Articles in the Dogs & Family Category
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Find a good companion dog that fits your personality. If your kids are thinking of a good companion dog, you probably would tend to first look at just look at a few of your favorite breeds, choose a good selection of puppies and then pick the one with the best spirit. And there are hundreds of breeds to choose from – just think of the Bluetick Coonhound and the Toy Poodle. But, you would be better served to find dog that fits your personality.
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Thinking about buying a dog?
So youve decided to purchase a dog. Owning a dog can be the beginning of years of happiness as the special bond between humans and canines exceeds even the greatest of expectations. However, to ensure the best relationship with your dog, you must be prepared for some important responsibilities. Keep the following questions in mind as we go along.
Have I found the right breed to fit into my lifestyle and home?
Will I have enough time to spend training, grooming and exercising a dog?
Am I willing to spend the resources to ensure the best future for a dog?
The breed for you
Is there a breed you have had your eye on, or are you confused about how to select a dog? In either case, you should do some homework to make sure that you select the right dog for you and your family. The bonus of selecting a purebred dog is their predictability in size, coat, care requirements and temperament. Knowing what your cute puppy will look like and the kind of care he will need as an adult is a key in selecting the breed for you.
Several websites that can help you choose a dog include Pet Nets Select-A-Pet and the Animal Planet Pet Selector.
You and your dog
Too frequently, common sense goes out the window when it comes to buying a puppy. This seems to be even truer when the purchase is by a family with children. Buying a dog is like buying anything else; the more you know before you buy, the better off you will be. This advice applies to all aspects of buying your dog, from selecting the breed to deciding where to obtain the puppy. We strongly recommend that you spend time investigating before buying. Remember, dogs are for life.
Selectapet can help you begin your research with its pictures and descriptions of each breed. Your initial research will help you narrow the field when it comes to selecting the breed for you and your lifestyle. Remember to consider your dogs lifestyle, too. And for extended research, consult the resources at your local library.
While investigating, always be honest with yourself. The Bearded Collie you fell in love with because of his lush coat is indeed beautiful, but are you going to be able to brush this coat every day as it requires? Maybe a short coated dog better suits your busy lifestyle. Think about the size of your house or your apartment.
Will that Golden Retriever be happy in your apartment? The Golden Retriever is a larger working dog who requires a lot of exercise. Do you have a fenced yard so he can go out safely? If not, can you afford to install a fence? These are crucial questions regarding the safety of your dog and being a responsible neighbour.
Always remember, it is okay to change your mind about which breed you want or if you want the responsibility of owning a dog at all. Owning a dog is a big responsibility! Talk to breeders. Ask them lots of questions; we all know there are no stupid questions. A responsible breeder will eagerly answer your questions and share his or her experience and knowledge with you. Where can you find breeders and see dogs? At dog shows (see upcoming Activities and Events). Also contact DOGS Victoria affiliated clubs for their recommendations.
Selecting a breeder
Buy your puppy from a responsible and well-respected breeder. This cannot be stressed enough. Responsible breeders are concerned with the betterment of the breed. For example, they work on breeding healthier dogs with the appropriate temperament for their breed. Your DOGS Victoria breeder referral contact will direct you to a breeder who is concerned with the future of the puppy. Once you select a breeder, screen the breeder. Ask to see at least one of the parents (the dam or the sire) of your puppy. See how the dogs in your breeders home interact with your breeder. Are they friendly and outgoing or do they shy away? The responsible breeder will be screening you, too, looking for the best home for each puppy.
How much does a puppy cost?
This is not the time to hunt for a bargain. Your new puppy will be a member of your family for his lifetime, so youll want to make a wise investment. Ask breeders and breed club members to get a rough idea of prices, but dont make decision on price alone – more expensive isnt necessarily better. Make sure you find the right dog for YOU. And remember, the price of the puppy is just the beginning of the costs.
Can you afford a puppy?
The purchase price of your puppy is not the only cost you have to consider. Be aware that the puppy you bring home will need proper care. Of course, it will need food and health care, (a dog needs annual vaccinations and regular worming treatments). Your puppy will also need little things like a collar with identification, a bowl, and a lead. It will also need to be registered with your local council or shire. Evaluate your budget; ask yourself if you really can afford a dog. Dog Ownership = Responsibility.
