Articles in the Dogs Category
Dogs »
Dog constipation can be very painful and uncomfortable for your canine. However, its usually not a very serious problem. This condition usually affects older dogs, but those of any breed or age can experience it. Lets take a look at things that cause a href= target=_blankcanine constipation/ /
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Causesbr /
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Your dog can develop constipation for a wide range of reasons. Eating human food is one of the leading causes. Common foods include bread, sugar, rice, and dairy. Foods high in protein can also be a /
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Dehydration, a condition that occurs when your dog doesnt get enough water, can also cause dog constipation. Another common cause is when your dog eats a foreign object. Some of the most common objects ingested are coins and /
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Signsbr /
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Dogs that have constipation will strain when trying to have a bowel movement. Since it may be painful, your dog may yelp. They will also spend longer than usual when going to the bathroom. Although they spend more time trying to defecate, they usually produce very little. Other common symptoms of dog constipation include bloating and loss of /
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Treatmentbr /
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Youll be happy to know constipation is usually easy to treat. Your dog will need to consume more fiber. You can give him special dog food made to contain more fiber. You can also choose to give your dog a fiber supplement with his regular /
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Preventionbr /
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There are a few things you can do to prevent dog constipation. Although he always needs fresh water, its especially important during the summer months. A diet with plenty of fiber will also help prevent constipation. Your dog should also be walked every day to make sure he gets plenty of /
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Dogs can be affected by many a href= target=_blankcommon illnesses in canines/a. Fortunately, provides a wealth of information on a range of these conditions. Click over right /
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Find practical info in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse training dogs/a – welcome to your personal knowledge pack.
Dogs »
One of the most common eye conditions that dogs suffer from is cataracts. Cataracts form when the lens in the eye becomes cloudy. This will lead to reduced vision. As the condition worsens, vision loss can become significant. You may be wondering what causes a href= target=_blankcataracts in dogs/ /
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Causesbr /
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There are many different reasons why cataracts can affect canines. Most dogs inherit genes that increase their risk of developing the eye problem. Some puppies are even born with /
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There are also many other causes of cataracts. They include infections, trauma, and conditions like diabetes mellitus. Caracts normally form in both eyes. Sometimes, only one eye may be /
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Treatmentbr /
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Most dogs with cataracts have to undergo surgery to correct the problem. The lens in the eye will be removed during surgery. An artificial lens will then be inserted into the /
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This method of treatment is only effective in the earliest stages. Surgery isnt really an option if the condition has already /
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Untreatedbr /
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Its important that cataracts be treated as soon as possible. The eye will become severely inflamed if the cataracts arent treated. Inflammation will continue as long as the cataracts are present. Your dog can receive relief from the inflammation by taking anti-inflammatory eye /
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Your dog will also need to receive a regular eye exam. Serious consequences such as glaucoma or a detached retina may occur down the /
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All owners should know a little something about a href= target=_blankillnesses in dogs/a. Fortunately for you, you can learn about a wide range of these conditions at So, stop by today to learn about a wide range of these /
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Get useful suggestions in the topic of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – your own tips store.
Dogs »
Humans arent the only ones that can develop allergies because dogs can too. Dogs can suffer from five different types of allergies. Some of these types include inhalant, bacterial, food, and flea. Keep reading to learn about these different types of a href= target=_blankdog allergies/ /
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Inhalantbr /
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Its common for canines to suffer from an inhalant type allergy. It is characterized by a reaction to something that your dog breathes in. Pollen, mold, and dust mites are common allergens. Since some of these substances only occur seasonally, your dog will only have problems at certain times of the year. Other potential allergens can cause problems throughout the /
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Contactbr /
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One of the next types of allergies is the contact variety. Different types of bedding and carpet may cause an allergic reaction. Some dogs can also have a reaction to flea collars. This type of allergy usually causes redness and pus-filled welts. You will need to keep the offending material away from your dog to prevent a reaction from /
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Fleasbr /
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One of the most common types of canine allergies is to fleas. Saliva from a fleas bite would prompt an allergic reaction. The area that was bitten will likely redden, itch, and swell. This will prompt your dog to scratch at the area constantly which causes hot spots and hair loss. As most dog owners know, controlling fleas in the environment can be extremely difficult, so this type of allergy can be very /
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Bacterialbr /
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Bacteria can also cause allergic reactions in dogs. Dogs have various species of bacteria present in their bodies that normally causes no harm. Dogs that develop allergies to the bacteria will suffer recurrent infections. Dogs with this type of allergy will likely experience hair loss. Treatment involves giving your dog /
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Foodbr /
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Certain ingredients in food can also cause an allergic reaction in your dog. Two common signs of a food allergy include vomiting and diarrhea. Its also common for a reaction to appear on the skin. Wheat, corn, lamb, beef, and oats are common ingredients that cause problems. This type of allergy can take a while to become a /
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All owners should know a little something about a href= target=_blankcommon illnesses in canines/a. You can read up on many different potential health problems at Click over right /
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Find free ideas about a href= target=_blankhouse training dogs/a – this is your own knowledge pack.
