Articles in the Puppy Love Category
Puppy Love »
Do dogs provide health benefits? Believe it or not they do! Did you know that owning a dog and pet ownership in general, can help a person in many ways? Owning a pet can improve your mental wellness, reduce your visits to the doctor, improve your cardiovascular health and allow for faster recovery time from surgery as well as higher survival rates. Recent research suggests that dogs may be able to detect cancer on a persons breath! Lets explore these amazing health benefits of pet ownership:br /
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It has been proven that dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than non-dog owners. These factors, in turn, reduce the chance of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, just stroking a pet has long been known to reduce blood pressure. Furthermore, a study from the New York State University concluded that these benefits continue even without the pet being present!br /
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Hospital studies have shown that senior citizens and recent post-op patients respond better to treatment and recover faster while in contact with dogs and other therapy animals. Did you know that dog owners have a greater chance to survive a serious illness than non-dog owners? In fact, a study revealed that a pet affected a persons survival rate even more than the presence or company of family members or friends!br /
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Studies conducted at Cambridge and UCLA concluded that there is a direct correlation between pet ownership and improved overall health, which leads to fewer visits to the doctor. The Journal of American Geriatrics Society notes that pet ownership has a positive effect on a seniors physical and emotional well being. Additionally, a Medicare study of elderly patients also shows that people who own a dog have fewer doctor visits than patients who do /
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Pet owners have better emotional health and mental wellness than people who do not own a pet. Pets offer unconditional love and affection and their presence alone helps reduce loneliness. For people who are isolated, disabled or handicapped, a pet offers friendship and can even add a element of safety to their lives. Dogs are used as a form of therapy in hospices, nursing homes and as companions for the disabled and blind. In fact, there are studies that prove that people with a major illness fight the stress of having the illness better by having a dog as a /
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There is new research that suggests that dogs may be able to detect certain types of cancer. Researchers at the Pine Street Foundation in San Anselmo, California and the Polish Academy of Sciences exposed dogs to breath samples from breast and lung cancer patients and samples from healthy people. They claim that the dogs were able to detect cancer with astonishing results and accuracy. The dogs were able to identify 99% of lung cancer breath samples (which included early stage cancer patients) as well as 88% of breast cancer samples. The study, which has been met with skepticism, will be released early in 2006 and published in the March edition of the Journal for Integrative Cancer Therapies. Experts agree that this holds promise, but must be evaluated and researched /
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As you can see pet ownership or having a dog comes with many benefits for an individual. Owning a pet encourages social interaction, reduces stress levels, boosts self-confidence and self-esteem and encourages exercise. Having a pet is a great investment, not only in the joy and pleasure that the animal brings into your life, but the many health benefits that come with the territory!br /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankpuppy training biting/a and a href= target=_blankstop dog from barking/a issues and claim your FREE Dog Training Tips report by visiting /
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Read important things to know about a href= target=_blankhouse training dogs/a – please make sure to read the page. The time has come when proper information is truly only one click of your mouse, use this chance.
Puppy Love »
There are numerous methods to adopt a small dog. You can find a adorable little dog at shelters. All you should to do is to pay some bucks for adoption and some dogs possessor check. It is very significant to identify what kind of owner the dog had in the past.a href= target=_blankAnimals/abr /
Normally belligerent dogs have bad, indifferent and careless owners. They dont take care of their pet and this makes the dog to become unfriendly. It is suggested to get to know the dog before adoption. If you have kids, you need to bring them along for the first /
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Numerous small dog breads do have certain medical conditions. For example Daushounds of usual or little assortment have back and hip problems. The Dachshunds stretched out body make them to have back issues. Another genetic element is their discs outer layer is thinner than normal. This medical problem is called”Intervertebral Disc /
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One more method for adopting little dog can be rescues. The most well-liked breads are such as: Papillion, Bichon frise, Daushounds, Boston terrier, mini pincher and so on. There are other kinds of breads that are mixed race. It all depends on you and your investigation about what kind of dog is suitable for you to have. It is suggested that some small dogs such as: pugs and miniature boxers should not be adopted if you have small children at home. The small dogs are easy to injure if you have small kids. They might fall or step on them. a href= target=_blankWild life/abr /
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There are in addition some little dogs that like to nibble. These kinds of dogs can be adopted where there are older children. br /
Generally small dogs need more attention and space to run. They tend to be more energetic and hyper than the bigger dogs. You also need to dedicate more time, love and bucks. Small dogs love to play and if you dont play with them, they get depressed and violent. You also should to pay more attention to them in order to maintain their health situation. They require shot and usual checkups. If you have enough bucks to take care of their medical needs and their obligatory maintenance, then you will not have problem with having a pet. br /
If you experience that you do not have time to maintain your dog, you may do disservice to yourself and your pet. A bored pet may cause some problems at home. If you have an apartment, it is better to adopt a small dog, especially if you are a senior citizen. They make a great companion. It is also easier to control the small dogs than the larger ones. br /
You should to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of little dog acceptance. You should to know whether having a small pet at home is right for you. You do also need to make sure that your landlord agrees with your decision regarding to have a little pet at home. Some people might have allergy to dogs. It is better to talk to a person who has little pets. They usually give you great tips of what to do if you come to a decision to have a dog at /
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Fetch important recommendations in the sphere of a target=_blankideas for a home based business/a – please read the publication. The times have come when concise info is really at your fingertips, use this opportunity.