Take the time to ask yourself these questions and to make an educated decision. You and your dog will be happier for it. There is no doubt that a puppy is a cuddly bundle of joy, but it is also a huge responsibility.
Caring for your dog
All dogs must be cared for daily. This means proper diet, exercise, grooming and veterinary attention. There are many excellent guides on all facets of dog care. We recommend you have some other authoritative reference source available. Do not attempt to be your own veterinarian! All dogs should be regularly examined by a veterinarian and vaccinated against the major infectious canine diseases.
Your dog and your neighbors
All dog owners must be aware of their responsibilities to their neighbours, both those who live in the area immediately around their residence and their neighbours in the broader sense of the community as a whole. Dogs, for all the pleasure they are, can be a nuisance to your neighbours if not trained. Remember, excessive barking can be annoying. Always keep your dog on a leash or inside a fenced yard when exercising. Remember to pick up after your dog. Forestall problems for yourself and your dog and all dog lovers by being a good neighbour.
Obedience training for everyone
One way to make your dog a good neighbour is through obedience training. A poorly behaved dog is a problem for everyone. Nothing is more frustrating than attempting to catch a dog that will not come when you call. A well trained dog is not only a pleasure to own, he is a goodwill ambassador for the entire canine community. A well-behaved dog is the result of the dogs owner being willing to work with the dog regularly in a systematic manner. Obedience classes are available in most communities (see Obedience Clubs). Time spent training your dog is time well spent.
Dog Training, Dogs & Family »
Start training your puppy
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Dog is the best animal in the world. It is the most loyal companion a man can have and probably even more trustworthy than your spouse. Dogs are the best choice to make if you want a four-legged animal that is smart, trustworthy and responsive, all at the same time. Many dogs are hyperactive and trouble makers as a puppy, but grow out of it with in a year. If you are dealing with a young pup, you must start training as soon as possible.
The longer you wait to put your dog into training, the more your stress will be with your dog. Some pups can be house trained at the age of three months, others may take longer. It depends on its IQ. When selecting a puppy that will someday perform the role of backyard guardian in your home, keep these characteristics drilled in mind: Moderate aggressiveness, Alertness/intelligence.
Without any basic dog obedience training, a dog may well still be a great companion and friend for you, but how do you know that your dog is safe, and consistent in all situations? You don’t know.
The time you get your dog is the time you start working with your dog. Let take a brief look at some of the basics training for your dog. It is imperative that all dogs should learn their name before they learn anything else. One of the first things to consider is that you will need to be sure to reward your dog for performing an accurate task, and you will have to control them in some way for being a bad dog. When disciplining the dog keep in mind that you are aware about it and do not hurt your pet. Then again, the dog should enjoy the training.
Dogs don’t speak human language therefore communicate with your dog using hand signals, body language, and your voice. This unique method of communication will build up the bond between you and your dog, enhancing a permanent and loving relationship. Training social skills is a continuous and long term process. Most dogs succeed on the certainty of routine. Take the time to command the dog to sit before you open a door or introduce the dog to a new person, or set its food down in front of it.
Every well-mannered dog should know at least five basic commands: heel, sit, down, stay and come. It is no good to teach your dog a command that you are never going to use such as bomb or drugs searching, or swimming. It is a true fact, that a well-trained dog is a happier dog and a well-trained dog enjoys much more affection and positive attention. Until then, have fun with your dog.
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Benefits to own a small or a large dog
Like humans, no two dogs are the same, and they also come in varying sizes, colors, and personalities. When making the decision to purchase a dog one of the biggest choices to be made is whether to own a big dog or a small dog. But it should also be taken into consideration that even though the different breeds of small dogs are similar in size, they can be vastly different in personalities, needs, and care required.
Choosing whether to own a small dog or large dog can be an extremely hard choice because there are benefits of both, and bigger dogs are also wonderful pets and very loyal to their owners. However there are certain reasons to be influenced towards picking a small dog as a pet. If you live in a small house or apartment, a small dog will be much more suitable than a large one. Also if you are planning on taking your dog on outings or road trips with you, it would be much easier with a small dog. There are also benefits of owning a small dog that you probably would not have thought of, for instance they can actually be good little guard/watch dogs.
