. This is not a basic necessity for a dog, but if you’ve been dreaming to learn this with your pet – here it comes:
Dog Tips Videos »
We can say that among the dog training tips some are crucial in terms of “functionality”, others are not. But this does not mean that non-functional skills are not important.
Let’s take the example of teaching your dog to shake. Yes, this is not that important as training a dog to walk with you, to heel or not to pay attention to distractions. But shaking helps to establish a better contact between a dog and a human. Perhaps, dogs do not understand what stands behind shaking in human language, but they feel emotions very nice.
Those who decided to train their dog to shake – this is how you do it.
Dog Tips Videos »
When you have a yard – we are talking about private property – your dog should know that leaving a yard is not allowed.
When you have a fence or any natural, nicely visible boundary – this is easier, but what if you simply have the end of grass and then the road?
Well, there is a way to work around it and train your dog not stay on “base” – watch how you can do that.
Dog Tips Videos »
Training your dog to stay off beds. This is one of the things that every dog owner – whether the dog lives outdoors on indoors – have faced and, quite often, failed to work around.
This is about patience and knowledge, and we can help in the part of this success formula – knowledge.
Please watch this educational video with simple tips of handling this situation.
Dog Tips »

Here are some tips you can use to keep your Airedale terrier pet dog well-behaved: 1) Cant teach an old dog – You have to start training your Airedale terrier pet dog as early as possible. This is because of the fact that the earlier an Airedale terrier pet dog learns a trick, the faster they will be able to learn it. This doesn’t just apply to tricks. It also applies to general behavior.
Dog Tips Videos »

Best dog proper care educational videos Taking care of our dogs is not only our obligation; it is also our way of showing them that we love and care for them. Taking care of your dog does not mean just giving them their meals everyday. Dogs have emotions too and they need to be noticed, played with and trained. They need to know that their owners care for them.
Dog Tips, Dogs »
Regulate dog kennel temperature
There are several things you can do to help regulate the temperature inside your dog kennel, no matter what season it is.
Kennel Placement
One of the first things to consider is your dog houses location in the yard. You don’t want your dog house to get too hot in the mid-day sun as that can make your dog too hot. If your dog pen is going to be located in a permanent spot you will need to make sure that the afternoon sun does not beat down on the roof top so place it where it gets shade in the afternoon or at the time when the sun is the hottest.
If you reside in a cold area, or where you get a lot of rain or snow, make sure that your dog house is positioned so that the cold rain or snow cant get into the kennel. This may mean that the entrance of the dog house needs to face away from the direction most of the wind or rain comes from. You can also have the entrance face a fence or a wall, though make sure you leave plenty of space between the pen door and the fence to get around easily. While it may not be the most scenic to see the side or the back of the dog house, rather than the front, it is more important to shelter your dog from temperature extremes.
Some people find it is simplest to purchase a portable pen that they are able to shift around. This can change location depending on what the weather is like each day, or even be moved around with seasonal changes in temperature. Perhaps in the winter you would prefer your kennel to get lots of sunshine, so that it can be warmed up, but in summer you would like to reposition it in a cooler location. You can simply do that if your pen is portable.
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Painting Your Dog Pen
A very simple trick is to paint your dog kennel according to whether you want to absorb heat, or reflect it. If you live in a colder climate, you might want to paint your dog kennel a dark color so that the heat rays are absorbed into the wood or material and thus heat up the pen. Or you can use dark stained wood on the outside. This will very effectively warm up the dog house whenever the sun is shining. If you want to keep the kennel cool then you would be better off painting it with a white or light colored paint that would deflect the suns rays, thus keeping the temperature inside the dog house down.
Flooring also makes a difference
The type of flooring your dog kennel and run has can make a tremendous of difference also in how warm, or how cool your dog remains when in his dog house. An elevated floor, up off the cold ground, especially one made of wood can help keep the kennel warm and cosy. Concrete flooring can get very cold in the winter too, so be careful about laying cement flooring if you live in a cold area. If you do have to lay cement, make sure to supply your pet dog with some comfortable warm mats to rest on so that he can stay warm throughout the cold winter months.
Dog Tips, Dog Training »
Dog training is a science and theories have been written
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Did you know that dog training is a science? Dog training has created a series of studies around the world with the purpose of deepening mans understanding of dogs and increasing the relationship between man and dog.
Dogs in the course of training have been studied and countless theories have been written on them. The learning theory of dog training is a theory that has been propounded based on the messages that a handler sends out to a dog. The learning theory incorporates four necessary messages that constitute the bulk of the training session:
Messages that a handler sends out to a dog
– Release marker: A release marker is also known as a gift marker and is mainly a message that the handler sends out to a dog to let it know that it has flaunted the desirable deeds and has carried a gift. The release marker is almost instantly followed by a present for the dog, which may be a treat, or something the dog particularly likes.
– Keep going signal: This message is handed to the dog while it is in the process of demonstrating a requisite behavior. Mainly, the keep going signal tells a dog that if it keeps up its action, it will get a present. Words such as come on or good commune this to the dog.
– No present marker: The no souvenir marker is used to let a dog know that it has not showed the apposite conduct and will probably have to commence again. Words such as uh-oh or try again are used to express this message.
– Punishment marker: The punishment marker is used to let the dog know that it has not behaved well at all and will receive punishment. A dog knows that it has erred when it receives this message. Words such as no or off are used to put across this.
These four markers are regularly used by dog trainers to tune their dogs into what they want them to do.