Articles in the Dog Training Category
Dog House Training »

Puppy training is important Puppies are cute cuddly and so full of life throughout the infancy stage. It is at this time when puppy training is vital – because believe it or not these cute cuddly little characters can cause so much havoc in the home – with their outbursts of action packed antics all brought on by excitement. Fun it may be at the time but when you waken to find the remains of a chewed slipper- scratch marks on the furniture and puppy poo to mark the pup`s presence then it is time for an obedience check.
Dog House Training »

House training is something that is vital if you want to have a good experience of being a dog owner. It is a training that should stay with your dog for his whole life so its worth getting it right from the start. A lot of people think that this is a difficult task, that it will take months of work, but in reality it is one of the simplest things to achieve. It took me just four days to house train my puppy, to give him a command for going to the toilet that he always responds to, and with the following methods, you can be just as successful. It may take a few weeks, depending on you, your attitude, your living arrangements and many other factors, but with patience and lots of time and effort, you can have a perfectly house-trained dog for life.
Puppy Potty Training »

Dogs can be housebroken and trained to let their owners know when they need to go outside and make a little wheedle or some other bigger job, but before that happens – and sometimes after as well – the interior of your home becomes Rover’s marked territory. The stains and smells of Phydeaux’s little mishaps and dishonorable discharges can leave a lasting impression on rugs and carpets, furniture, and other items in your home if they’re not taken care of immediately.
Dog Training »

Puppy training is very important, whether you are training your first puppy or your 20th. Properly training and socializing a puppy is vital to making it a valued member of your family and your community. In some ways training a puppy is easier than training an adult or adolescent dog. One reason is that the puppy is essentially a “blank slate”, untroubled by past training techniques and other issues. In other ways, however, the puppy can be more difficult to train than an older dog.
Dog Training »