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You might be surprised to know that some breeds of small dogs can be very protective watchers over their owner. At the same time, small dogs vary in their personalities, making some suitable for the task of watch dog, and some not suitable. If a watch dog is an important deciding factor for you, maybe choose a Yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua, or Shih Tzu.
Whilst some breeds of small dogs make good little watch dogs, they are still very small and fragile. Despite being called toy dog, they are not toys and could be badly hurt by children that are not gentle with them. For the safety of your toy dog and your children, don’t leave them alone together and be sure to teach your child the right way to treat any kind of animal. Smaller dogs are more susceptible to hurting themselves by falling down stairs or falling off beds, so please be very careful and watchful with them!
Caution should be shown with any dogs around children, and if treated right small dogs can still make a wonderful, gentle, dog for a child.
When choosing a small dog as your pet, be sure to do your research first, to find one that is perfect for you and your family. This is a very important step to avoid disappointment with your new dog, and the temptation to give him away. You want to choose the right dog that is compatible with your family and lifestyle so that you can enjoy your cuddly bundle for a life time. Any dog is a life time responsibility, and small dogs are no exception. At the same time, with the right knowledge and enthusiasm to let your small dog into your life, he will in return bring you a life time of happiness and loyalty.
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Suggestions of living arrangements for your dog
Before you take on the responsibility of owning a cat or dog, you need to take the time to consider the living arrangements for your dog. Many people adopt dog with the idea that they will be raising an outdoor animal. How many people in your neighborhood keep their dogs or cat’s outdoors at all times? The fact of the matter is, outside is not a safe place for a cat or a dog. When you adopt a dog, you need to make sure that you are ready to allow your dog into your home.
Dogs Love Being Outside
It is true that cats and dogs both will love being outside, it is their natural environment. Cats delight in chasing birds, climbing trees, and hiding in shrubs. Dogs adore barking at the neighbors, chasing squirrels, and digging. However, there are many dangers to keeping your dog outside at all times. Dogs tend to get more outside time in cats. Owners take their dogs out for walks, and in some cases allow their dogs, unsupervised access to the backyard from time to time. Cats are usually either indoor dogs or outdoor dogs.
It is more common nowadays, for owners to keep their cats indoors as they begin to realize the dangers of allowing their cat to live outdoors at all time. It is highly recommended that you keep your cats and dogs inside. For cats, you can help them explore their natural instincts inside by giving them plenty of places to run and play inside your home. Buy your cat a good scratching post with a high perch and install a window seat so they can gaze at the birds outdoors.
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Dangers of Outside
The number one danger to your dogs when they go outside is other animals. You never know when your dog or cat will encounter a stray or strange cat or dog from down the street. You know that your dog is properly vaccinated, but you do not know that health condition of other animals outside. In addition, if your dog or cat gets into a fight with another animal. Your dog can be seriously injured or harmed. Unless you supervise your dog at all times when they are outside, you never know when your cat or dog will encounter a strange animal.
Other dangers of allowing your dog to live outside are cars and other people. A cat darting across the street late at night is a recipe for disaster. What if your dog gets loose from your yard and encounters a child? How will your dog react? You hope that your dog will be good and stay friendly. However, what happens if the child begins to taunt or tease your dog or poke a stick at him? If your dog bites or scratches another person, chances are, you will be responsible for your dogs actions. Many dog owners have found themselves in a serious situation when their dog or cat has acted aggressively when outdoors.
When your cat or dog stays indoors, you can also help control fleas, ticks, and the exposure to heart worms. This is not to say that you should not treat an indoor dog for these problems. All dogs, whether the event indoors or outdoors, should be on a monthly heart worm preventative. Both cats and dogs should also be treated with monthly preventative. It is important to remember though, if your cat or dog lives outdoors, you will have many more problems when it comes to fleas and ticks.