Puppy Love »
In our days, dating frauds are becoming more common. Thats why it is better to know from the beginning how to protect yourself from fraud when using Internet personals and dating agencies. Many people try online dating in order to find a partner, but many of them dont know that online dating has also risks, such as dating /
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It is considering scam, for example, when a lonely foreign man gets acquired over the Internet with an attractive woman, which will try to get as much money out of the unsuspecting foreigner as possible. Online dating scammers are heartless; they are happy to exploit peoples emotions for their own gain. If you get too deeply involved, a dating scam can heart not only your hurt, but your finances too. So, dont be too sincere with the one you are chatting, remember that Internet personals, dating sites allow anyone to join free so you never know who is behind that pretty /
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The online scams come in many forms and shapes, but the nastiest form is romance scams, when those persons approach you on a dating service. They play with their victims feelings, send them lovely messages, call them on the phone, and after they built some degree of trust, here come the nasty scam part. They may have many faces: not only they frequently changes names, but they may list themselves by being of different gender, race, age, /
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The major weapon of the romance scammers is photos. If the photos are more attractive, the chances that this could be a scam are bigger. They may get the photos from a modeling site and also photos of innocent people and start using /
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How do they act? First, they approach the victim, by using some attractive photos that are usually uploaded from the Internet. Second, they are grooming the victim; they establish some lovely correspondence with you, talking about unconditional trust and her honesty. Also, the letters become long, flowery and romantic, and even call the guy my love’’, my prince and so on. She pretends to fall in love with you and talk about her dreams of your first meeting. The next step is to asking for money; after they will come to present you a sad situation, in which they are passing now, will be asking for your help. Such as: they would really like to meet you but do not have enough money or those they have been robbed and beaten and require urgent surgery or treatment for a serious illness. Even if you get in the trap, they will not stop here, and trying to milking the victim for money as much as possible, using different lies as reasons. And finally, take place the disappearing act; start getting out br /
little by little, sending only few messages and then disappearing at /
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So, to not pass in such a nasty situation here are some things that you should pay attention:br /
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-when you view a profile look out for things like a sleazy user name; a normal and sincere woman will not use a sleazy user namebr /
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– read what the profiles says, because people milking for others money will say something vague that can fit anyonebr /
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-look at the photos, if the photos are too attractive, gorgeous and professional in combination with a vague profile it means that there are troubles, that this is a scam; beautiful people are very selective so they include many requirements in their profiles. br /
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How to protect yourself:br /
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– use your common sense and think first that the offer may be a scambr /
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-never send money or give credit card detailsbr /
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-do not open suspicious or unsolicited emails, youve better delete them br /
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-never reply to a Spam emailbr /
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-do not agree to transfer money for someone else because money laundering is a criminal offensebr /
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The bad part is that guys are more vulnerable to fail for dating scams. There were many times when men send money to their non existing female admires. So, as an advice, never hand over money or personal details such as home address or bank account to someone who you never actually met. br /
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Also never forget that online dating has many advantages and these dating scams shouldnt stop you to try online dating anymore, especially now that you know how to handle the /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankchristian online dating services/a and a href= target=_blankindia singles/a issues by visting /
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Find realistic information for a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – this is your own knowledge pack.
