Articles in the Basic Dog Commands Category
Basic Dog Commands, Dog Training »
The five essential commands in dog-training
Every time I read a dog training book these days, it seems like I learn something new or find out a new strategy, command, tool, toy, schedule, piece of advice, etc, etc, etc… When I first started researching dog training techniques and found the incredibly huge wealth of information out there regarding dog training, I got a bit nervous. Would I really have to read all that stuff and figure out how to interpret all that mambo-jumbo before I was able to successfully train my dogs?
And it wasn’t just the amount of information available on dog training that was the problem. It seems like every single dog trainer out there has opposing ideas, techniques, and philosophies about dog training. Literally every book, website, and brochure I read would say something to contradict the one before.
Needless to say, I had very little success with my dog training at first because I was always adjusting my strategies, and was not consistent. Perhaps you are currently (or have recently been) in the same situation.
After three long years of this with my two dogs, I finally decided to look once and for all for an answer. I was tired of poring over dog books and reading every “latest and greatest” training theory. I decided to contact someone who I knew would be able to give me a straight and real answer – something that actually works.
So, I talked to a professional dog trainer named Paula who hass been working with dogs for over twenty-five years. I knew that if anybody could help me, it would be her, since she has to have been doing something right this whole time!
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The Formula
What I learned from her was really amazing to me, and it really lifted a big weight off my shoulders. I have always considered dog training to be a mysterious, difficult process and until I spoke with my life-saver friend Paula, I thought that while I might be capable of training my pups to do simple things like “sit”, I would never be able to train them to the level that the pros do. But when I spoke to Paula about my problem, she was kind enough to spell out the entire process of dog training. (And it didn’t take that long, believe me– its a lot simpler than I expected.)
Paula told me this: there are five essential “pillars” involved in dog-training. Once you’ve mastered these five pillars with your dog, you can train him to do anything and everything. I dont know about you, but hearing that I could successfully train my dog with only five commands made me feel a little bit better.
And what are those 5 commands?
This is the list of obedience pillars that Paula spelled out for me: “Sit”, “Stay”, “Down”, “Come”, and “Heel”. Once your dog knows these commands, you’ve formed the foundation on which any other training can be built.
Now if you know exactly how to accomplish this training with your dog, then you have no reason to listen to me any more and I hope you enjoyed reading this report. But if you’re not completely sure what your first step should be or how to instill these commands, you’re not alone.
To learn how to successfully train your dog to perform these commands, and how to use them to build your dogs obedience foundation in order to train him for bigger and better things, you’ll need a little guidance just like I did.
Basic Dog Commands, Dog Training »
Dog training respond to hand signals
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When you are training your dog to respond to your verbal commands, you can train him to respond to hand signals also. These can be learned in conjunction with the verbal commands and can be very usual in certain situations. There are a few common hand signals that you can teach your dog.
When you are training your dog, the very first command that you should teach him is the sit command. Teach him the verbal command first and then you can incorporate the hand signal. The hand signal for sit is to start with your right arm at your side, bend your arm at the elbow with the palm facing up. Slowly bend the arm until it is above the dogs head. Do this while giving the verbal sit command. Once he seems to have that mastered, do the motion without the verbal command. If he follows the hand signal, praise him immediately and give him a treat.
Once he has the sit command mastered you can teach him the down command. This command will have the dog lay down with head up and paws forward. This is one of the first verbal commands that has a hand signal. Once your dog learns the down command, incorporate the hand signal into the lesson. The hand signal for down is palm down, fingers together and you slowly lower your hand to the ground. Keep your dog focused on your hand signal as he obeys your verbal command. Slowly, verbalize the command in a softer and softer tone until he is able to do the command on hand signal alone.
The next hand signal that you can teach your dog is the come signal. When teaching your dog to come on command use his name first and then say Come. If he comes right away, praise him greatly and give him a treat. If he doesn’t come you may have to pull his leash toward you while saying his name and the word come. Once he has the verbal command mastered, just add the hand signal. The hand signal for come is the same as the hand signal for a person to come. Bend your right arm at the elbow and move in backward toward your left shoulder in one sweeping motion. Make sure you have your dogs undivided attention when using the hand signal.
Teaching your dog hand signals along with the verbal signals can be very usual if you need to get your dog to obey you in a crowded, noisy area. It can also be usual as your dog grows older and his hearing declines. The most important thing is to never hit or spank your dog. You do not want your dog to associate your hands with pain. Be patient with your dog and before you know it he will be obeying your every command!
Basic Dog Commands, Dog Training »
Puppy dog requires obedience training
We often think of a happy family as a family of 4 two kids, a husband, and a wife that all live happily in their single family home with a white picket fence with their dog. Well life is not that short and sweet. Even though we wish it to be…we often have to live in the reality that things are not always that perfect.
So when you get a puppy you want it to listen to you. Getting a puppy dog to listen requires obedience training.
That sounds pretty simple but many times that is not always what we get so taking your puppy to a couple of obedience classes should help right? Traditionally yes…however Dog trainers are what they are cracked up to be these days and finding a trainer that works can sometimes be a chore we don’t want to continue. In the past many dog trainers have worked hard to get their certifications. Some trainers had to work side by side with animal handlers like breeders, groomers, or even veterinarians just to become qualified. This meant hours of pain staking handling of dogs some good, and some bad but hours just the same.
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In today’s world the Dog trainers are being taught on the internet. They don’t receive the long grueling hours that their fellow trainers have in the past. So how do you know if you are getting a real hard earned trainer…hope! Just like the masses. You could ask to see their certification, ask how long they have been in this field, but it is much harder to know now then before.
What is Obedience training?
Well it is the learning of basic everyday commands dogs need to know.
They learn how to:
- Sit
- Come
- Stay
- Heel
- Down
These commands will teach a dog to listen in the event of traffic, or a guest arriving. However it should not be mistaken for full training. The dog’s attitude toward others might stay the same…so if you dog bits someone, or attacks you should be wondering whether or not the dog is good for the home.
Along with that cute, cuddly face is a lot of responsibility. As we love our dogs we should see that they are properly trained to the best of our ability. After all their safety is up to us and we owe them that much!
You may find dog obedience training helpful.