House and potty training are vital education for dog The teaching and training of dog tricks while not a necessary part of a dog’s education, is an achievement that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog. Training your dog tricks can be difficult and frustrating if you cannot achieve the results you want. However, unlike house and potty training which are vital education for any dog, I feel that the end-results is not the most significant element in trick training, to me the most important part is that both of you enjoy the training process and have fun along the way. Listed in this article are 3 interesting dog tricks that you can teach your dog:
Dog Training »
a href= target=_blankTraining a puppy to walk on a leash/a will turn your rambunctious little ball of energy into a pleasing walking companion. The picture of a human being dragged along by a dog with no leash protocol is a funny one – for all but the unfortunate person being pulled. Even small dogs are able to pull amply to throw you off equilibrium, and sizeable dogs that pull on the leash can send you airborne. To make sure that upcoming walks are nice for both of you it is vital to institute proper collar and leash training whilst your dog is still a /
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In this editorial, we will chat about what is required to make walking time with your puppy dog not only enjoyable but safe. Take into account, dog parents, you are the pack leader so you must always exercise control over your pets. Now, lets start the ball rolling…br /
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a href= target=_blankTraining a puppy to walk on a leash/a begins with the collar. If your puppy is not comfortable in his collar adding the leash will be too much and he will fight against it. Make sure that he is completely happy in his collar before attaching the lead. Once your puppy is no longer pawing at his collar you can begin familiarizing him with the leash. It is a excellent idea to dangle the leash close to his food bowls or his bed so he will begin to think of it as his. Allowing him to wear the leash around the house will help him get used to the sensation of it clipped into his /
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Once your puppy is used to the leash you can begin walking with him on the leash indoors. Some puppies understand at once and will as you would expect walk at your side – others may wrestle and heave. In no way engage in a tugging bout with your dog – he may assume it is a sport and continue the behavior. Never tug the leash either – try to keep the tension of the leash sturdy – if he pulls try to end it by commanding him to come and rewarding him when he responds. Like many things, training a puppy to walk on a leash will be a matter of repetitive practice and /
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When you are training a puppy to walk on a leash your initial trips in the open should be quick. You can slowly extend the time outdoors as your puppy demonstrates good behavior. Every time he does pull away for any reason give him the come command and reward him with a treat for responding. With staying power your rambunctious puppy will learn to walk at your side without pulling. From that point on you can look forward to many years of enjoyable walks. Now, go get your dogs collar and take your puppy for a nice, but sound /
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Dog Training »
When it comes to wanting to fall in love with one of the tiniest and cutest puppies out there, there ought to be no problem when it comes to the shih tzu dog. The outward show of this sort is sufficient to make any heart melt. Being only about nine inches in height when full grown, this dog is certainly one that can fit within any size home or apartment which makes it a great alternative for those lacking a lot of room to roam. The colors found within this breed are generally red, tan, black, or white mixed with another /
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When it comes to a href= target=_blankShih Tzu Puppy Training/a there is one trait about this dog that stands out. What is that you ask? Well, the unique charm that the dog possesses makes him a pleasure to live with and also poses an hurdle to training. As you try to train the dog consider he is persuasive and he will usually look at you with those big, beautiful eyes and respond How could you be heated with me when I am so charming? With a href= target=_blankShih Tzu Puppy Training/a you will now and again find it out of the question to be austere with your charming little companion for very /
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The shih tzu puppy is not one to get if you are not someone that is going to enjoy grooming the dog on a recurrent basis. Because the long hair is easily tangled, it is recommended to brush out the hair on a daily basis. A pro groomer should be sought out about every six weeks or so just to make sure that your dog is always looking his or her best. Not only does this sort require a lot of your attention, it also requires a lot of your love and friendliness in order to remain ecstatic and peaceful in your /
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This joyful and social dog is one that loves attention no matter who it is coming from. While the shih tzu dog is not prone to a lot of barking, they are dogs that show a lot of tenacity. They really do not like learning a lot of tricks but they can be trained with persistence as they will take a little longer to master tricks. This has nothing to do with their ability to learn but rather their lack of interest in doing so. Another great thing about the persona of this breed is that since they love friendship, they do well with children and other animals. br /
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Besides the beauty that this dog has and their societal ability, the shih tzu dog is also known for barely shedding any hair. And since the dander is so small, those who find that they have allergies to dogs will find this breed to be a perfect fit. No longer do you have to dodge the thought of owning a dog because of your allergies. If you are prepared to care and love a dog that will give you as much love back then this is the breed for you. Whether you have a mansion or a small apartment, the shih tzu will integrate. br /
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Dog Training »
The Shih Tzu is considered a pocket sized deity by many puppy parents. However, like any other dog it requires a href= target=_blankShih Tzu Training/a and care. Before we move into the actual training methodology it is critical to realize that the Shih Tzu dogs unreservedly love their pack leaders. They are like humans wrapped in fur. They are simple to train because they by instinct understand what you are saying and react to your point of /
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They are the ultimate toy dog and they love to be spoiled, hauled around, yet they are not as unbearable as other toy puppies. The good news – because they get along closely with women, children and other dogs this should make puppy training a piece of /
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A well-behaved puppy is a pleasure to own. On the other hand, when they are young puppy behavior problems can surface. If your puppy jumps on a guest, it is a issue. If she barks at every sound she hears, that too is a predicament. Just take into account anything that wont be cute when your puppy is full grown is not cute right at this /