Puppy Love »
Dog name for the family puppy
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One of the most exciting things in life is picking out the family puppy. Then seeing the reaction of the children or other family members. That image is simply priceless and then comes the hard part …the dogs name, what will we name the puppy? So how do we find a name that we can live with for the life of the puppy and beyond?
Finding the perfect name for our puppies take time and many people spend weeks looking before deciding on the right name.
Well here are three ways to help speed the process along:
1. Match the name with the puppy’s personality: Just like us puppies have their own personality. One dog might be a little more up beat then the other, or lazy, or clumsy. Many times it makes for a perfect name. For instance if the puppy is full of energy or gives you a smile whenever you see them-Sparky…might be a good name. Or if the puppy’s very bright you may want to call them-sunshine. If you puppy gets into a lot of things around the house you might name the puppy…Havoc.
2. Another method is matching the puppy’s physical appearance with the name: You might think to match the puppy’s name with how they look like: if the puppy has spots you would call him…spot. Or if the puppy was white he/she might be called snowball.
3. Many decide to name their puppies after other pets in the past: Or after people that remind them of that person. Choosing names of people who are important to them or pets that had meaning in their lives.
In all honesty the ultimate name is up to you or the family. The name you chose will live with you and your dog for many years to come so be sure you are comfortable with it. After all you can’t keep changing it because even though their pets they have personalities and feelings all there own.
We had a fun time naming our dogs. Our dogs are…..
- Capelli
- Player
- VooDoo
- Scout
- Vayda
- Medusa
- Shoeshine (Our daughter had to name a dog that after seeing Underdog!)
Leave us a comment! If you already have a dog, how did you pick the name?
Puppy Love »
Preparation for the puppy
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Choosing a new puppy can be quite a chore. Many think it is a great experience and while it might be there are a lot of things to consider when finding a puppy. You must make you choice carefully. If you have children you must determine whether or not that particular breed is good with children, if you have a small apartment and not much room for them to run you must decide whether or not the dog will have adequate space in the home. Preparation for the puppy may be just as long as with a newborn child.
So how can you tell if the puppy is right for you or your family?
Here are a few tips to get you started choose a puppy:
- Determine the size of the breed as an adult dog: Do you have adequate running room? will the breed be too big for your house? If you have small children with the size be a factor for them.
- Determine the temperament to the breed: Some breeds of dogs are more aggressive by nature. It doesn’t mean they are worse it just means if you have children you may not want them around that breed.
- Determine the personality: Sometimes by watching a puppy you can see their personality. Noticing how they are interacting with each other may help you decide on the one that is best for you.
- Determine if there is a connection: Some puppies you have an instant connection with. It might also happen to one of your children, watching to see how they respond to the puppies can also help you make your decision.
As you can see finding the perfect puppy is sometimes a chore but when you get the right one you know it…they soon become one of the family! So make sure that all of the family is included in the search and enjoy it. The look on the children’s face will be payment enough!
Puppy Love »
Puppies are babies keep a clean and secure house
Puppies are just as mischievous as babies. They are curious by nature and need to know the things that are around them. Many things we don’t think of can be dangerous for puppies so puppy proofing is not only good for them but is reassuring to us.
Here are some steps to take to make sure your home is safe for your new puppy:
- Make sure that all tiny things are off the floor: Puppies are known for chewing things or putting things in their mouth that are not food. Getting down to their level may sound strange but it will give you a better idea of what they see. Keep loose paper and sharp objects off the floor that can hurt them is a great first step.
- Make sure all poisonous things are put up out of the puppy’s reach: Remember that things that won’t hurt us can be very harmful to them. So it is important to keep the home very clean and free of loose debris. As well as putting up things like bleach, soap, oven cleaner, and even salt for the winter weather.
- Plants should be out of the puppies reach: Plants can be very harmful to them and puppies like to chew so making sure that it is out of their reach is also important.
- Plugs and electrical cords should be covered or removed from their reach: We all know that cords are dangerous to us and they are to the puppy as well. Placing covers on the cords and electrical sockets should be done to ensure their safety. Do not leave them unattended for any reason it only takes a minute for the puppy to get into something harmful maybe even fatal.
Remember that puppies are babies too and they are curious so anything you wouldn’t give your baby should not be given to the puppies. Buying toys and such for the puppies would help you out with the obsessive chewing but some puppies will try to chew anything they can get their teeth around and then some. Ensure their safety by keeping a clean and secure house for them to play in.