Articles in the Dogs In The News Category
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Large breed dogs pose special grooming dilemmas. The Great Pyrenees and other Bernard family members have cornered the market on that special combination of girth and hair. Without a regimented grooming routine the Pyrenees’ flowing white locks can easily morph, soon resembling an electrocuted Komondor on steroid. br /
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One obstacle to keeping large breeds in the peek of beauty is the difficulty in locating nail clippers, brushes and dental supplies suited to their substantial size. Substitution will have to be made. Still, with a little ingenuity grooming is a snap. br /
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Body Brushingbr /
Combing out the Great Pyrenees is a challenge. The high-stung nature of the breed makes them tend to wiggle around during grooming. In fact, these stealth dogs are apt to sprint off if not restrained, sometimes moving up to three centimeters in a single afternoon. br /
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Your best bet for body brushing or raking is to work on your pet while he is asleep. Avoid active times such as 6:00 to 6:03 a.m. and the 30 minutes after sunset Pyrenees’ devote solely to barking. This breed is known to sleep with its eyes open. When stalking them with grooming tools be cautious. Once you are with in 65 feet of your dog, listen for a train. This verifies your dog is snoring. br /
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Work efficiently once you begin grooming a Great Pyrenees. You may only have 13 hours before he wakes up. When grooming 140 lbs. of fur bonded together by drool and the occasional tree branch, you must not dally. A weed eater is an efficient option for quickly working your way through the shrubs to the actual hair prior to brushing. br /
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Nail Clippingbr /
Clipping your Pyrenees’s claws should be a regular part of your grooming routine. Before beginning this procedure head for the hardware store. Pick up a large metal rasp and bolt cutters. Once claws have been neatly trimmed call in HAZMAT to remove the clippings from your home. Don’t forget the dewclaws. br /
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Great Pyrenees’ have a multitude of extra toes just kinda “hangin’ out” on their lower legs. Hiding amongst them are a total of six massive curly toenails. Each is so large it makes a valosaraptor claw look like a minute droplet of Chihuahua snot. Don’t let the dewclaws go unattended more than a few weeks. Negligence will yield a clipping big enough to be used as a spiral staircase. br /
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Dental Carebr /
Dog owners often overlook the importants of good oral hygiene. Fortunately, in the Bernard breeds, their mouths offer plenty of room to work in. Take advantage of this trait. You can create ample access to the mouth by simply pulling their massive floppy lips up from both sides of the face. Then, use three clothespins to secure them to one another across the bridge of the nose. You may also secure a single lip to the opposing ear in a similar /
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Once the teeth are exposed insert a shop vac tube under your dogs tongue. This technique is identical to that of the ‘spit sucker’ used in a dental offices. A fifteen-gallon vac should suffice. Once the shop vac is fired up the Great Pyrenees will start to awaken. You will have about two hours to completely remove large pieces of sod stored along the gum line before your dog hits full cognitive thought. At this point he’ll eat the vacuum prior to falling back /
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As a final touch, clean you canine’s feet. Shinny up between the pads with a flashlight, some pliers and a bottle of WD 40. Remove stones, dried bats, milk carton children and anything else not belonging up there. Once this task is done your grooming regiment is complete. Wake your dog by simple uttering the word “cookie.’ By the time you get to “coo” every Great Pyrenees in a six mile radius will be in your kitchen. br /
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With a little work and a few trips to Home Depot, your Great Pyrenees, Saint Bernard or Newfoundland will glow with beauty. When you combine all this glamour with their high intelligence and magnetic personalities, your dog will be the envy of the /
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Dogs In The News »

I have long owned bull terriers. I have an American red nosed bull terrier named Jack. Commonly misnomered the pit bull, Jack is NOT a pit bull. Hes never been purposely fought, nor has he ever set foot inside a ring. No one has ever gambled on him fighting, nor is he allowed to fight.
