Articles in the Dog Training Books Category
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House train your dog
Paper training is a specific type of house training for your puppy. The idea is to teach your puppy where in the house is the best place to pee or poo. When paper training your dog, you teach the dog to only go on newspapers, so you can put the paper in the trash after wards.
There are different ways to house train your dog and paper train is one theory.
Crate training is based on the dogs instinct about not soiling the place where a puppy sleeps. It consists of restricting the dogs movement by putting your dog in a small indoor kennel whenever your dog cannot be supervised. Whats the difference between crate training and house training?
Paper training and crate training are entirely different. Crate training is used only to train your dog to go outside, paper training is where you teach your dog to go on newspapers.
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Its impossible to train your dog to do both at the same time. You’ll confuse your dog and it will only prolong the training.
Puppy Potty Training: Why Choose Paper Training Instead Of Crate Training
Its said that crate training is the fastest way to house train your dog, but it involves a lot of time and effort to make it work, which isn’t always an option for everybody.
Paper training is best for people who don’t have easy access to a yard, for example, if you live in an apartment, instead of a house. Or if you have a full time job, where you cannot be around all the time.
Crate training is the best for you if you are able to spend a lot of time with your puppy in the first weeks of house training and are available during the day to let her out of the crate for 2-3 hours.
Paper training only works for small male dogs, and small to medium female dogs. Larger dogs produce too much waste for a newspaper.
Pick a spot of the house for your dog to use as a potty spot. Since they are going to be making a mess on the newspaper, its best to find a spot that doesn’t have carpet. Most people use a corner in the kitchen or the laundry room. Then place think amounts of newspaper in the corner of this room. At first, make the newspaper area big, since your dog has no idea that they need to go on the paper. To make sure the dog goes on the paper, be sure to restrict the area where the dog can move around.
After awhile, you can reduce the amount of newspaper you use. Do this gradually, just a couple sheets at a time. It usually takes dogs a couple months before they get use to the paper training method.
If you catch your dog going somewhere else beside the paper, stop the dog by clapping, pick up the dog (be careful when doing so) and put the dog on the paper.
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Dog Training Books »
Essential Dog Training Tips Advicebr /
I you have ever trained a dog, you know how much of a struggle it can be. a href= target=_blankessential dog training/a can be exciting as well as challenging. Where do I begin? Ill give you a few tips to point you in the right /
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The first thing you must do with your dog is make him/her pay attention to commands. You might want to start by using a single phrase command sit, stay, etc.. Your dog needs to associate this phrase with an action. In the beginning this might be a bit difficult, so try using a dog treat. Hold the treat near the dog and use the phrase. Each time your dog pays attention, reward them. Gradually you will be able to get your dogs attention every /
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Dogs can get distracted fairly easy and have a short attention span. Taking this in mind it si best to go somewhere free of distractions such as loud noised, kids, or other pets. You should also limit your dogs training sessions to around 30 min. each time so that your dog will not get restless and loose /
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* You never want to hit or cause pain to your dog. This will only make them shy away from you and become harder to train in the long /
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* If your dog looses attention try to change your tone of voice and Im not talking about yessing or screaming. Do not frighten your /
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* Consistency, consistency, consistency. I cant stress this enough. If you are not consistent, your dog will become confused and /
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There are 3 basic commands every properly trained dog should know. These keyword commands are sit, stay, down. This is the core of any dog training and is a great start for any dog to /
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Sit is the simplest of commands. All you must do once your dogs attention is acquired is gently push their backside down while saying sit. Keep consistent and eventually your dog will start catching /
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The next command is stay. This is very helpful for people with very rambunctious/ hyper dogs. All you must do to make your dog stay is place a treat on the ground in front of them and once your dog goes for the treat, just use the stay command. Once your dog starts to become obedient you can gradually move the treat further away from the dog every time. They will try to take some steps at times.. This is a way your dog is testing their boundaries with /
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The last command is down. Everyone knows when a dog gets excited they can tend to get hyper and start jumping. This is not a good thing, especially if you have a big dog. I have a very simple fix to this. Just use the command down when your dog starts to jump on you. The key is not to pet them or act excited toward them. It might even take putting their front legs down if you have /
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There are several other commands come, stand, shake, roll over. The list goes on and on. Just keep in mind that a href= target=_blankessential dog training advice/a takes consistency and patience. Once you have mastered this I am sure you and your dog will share a better quality of /
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Get practical points of view to a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – welcome to your individual knowledge base.
Dog Training Books »
Essential Dog Training Tips Advicebr /
I you have ever trained a dog, you know how much of a struggle it can be. a href= target=_blankessential dog training/a can be exciting as well as challenging. Where do I begin? Ill give you a few tips to point you in the right /
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The first thing you must do with your dog is make him/her pay attention to commands. You might want to start by using a single phrase command sit, stay, etc.. Your dog needs to associate this phrase with an action. In the beginning this might be a bit difficult, so try using a dog treat. Hold the treat near the dog and use the phrase. Each time your dog pays attention, reward them. Gradually you will be able to get your dogs attention every /
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Dogs can get distracted fairly easy and have a short attention span. Taking this in mind it si best to go somewhere free of distractions such as loud noised, kids, or other pets. You should also limit your dogs training sessions to around 30 min. each time so that your dog will not get restless and loose /
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* You never want to hit or cause pain to your dog. This will only make them shy away from you and become harder to train in the long /
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* If your dog looses attention try to change your tone of voice and Im not talking about yessing or screaming. Do not frighten your /
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* Consistency, consistency, consistency. I cant stress this enough. If you are not consistent, your dog will become confused and /
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There are 3 basic commands every properly trained dog should know. These keyword commands are sit, stay, down. This is the core of any dog training and is a great start for any dog to /
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Sit is the simplest of commands. All you must do once your dogs attention is acquired is gently push their backside down while saying sit. Keep consistent and eventually your dog will start catching /
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The next command is stay. This is very helpful for people with very rambunctious/ hyper dogs. All you must do to make your dog stay is place a treat on the ground in front of them and once your dog goes for the treat, just use the stay command. Once your dog starts to become obedient you can gradually move the treat further away from the dog every time. They will try to take some steps at times.. This is a way your dog is testing their boundaries with /
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The last command is down. Everyone knows when a dog gets excited they can tend to get hyper and start jumping. This is not a good thing, especially if you have a big dog. I have a very simple fix to this. Just use the command down when your dog starts to jump on you. The key is not to pet them or act excited toward them. It might even take putting their front legs down if you have /
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There are several other commands come, stand, shake, roll over. The list goes on and on. Just keep in mind that a href= target=_blankessential dog training/a takes consistency and patience. Once you have mastered this I am sure you and your dog will share a better quality of /
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Access realistic ideas for a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – this is your individual knowledge base.
