Articles tagged with: dog obesity
Dog Health »

Obesity is one of the most widespread problems in dogs and has long-term consequences on its health. Obese pets suffer from serious ailments like arthritis, liver problems, heart problems and might also become diabetic. Sadly enough, obesity tends to lead to further overweight problems because once a pet is overweight, his physical activity drops dramatically making it almost impossible to lose weight. Given below are 4 ways in which you can prevent dog obesity.
Dog Health »

Obesity in pets is a major health concern and like with humans, can cause many health conditions such as diabetes, breathing problems, hypertension (high blood pressure), arthritis and other joint problems, heart disease (and in extreme cases heart failure). It may also adversely affect an existing health issue. Obesity occurs when dogs are overfed and under-exercised, exceeding their energy requirements, which then promotes the storage of fat.
Dog Health »

Obesity is becoming a serious problem in the UK. Not only are our waistlines expanding, but so too are those of our pets. Dog obesity is now causing vets real concern, as they see more overweight pets waddling into surgeries with a range of health issues that could easily be avoided if the animal’s dietary requirements had been more closely monitored. Certain breeds are prone to obesity – Labradors, spaniels and Golden Retrievers can often become overweight in later years.