Jack is a BULL TERRIER. Period. And, as such, I think he could be a really good advocate for his breed. He always has lots of energy, he is super obedient, and he is always eager to please. Hes probably one of the best dogs any dog lover could hope to have.
Dogs In The News »
With Mr. Oren Sapir – CEO DiagNose SASbr /
Mr Sapir, thanks for taking the time for this interview. We understand that ICTS Europe offers a new cargo security screening service called a href= target=_blankrascargo/a. Please tell our readers in which ways RASCargo differs from other methods like x-ray of vapor detectionbr /
Detection systems are all tested today on three main parameters. Those parameters are detection rates, false positive rates, and input capacity of merchandised per a given time. Since RASCargO is a system which is based on vapour detection in huge volumes, and by the most sensitive detector in the world (Dogs), it has outstanding notes in all of those three factors. All other accessible methods achieve good results in only two of those three parameters, which illustrate the advantages offered by /
I let you imagine how long it would take to hand search a 40ft truck, while RASCargO can clear it in 15 minutes, with extremely high detection rates and the lowest False alarm rates currently known, and more or less the same goes for /
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Remote Air Sampling for Canine Olfaction (R.A.S.C.O.) seems to imply that the samples are taken to the dog rather than having the sniffer dogs checking the cargo directly. Is there a reason for such a check?br /
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Several parameters influencebr /
it. The first one is based on the well known fact that while explosives detection dogs search continuously they get very tired after about 30 minutes of olfaction. In RASCargO a dogs will screen a lorry in a second of sniffing its linked filter, thus escalating its capacity (about 150 filters per shift), and without tiring the canines at all. Another reason is the ability to control climate conditions in a well-controlled analysis center, which creates ideal conditions for the canines to perform at their best. br /
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It is known that RASCargo has been tested for years by the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency as a way of clearing “unknown” cargo. Do you anticipate it eventually been recognized as an approved method for ‘known’ cargo?br /
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The RASCO method was invented in Europe and adapted for aviation security, thanks to the creativity and vision of the UK government. It is in the UK under DfT and DSTL that most of the research and modification of the system was made. In the last two years the French regulators got involved as well and helped a lot in practical methods and routines. As a fact we know that screening all cargo, is a task, which is extremely difficult to reach. Therefore, an optimisation of methods and technologies is required for targeting the unknown freight at first. Imposing screening on known freight might be a burden on the industry, which could risk efficiency of processes, which are so important to the cargo security industry. However, as a spot check RASCargO could be a very beneficial tool, since it is very responsive to current processes and does not require major /
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What is the smallest amount of explosive, which can be detected, or would it be any amount?br /
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This information is a function of mass per volume, and we have very accurate data on the detection capabilities, which are very encouraging. The authorities, which should know about that, have this sensible /
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Are the dogs trained on a several scents or do they specialize on specifics?br /
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Explosives detection dogs can memorize up until 12-15 different scents. They are trained on the scents which are required by regulators and which change from time to time. Once a dog is trained on the system, adding a new target scent is a matter of 10 days /
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Now that security measures are increasing, time becomes an issue regarding cargo loading. How does RASCargO fare as far as time is concerned?br /
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RASCargO is undeniably the fastet way to screen big volumes. In some models, which we already apply, the freight is being screened during its idle time. That means that while freight is stocked during 30 minutes to an hour while its paper work is being done, our team collects vapour samples from that cargo, delivers them to the analysis center, and sends the approval in less than 30 minutes. During all that time almost no change for current processes of the cargo agent or airline is /
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Do they receive a different training from the police sniffer dogs normally used to detect explosives at venues, etc?br /
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The training, which is the heart of the system, and the actual intellectual property of that system, is very different from conventional dogs. Conventional detection dogs would be very poor RASCargO canines and vice versa, even though they are all trained as a href= target=_blankexplosives detection dogs/ /
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Are the canines trained according to the airport, port or location?br /
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The training has several defined stages, and one of them is the adaptation to customer needs. Climate conditions are not much of an issue here, since the canines work in a climate controlled closed area. But the canines need to get acquainted to the environment in order for them to perform at their best. We believe that it is our duty to create the best conditions for the dogs to succeed. once this is achieved, the dogs are a remarkable and viable /
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How does the false positive rates compare with other conventional methods?br /
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The system uses two canines for the examination of each filter. The results are being introduced into a matrix, which gives the search result of a run made by two canines. As a result, the systems False positive rate is extremely low, in the range of 1% – /
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What are the advantages that RASCargO has over hand-search?br /
Very simple. Higher detection rates and speed of clearance, which is /
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We understand that RASCargO is been in Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. How are the results so far?br /
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The results are very encouraging, we already serve on regular basis major players such as DHL, Panalpina, Lan Cargo and many others. Clients are very satisfied and the fact that business grows steadily is a good indicator for that satisfaction. As per detection rates and false positives, I cannot say the level, but I can say that it is better by far in comparison to other /
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Dogs In The News »
Pit Bull heroic story
The Virginian-Pilot reported a heroic story of a Pit Bull that saved a store owner from a deadly attack.