Dog Training Books »
Walk into any bookstore and you may experience sticker shock. Book prices have risen dramatically with new books costing $20, $25, even $30 or more. You can, however, fight the high cost of books. Here’s /
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Attend Friends of the Library Booksalesbr /
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Friends of the Library booksales are a great source for inexpensive books. Here you can find gently used books for 50 cents to $1! Friends of the Library groups are volunteer organizations that work to improve their associated libraries. These volunteer organizations accept used books from the local community. Once or twice a year these donated books are then sold to the public at booksales. Profits from these sales are used to improve library facilaties, buy new library books, or to buy new equipment for the /
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Everyone wins. Gently used books are re-sold instead of sitting around in people’s homes collecting dust. Because Friends of the Library collect books every year, collected books are often recent releases. This means you get to buy former $16, $20, or $25 books for $1 or less. Best of all your local library raises money. You can find the dates and times of the Friends of the Library booksales nearest you by visiting /
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Rent or Borrow Your Booksbr /
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Why buy a book, read it, then set it aside to collect dust? Smart readers are increasingly borrowing or renting books, saving huge amounts of money in the process. Surprisingly, your local public library may be the best source for great best-selling books. An increasing number of public libraries are now stocking best-selling books as well as popular DVDs for your borrowing /
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In addition to borrowing books from your library, consider renting your books the same you rent DVDs. A company called Booksfree ( has become the Netflix of the reading world. For a low monthly fee, you can rent an unlimited number of paperback books. Depending on the plan you chose, you may have 2, 3 or 4 books rented out at any single time. When you are finished reading a book you return it in a prepaid mailer and wait for your new selection to /
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Form A Book Circlebr /
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Most people enjoy a great book and then place it away never to be seen again. We suggest forming a book circle with a group of 2-3 friends. Chose 2-3 books that everyone in the group wants to read. Each member purchases one of these books and, after reading it, exchanges the book with the other members of the book circle. Rotating the 2-3 different books among members allows each member of the book circle to triple their reading /
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Use a Book Clubbr /
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Book clubs provide great savings to savvy readers. Zooba ( is a particularly impressive book club, offering the lowest price we’ve seen for new books. Zooba allows you to buy bestselling books for $9.95 with free shipping /
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Here’s how it works: You pay $9.95 a month. You create an online list of books you would like to purchase. At the beginning of each month, Zooba sends you the number one ranked book on your list. What we like about this book club in particular is that you can buy as many additional bestselling books as you like, all for the same $9.95 price. Visit for additional /
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By employing a few of the techniques mentioned above you may never pay retail prices for best-selling books again. The savings can be /
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Dog Training, Dog Training Books »
Dog training aspects
The fact about dogs is that they are adorable creatures that can be a handful if they aren’t properly minded. Dog owners have different reasons for training their dogs. A dog may be well trained in one area and be total flop in another. The different aspects of dog training demand that you train your dog extensively to get the best behavior from it. The aspects in which dogs are generally trained include:
– Barking: Some dogs just don’t know when to stop barking! If your dog has continuous barking problem, training it to know the right time to bark will assist. A dog can be trained to bark using dog training tools such as the crate or an electronic collar. On the reverse side, some dogs may not be able to bark at all. In such cases, taking your dog to see an animal psychologist also constitutes training.
– Potty training: A dog needs to be house trained if it is going to stay in the confines of the home. Trust me, waking up to find your dog left you a package in the middle of the kitchen floor can spoil your day. House training methods vary from dog owner to dog owner. While some dog owners may use tissues or a litter boxes others may use a crate.
– Chewing: Dogs need to be trained not to chew. It can be frustrating to have a dog that nibbles everything you have from your bathroom slippers to your cushion pillows. obtaining a chew toy or a dog toy for your dog forms part of its training as it learns not to chew your stuff.
– Obedience: This forms the main part of dog training sessions. A dog that does not know how to listen to its masters voice can be a troublemaker. All dogs need to learn how to obey their owners and therein lies the secret to having a good dog.
– Tricks: Some dogs are trained to perform tricks like shaking hands with a stranger or standing on their hind legs. Training a dog to conduct tricks may be for entertainment or even as a source of income.
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Don’t make the mistake of buying plush toys for your dog to chew on because it won’t be able to tell the difference between a plush toy and a plush pillow. In selecting chew toys for your dog, buy a few that are the same in size and color in other to help your dog keep track of them. Buying your dog a myriad of chew toys can confuse it and defeat the aim of distracting it from chewing your valuables.