Dogs »
Dog masters often will do anything for their pets. They allow their pets live in their homes and treat them as part of the family. However, there are times when owners choose to let their dogs have a place of their own and allow them to stay in a a href= target=_blankdog kennel/a. This structure is most often built in the backyard of the house so that their pets can enjoy the sun and be able to play as they please. This permits owners to organize their routines with their pets and keeps the cleaning down to a /
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If you decide to get a kennel, there are some options to consider such as the size, shape, length and materials used to build it. The dog’s comfort will always be the ultimate consideration, then you should consider how well it will function. Though the shape of available kennels is not a vital factor, some owners would still like their pets to have a uniquely shaped home; some are in a form of an igloo, cabin and some just like a regular house. While some kennels do not have doghouses in them as theyre only used during the day, some owners opt to have one built so their dogs may live in it choose aluminum. br /
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The size of the kennel should match the size of the dog; if a kennel is too small or barely has enough leg room for the dog to stretch and move around, it is not suitable for them to stay in and they will definitely be unhappy. Letting the dog stay in a comfortable kennel will help them feel more secure and theyll be fine to live there. If the kennel is not comfortable, the dogs will desperately try and find ways to escape and once out you may have a hard time getting them back inside again. There are many designs and materials which kennels can be built from. Some kennels can be bought ready made while other people choose to build their own. The best way to decide which one would fit best is by asking one’s self “If I were a dog, would I like sleeping in this?” Depending on the answer, you will know whether or not your dog will be happy in the pen youve made for him. Rememer too, you can always a href= target=_blankBuild your Dog Kennel/a yourself, if you have time!br /
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Find competent info to a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – welcome to your individual knowledge base.
Dogs »

There is a new social network in town for all you pet lovers! Pet owners can create a custom page for the pets, make new pet friends, join groups, forums, and more! is growing fast among dog owners worldwide! The site offers a load of tips and information for cat and dog lovers and a very active message board of pet owners.
Dog Contest, Dogs »
Ugly Dog Competition
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The 2008 ugliest dog contest is gearing up for it’s 2008 ugly dog competition!
Do you have a dog or know a dog that is so ugly he is cute? If so, enter the ugliest dog contest for your chance to win $1000, trophy and bragging rights!
Download the entry form . Ugly Dog Contestants are invited to have their ugly dog featured on the ugly dog contest website as part of the pre-fair online World’s Ugliest Dog Voting Gallery. To get your dogs ugly mug added online for the world to see completing your entry form and send a digital photo with a short description of your dog to
The contestants can be viewed here. Photos and descriptions will be posted starting this March.
- Pretty Ugly Dog
The 2007 Ugliest Dog Was Elwood (shown to the right) and I must agree he is a pretty ugly dog! Do you think your dog can beat Elwood?
If so, get your entry in to take your shot at the Ugliest Dog Contest!
Dogs »
People selling puppies on the side of the road
Today while I was out running errands I happen to stumble upon two different people selling puppies in two different locations. A man was on the side of the road selling pitbull puppies and a lady was at Walmart selling Chihuahua puppies.
I was really bothered by the situation. It was 80 degrees here, the sun was beating down and these poor puppies were panting like crazy while their owners sat with signs saying puppies for sale.
I was actually appalled that Walmart allowed this woman to sit in front of their store selling dogs. Out of curiosity, I parked and went up to the lady with the Chihuahua puppies and began talking to her. Asking her questions that anyone who is looking to purchase a dog should ask.
Question One – How much are these puppies? She took a deep breath and pointed at each dog and gave me a different price on each puppy.
Question Two – Are they all from the same litter? Yes, they are.
Question Three – Are they registered? Well, mom and dad is registered but I did not feel like dealing with the paperwork to register the puppies.
Those were just three of the 50 questions I asked this woman.
I find it very odd she wanted different prices for each puppy in the litter, when they all had the same genetics. Regardless of color, if one pup is worth $500, they all should be. Any good dog breeder would agree that the price of a dog should not be determined by it’s color, rather it’s pedigree. So, this woman was basically trying to see the more desirable colors for more money simply because she knew people would pay her more and never question it.
Her answer to me about the paperwork was just plain stupid. It takes 5 minutes to fill out a litter application. So, I do not know who she thought she was fooling there. If her dogs were truly registered dogs, she would have done it, because obviously dogs with paperwork are worth more. Also, no good dog breeder would ever breed dogs without papers. Papers are very important to be able to track down genetic info on a dog. This is vital information for the sake of the pups long term health.
So, not only was she a liar trying to make a quick few hundred dollars she was not even trying to even act like a professional.
The problem I have with people selling dogs like this are….
1. It seems very unethical to me to sit outside of a store or on the side of the road trying to sell puppies.
2. When people sell dogs like this, they care less about the homes the dogs go to. Responsible dog breeders care about the homes they place dogs in and only sell dogs to people they feel are responsible and able to care for a dog for the span of his life.