Two intruders entered a screen printing shop in Virginia Beach. Their intentions are not entirely known but they were armed and dangerous.
They were immediately confronted by Rico, a one year old Pit bull waking up from a nap. The intruders shot Rico in the head with a .45-caliber handgun. But this was not enough to prevent Rico from fulfilling his duty as guard dog. This brave Pit Bull bit down on one of the attackers arms, allowing the shop employees time to escape.
“I know for a fact he saved our lives,” said a shop owner. “It was amazing, because I’ve never seen him act out aggressively.”
Other than possible vision loss in his left eye Rico is very healthy. He has already been released from the vet.
There have been no arrests in the robbery. The thieves were unable to steal anything of significant value.
[caption id="attachment_1467" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Pit Bull"]
The city of Virginia Beach is paying all of Rico’s vet bills. There is also a fundraiser being held in his honor for any additional or ongoing costs. If the intruders are caught they will be forced to pay.
This is one of example of many recent positive news stories spotlighting the heroic acts of Pit Bulls. These accounts of Pit Bulls putting their life at risk for humans are helping to clear up bad rumors concerning the breed.
While the news is also full with Pit Bull attacks and fighting the public needs to know there are responsibly trained Pit Bulls saving lives!
A little known fact about Pit Bulls is that their bloodline does not naturally contain the instincts to attack humans. These instincts are caused by inhumane owners. These same instincts would show in German Shepherds and other aggressive breeds if they were subjected to the same abuse.
Owners who participate in dog fighting are actually hurting the Pit Bull bloodline by breeding abused and aggressive Pit Bulls. Before dog fighting Pit Bulls became popular breeders had nearly rid the bloodline of these overly aggressive Pit Bulls that would attack humans.
This is why the Humane Society and other Pit Bull advocate groups speak so harshly against dog fighting. In effect humans are creating Pit Bulls that will become overly aggressive[spin]. By eliminating Pit Bull fighting this breed will have the opportunity to clear its name.
Support the Pit Bull breed by learning how to properly train your Pit Bull and reporting any possible dog fighting in your area to the police.
Photo source:
Dogs In The News »

Lancey Cloned Labrador Dog
[caption id="attachment_385" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="Lancey Cloned Labrador Dog"]
The 10-week old Labrador named Lancey is the very first commercially cloned dog from BioArts International via the Best Friends Again program. The new cloned dog owners, Edgar and Nina Otto were one of five families to bid and win an auction held by BioArts International in July for a chance to clone their family dog. According to their website, 4 clones were purchased via auctions and one is available for $180,000!
Best Friends Again offers limited pet cloning services and specialty animals for the general public. If you are not sure what a cloned dog actually is, cloning is the process of creating a new animal that is a genetic duplicate of a pre-existing animal. In other words, my dog Spanky passes away, I send off his DNA and these scientist can re-create Spanky for me.