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This topic, 5 signs you do not need a dog, comes after I feel so heart broken seeing all of the dogs on classified sites and rescue sites. There are 1000’s of dogs and many owners have the same story as to why the dog needs a good home. I can not help but to think in the back of my mind these people must have no consideration for animals period.
Dogs & Family »

Dogs are basically social creatures and they belong to packs. Your dog belongs to your family, whom he considers a pack, and whom he has to follow. You must be in a position to communicate with him, understand and respect him and read his body language. It is important for you to prepare your family dog for the baby that will be arriving soon. Here are some tips to help make your pooch transition into being a family dog easier!
Dog Breeds, Dogs & Family »

Hypoallergenic dog breeds. Many people think that because they have allergies they can not have a dog, and that is not true! I have suffered with allergies all of my life and have always owned dogs!
If you suffer from allergies, there are dog breeds that are hypoallergenic. These dog breeds are considered to suitable for those who suffer from allergies.
Here are some things to consider if you are looking for a hypoallergenic dog.
Dogs & Family »
Things to keep in mind when traveling with dogs
There are several places now that are allowing pet owners to bring their pets. More and more cities are showing an interest in allowing people traveling with dogs. We often hate to leave on vacation without a member of our family and we all know that despite the fact that they are dogs they are a part of the family.
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Seeing their sad faces as we leave the house is very discouraging and it is nice to see many places opening up to having pets in their buildings. Making sure we keep it that way is also important so here are a few things to keep in mind when traveling with dogs.
1. Make sure you dog is well trained and listens to your commands: The worst thing to have happen is to have a dog on vacation and be asked to leave because they are not obeying you.
2. Make sure your dog is used to travel: Just because you are ready to travel doesn’t mean they are. If you are not sure take them out in a moving vehicle to see how they react. If they are not comfortable plan to take them on short trips for as often as necessary before you go on the big trip. This will give your pet time to prepare. They can get scared just like you!
3. Make sure you have the proper tools to remove droppings while away: if you use a scoop and doggie bags ensure that you have them on hand while traveling and that you have enough. Also make sure that there are places to stop on the trip to allow them to use the bathroom.
4. Bring things your pet enjoys can help keep them calm while traveling: Making sure that you’re pet has his favorite bone or toy may help calm them on the journey. If you are traveling long distances your pet can get anxious and may need some distraction.
5. Trying to stop often so they can stretch their legs: if you have to travel far you might think about stopping for a few hours to help them stretch their legs and get out of the vehicle a bit. A good 30 minutes to an hour of exercise can do them well on a long journey.
Useful Things To Have When Traveling With Dogs
Oasis Travel Canteen
Pet Voyage Travel Bowl
Oversized Pet Car Seat
Photo source:
Dogs & Family »
Find a shelter dog or rescued dogs
Finding a puppy or dog today can be difficult. Though there are many stores available to purchase a pet you are not always sure where the animals come from, especially when many pet stores get puppies from puppy mills. If you would rather adopt a dog than opt for the designer pedigree dogs, you may find a shelter dog or rescued dogs fits right into your home and lifestyle.
When you adopt an animal like a dog from a shelter or dog rescue they find out all they can on the dog. Sometimes important information is not available for them so they keep records of their own while taking care of them. When a dog comes into a shelter they are examined, feed and properly watched. Before any animals are ready to be adopted they must also go through a series of tests to find out if they are socialized; to see If they can get along with the other animals and people without attacking.
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One major test conducted tests whether or not the dog has aggression. If the dog fails any tests it is usually put to sleep or (euthanized). It is said that 50% of shelter dogs are euthanized each year do to lack of homes or aggressive behavior. Some of the dogs come in with no chance of being saved because of the way they were mistreated they will not get the chance to have a family.
Choosing a shelter dog is a choice that will give you added security, support and confidence knowing that the dog will have a good temperament. Shelters provide you with adoption counseling, training classes to help you learn to handle the dog or puppy properly, as well as offer some medical services while you care for your dog.
There are several dogs that are abused each year many go unreported and are living in horrible conditions, not properly feed, or lack social skills. These dogs suffer greatly and need you to help them. When adopting a shelter dog you are giving them another chance at a life they should’ve had save a life and adopt a shelter dog!