3. The puppies never have saw a vet generally. Pups need to have shots on schedule and need a health check before they are sold or given away. Dogs without proper vaccinations can die. So, these people could be selling sick dogs.
4. These type of people should not be breeding dogs. Dogs should not be bred for the hell of it. Dogs should only be bred for the purpose of bettering the breed or for show/working. Not for the main purpose of quick money.
I admit I was livid! I actually called our local humane society and police department about it. I was told that there was no law preventing them from selling dogs on the side of the road! Shocked! How can that be legal? Really, if I was on the side of the road selling shoes they would try and get me for not having a business licenses or not paying taxes. So how can people sell dogs on the side of the road and it be legal?
What do you think about this? DO you think it is ethical to sell dogs on the side of the road?
Dogs »
Dog food coupons free
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I love getting coupons for dog food, free shipping offers, or free samples of dog treats! We all love free stuff so here are some excellent freebies for dogs and their owners!
The local newspaper is often filled in the form with money saving coupons. These various coupons are on anything from dog food cookies to cling wrap or dog accessories. You can also request dog food coupons directly from the dog food supplier or accessories manufacturer.
Another way of coupon collecting is purchasing dog food coupons online. There two places must cross to your mind when you think about making a coupon related purchase over the internet. first place is Ebay the online auction website where you can find also dog food coupons. Another good place to purchase dog food coupons is premium dog food company or similar pet food websites. For example Purina is offering free free Purina dog food coupons for $2.00 of of off Purina Puppy Chow. You will need to sign up for their Purina complete puppy care program.
Try also Google search to find dog food coupons for free!
Dog Breeds, Dogs »
Dog breeds statistics
I was looking over the 2007 AKC Registration Figures to see what the world thought about different dog breeds. Here are the statistics from 2007 according to dog registrations.
[caption id="attachment_1202" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Dog breeds statistics in America"]
Here are a few of the top 10 dog breeds listed under the city.
Atlanta’s Top Dog Breeds
- Labrador Retriever
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepherd
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Boxer
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Shih Tzu
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Doberman Pinscher
- Dachshund
Baltimore’s Top Dog Breeds
- Labrador Retriever
- Golden Retriever
- Boxer
- Yorkshire Terrier
- German Shepherd
- Pug
- Poodle
- Dachshund
- Rottweiler
- Bulldog
Tampa’s Top Dog Breeds
- Labrador Retriever
- Yorkshire Terrier (tied with #1)
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepherd
- Boxer
- Dachshund
- Poodle (tied with #6)
- Bulldog
- Rottweiler
- Chihuahua
Washington Dc’s Top Dog Breeds
- Labrador Retriever
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Poodle
- Shih Tzu
- Golden Retriever
- Boxer
- German Shepherd
- Boston Terrier
- Pug
- Rottweiler
Chicago’s Top Dog Breeds
- Labrador Retriever
- German Shepherd
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Boxer
- Golden Retriever
- Rottweiler
- Doberman Pinscher
- Bulldog
- Pug
- Vizsla
Dallas’ Top Dog Breeds
- Labrador Retriever
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Golden Retriever
- German Shepherd
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Boxer
- Dachshund
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Rottweiler (tied w/#8)
- Pomeranian
As you can see the Lab was #1, the Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, and Boxer appeared on every top 10 list. I had no clue that Golden Retrievers were so popular and was very shocked to see many of the top 10 dog breeds to be large dogs!
Dogs »
Dogs fun dressing cute designer clothes
The Pet industry is a million dollar a year industry. There is a growing desire to purchase accessories for the pet much more so than in the past decades. You can currently get dog sweaters, luxurious dog beds and furniture, jewelry and pretty much everything you can purchase for yourself, including designer doggy apparel. We all want our pets to look and feel their best and purchasing special things for our dogs can make them feel like part of the family.
Designers like Paris Hilton who has lines especially for your doggy. These lines have everything but the kitchen sink quite literally. You can purchase items like the Paris Hilton Star Lily charm for a mere $30 or the Sparkle Bubble dress for $55 at retail price. The designers don’t stop there they also give you the decision on doggie gift baskets with full spa accessories including a towel and Body wash for the average pampered dog this treat also comes with a doggie bath robe.
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Though in the past we have considered our pet a part of the family many are going to extremes to ensure that they are well taken care of in many cases more then an average adult. The internet is scattered with literally thousands of sites sharing pet accessories. The items that are available for your dog’s are many giving our pets a major place in their average family functions. The purchase of a dog bed is on average between $30-150 dollars but if you are going designer: you will pay about $15-1700 dollars. The Beverly Hill Black and white bed is going now for over 1,700 dollars which is significant considering you can get a decent bed for a person for under $1000 dollars.
While a lot of us have trouble getting a grip on how this industry is a boom, many dog owners are purchasing these products and more for their fine furry friends and as long as the designers will make them there will be people to purchase them!
It is allot of fun dressing our dogs up in cute designer clothes, finding the perfect pair of dog boots, doogles (dog sun glasses) and having our dogs look their best!