I am honestly having a hard time contemplating dog cloning for many reasons. One main reason I can see people opting to clone an animal is during their grieving when they have just lost a pet. To just replace it seems like a quick fix to mend a broken heart, and BioArts International walks away with $180,000.
Not to mention the fact a cloned animal is NOT an exact dog as the one you may have had before. he may look the same, but there is no way possible to re-produce the exact same dog with the same personality, ect.
When I was looking over their site, I did find a similar question and here was their reply to it…
Although we’re sensitive to the grief felt by people whose pets have died, most of our clients seek our services while their pets are still alive. Regardless, we help all prospective clients make informed choices based on realistic expectations about cloning. We decline business from people who want us to bring specific pets back to life. Nobody can do that. Our goal is to produce new pets possessing the same genes as previous pets. That’s what our clients want and it’s a service we can realistically perform.
What are your thoughts on dog cloning? Do you think it is a great idea or playing with nature?
Dogs In The News »

A German Shepherd named Buddy is the talk of the news once again! Buddy is a trained assistance dog, and can press programmed buttons on his owners phone in the event his owner is having seizure symptoms.
Last Wednesday, Buddy contacted 911 when his owner began having seizures. Buddy is heard whimpering and barking after the dispatcher answers and repeatedly asks if the caller needs help.
Dogs In The News »

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony have been hit with a $5 million dollar lawsuit, from a woman claims that Mr. Anthonys’ German shepherd guard dog savaged her while she worked on a private jet in 2006.
Previously, Lopez was the only person named in the personal-injury suit filed last June, but Anthony is being added as a defendant after J.Lo’s lawyer said he’s the owner of the German shepherd guard dog, Manhattan lawyer William Cafaro told the News.
Dogs In The News »
A 5 year old pitbull mix named Maya has been honored by the Animal Miracle Foundation. Maya has been named the foundation’s Hero Dog of 2008!
Without the help of this amazing pitbull mix, her owners attacker may have never been caught! A drop of blood above Maya’s right eye was later tested for DNA by investigators, which led to the arrest of Anthony Easley. His preliminary hearing is pending.
The Animal Miracles Foundation which honored Maya is a non-profit that aims to improve public awareness about pet and wildlife issues.
In addition to saving her owner from a violent attack, Maya “is a testament to the fact that the pit bull dog breed can be hero dogs just like any other breed,” Colleen Paige, founder of the group, said in a statement.
Mayas owner, Angela Marcelino, adopted Maya from Humane Society Silicon Valley when the dog was 3 months old. She’s proud Maya is being honored but was not surprised when the dog tried to protect her early on the morning of June 17.
This goes to show you pitbulls are good dogs just like any other dog breed. Without the help of this pitbull, Ms. Marcelino could have been assaulted by her attacker.
Way to go Maya! Dog’s like you rock!
Dogs In The News »
Stolen dog Pekingese-Chihuahua mix
The stories of animals that are stolen always seem to get to me because rarely they stolen animal returns home to his or her owner. It is a heartbreaking experience when your beloved pet is lost or stolen.
In BURLINGTON COUNTY, N.J., a woman parked her SUV with her 7-month-old Pekingese-Chihuahua mix, “Princess,” inside as she ran in to a mini-mart. When the woman came out her SUV and dog Princess were gone.
- Pekingese-Chihuahua mix “Princess”
The surveillance camera at the store caught a man getting into her car and driving off. Police found her Jeep in Camden, but her dog was still missing. But someone apparently found her, shivering and crying, on Friday and turned her over to the animal shelter.
The Almost Home animal shelter said someone turned the dog over to them Friday. The news did not report how the shelter knew who the dog belonged to, but thank goodness they did!
Little Princess was one of the lucky dogs who made it back home!
I am sure the car thief had no idea he was stealing not only a car, but a car and a dog! No arrests have been made in the car theft as of Jan. 20, 08.