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Lets talk about a pet who barks all of the time. Some puppies like to converse more than others. If someone rings the doorbell and he starts to bark you might think that is all right. But too much barking can drive you and your neighbors nuts. You dont have to put up with the unwarranted barking. Endurance is required for this commission though. Puppies yap for several reasons: tedium, being defensive, announcing something like a vehicle is going by (mental head slap on that one) or they might be trying to tell you something. But you want to know what can you do? All right,…br /
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To bring to a standstill the annoying barking, pick a cue for quiet behavior. The word might be Quiet, Shhhh, or Hush. Just remember that everyone in the family must use the exact same word, otherwise, you will bamboozle your puppy. br /
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Another reason your puppy might be barking is not sufficient exercise. If your puppy is getting lots of playtime and exercise she will not feel as bored. And, as a result, will have a reduced amount of energy to bark at everything. Think about this: if your puppy is outside in the backyard all day, she likely will grow bored and disturbed. Wouldnt you? If shes in her crate for too long without an proper number of potty or play breaks, she will almost certainly become bored and fidgety. Think about how you feel when you cant leave the house. If shes not getting the amount of exercise she needs for her breed and age, likely shell become nervous and frenzied. And guess what? All these circumstances can lead to extreme /
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Initial, steady training may help avert problem behaviors later. As a dog parent, it is your job to give your a href= target=_blankShih Tzu Training/a while they are still /
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Dog Training »
Puppy training biting ideas
Getting a new puppy is by and large an exhilarating event for the whole family, but there are a lot of things you’ll have to teach it before it becomes a affable member of the family. Everything from when and where to go to the restroom, what to chew and not to chew, and what it is and isn’t okay to eat. Teaching vocal commands to a dog is also an essential part of its training. Still, out of all the things you’ll want to take care of during puppy training, biting is perhaps the most important. In this editorial, well take a look at why instructing your puppy not to bite (certain things) is important, as well as a few methods you can use to do so.
First you must understand, puppies are not callous spirited by nature. Nor are they vicious because they like to bite things in the house, other people or even you. What it boils down to is that they are rambunctious, and sometimes obnoxious. Biting and placing there mouths on things are customary behaviors for puppies. As humans when we want to examine something we usually feel the object. Well, puppies don’t have hands so they inspect things and their location with their mouths.
Puppies are apt to bite everything they come into contact with, although some are worse than others. Retrievers such as Labradors tend to be quite gentle, and can even carry a raw egg in their teeth without breaking it. Some dogs need a little further help to be trained not to bite, and if it isn’t taken care of early on during puppy training, biting can increase to become a substantial problem. Some dogs that are either overly antagonistic or skeptical of people may bite someone and fatally hurt them, which never leads to a good result. Even if you want to use your dog as a means to defend your household and family, it needs to know that biting during play is not okay, and to be gentle with its teeth in general.
If you need puppy training biting ideas, then one of the most universal anti-biting methods may be able to help you. Take a toy or rope that your puppy likes to bite and chew and have the puppy try and get it. If its teeth only make contact with the toy, then continue to play with the puppy until it bites your skin (by accident or not). When its teeth touches your skin, stand up and turn around for ten seconds. If the puppy follows around to the side you are facing, take no notice of it and wait. Then continue play.
This is a great way to reduce the frequency of puppy training biting, and is an efficient means for showing your dog that biting, particularly during play time, is not okay. You can even use this approach to show it that it should be careful with its teeth.
Dog Training »
Raising a new dog can be quite a chore, especially if you have a type that is inclined to things like biting, chewing, barking, or giddiness. These types of a href= target=_blankpuppy behavior/a can be gradually lessened, and there are several ways to underline the right kind of actions in your puppy. The most essential thing to keep in mind is to remain long-suffering and level headed. In this article, well take a look at a couple techniques used to train puppies, both to support good behavior and discourage bad a href= target=_blankpuppy behavior/ /
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Good puppy behavior is generally trained with positive reinforcement. For example, if your puppy holds it until he can do his business in the backyard, then rewarding him with praise or a extravagance will encourage him to do so more often. Good behavior as a rule includes things like playing well, coming when called, responding to verbal commands, and performing tricks. You can teach your puppy what you like it to do simply by spending time with it and praising it when it does something you enjoy. br /
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With positive training, we, as puppy parents, accentuate teaching puppies what they should do to warrant reinforcements, rather than punishing them for unwanted behaviors. A few things are:br /
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Be a dependable pack leaderbr /
When you are annoyed, walk awaybr /
Have fun appropriatelybr /
Use positive reinforcement that is valuable to your puppy and the situationbr /
Set up your puppy for victory by anticipating and preventing troublesbr /
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Discouraging bad puppy behavior works in much the opposite way. When the puppy does something you dont want it to, such as chewing on shoes or placing its teeth on individuals, give it a reprimand to let it know you are not pleased with it. It is critical to establish yourself as a pack leader in order to properly correct your puppy, and there are also other techniques of punishment such as water spray bottles that can help you get the job done. You should never put a puppy in a crate as a punishment, as you will want the crate to symbolize a place of shelter so that your puppy will build good associations with it. br /
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Once you are able to use both negative and positive reinforcement in tandem for several weeks, you should start to see a difference in your puppys overall behavior. Puppy behavior is somewhat foreseeable, especially since specific breeds have a inclination to act a certain way, and this allows us to get ready for what we think the puppy will be like. For example, Labrador puppies are very peaceful and playful, but have a large amount of energy that will last until they are several years old. This means that they are great family pets, but that they can be a real handful to keep in line, and knowing this ahead of time is a enormous /
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