Articles tagged with: Dog Training
Dog Training, Dogs »
Training your dog letting them know who is boss
If you have a puppy or a dog, you have to worry about your dog listening to your commands, and even more importantly, you have to worry about how they interact with people and other dogs. Dogs are not born knowing the right and wrong way to act, and it is important that training your dog is one of the first things you think about when you bring a new one into your home. You will be responsible for what your dog does, so it is for your own benefit as well.
You can go to classes designed to help you in training your dog, or you can buy DVDs to help you do it yourself. The most important aspect in training your dog is to teach your dog that you are in charge. Believe it or not, they want you to be in charge. Dogs are pack animals, and they need a leader to know what to do and how to act. If your dog or dogs seem to be out of control, the problem is usually that you are not being a strong leader for them, and they don’t know what to do.
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Training your dog doesn’t even have to be that hard, and again, it’s a matter of letting them know who is boss. This is more than just how you talk to them. It is also about your body language and your tone of voice. You may issue a command you learned with training your dog, but if they don’t believe you mean it, they won’t pay any attention. Dogs need your leadership in much the same way that your children need you to be strong and in charge. Everyone feels more secure when they know someone is taking care of business.
If you are having trouble training your dog, there is no reason why you should keep trying. Go to a different class, or try to find someone to work one on one with your dog If you have chosen to use a DVD for training your dog, you may be missing something as you go about teaching them what you want them to do and how to act. If this hasn’t worked, you most definitely should try an obedience class. If nothing is working even after that, you should have your veterinarian look at your dog to see if there is any medical issue that may be causing the problem.
Dogs & Family »

Find a good companion dog that fits your personality. If your kids are thinking of a good companion dog, you probably would tend to first look at just look at a few of your favorite breeds, choose a good selection of puppies and then pick the one with the best spirit. And there are hundreds of breeds to choose from – just think of the Bluetick Coonhound and the Toy Poodle. But, you would be better served to find dog that fits your personality.
Dog Grooming »
I’m a dog lover who believes that every dog owners should train their dogs if they truly love and care for them. Because I believe that dog training gives dogs a happier and healthier life. Not to mention, it also gives their owner a trouble-free life long /
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Well, maybe you do know that dog training is important, but what resources are available to help train your dog?br /
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“Online and it’s free!” This thought should come to most dog owners /
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Yeah, you’re not wrong! That statement is definitely right to a certain extent. Allow me to explain further:br /
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1. Yes. I agree that there are valuable free information online. But do you have the time to scan through hundreds of thousands of web site out there to find one valuable or useful dog training tip?br /
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And since you are looking for dog training advice yourself, are you the one to judge if this dog training tip is useful or even helpful??br /
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2. Yes. Most resources are free on the internet, but are these resources reliable? Or trustworthy?br /
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Ask yourself: Are you learning from experts who knows everything about dog training or from novice dog owners who publish their dog training experience online? Or maybe you simply have not idea who you are learning /
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3. No doubt there are “good” dog trainers who offer valuable and good dog training materials online. But are they revealing everything they know?br /
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Again ask yourself: If they are “real” dog trainers who offer their dog training services to dog owners. Are these people willing to reveal everything that they know online free and put their business at risk?br /
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Certainly not for me or any sane person! Can you imagine KFC or Cheesecake Factory putting their recipes online?br /
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I have no doubts or whatsoever that you can find quality dog training sites online, but you do need a considerable amount of time to find them and test them over /
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For example, how would you know if an online recipe is good? You try cooking with the recipe right? Well, you use the recipe and the food turns out to be rubbish! You figure that the recipe is lousy and went on to look for another /
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This process can go on and on. Unless you know that you have a good recipe on hand, you won’t figure out that it’s actually your cooking technique that sucks! The same thing applies to online dog training /
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If you want to spend more quality time with your dog rather than searching for “useful” dog training resources online, the solution is actually simple: Buy a good dog training /
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Do what you have been doing all along. Learn from someone whom everybody learns from – just like going to school and learning from your teachers. In this instance, you just buy a proven dog training book that has been used by thousands of other dog /
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It’s not difficult to make a wise decision. I hope you know what it is after reading this /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankstop barking dogs/a and a href= target=_blankdog training barking/a issues by visting /
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Dog Carriers »
My best friend is incredible! She’s one of those rare types who hangs on every word you say. She’s content to be quiet when I need stillness, even though she’s one of those high-drive types. All I have to do is call and she’s there in an instant, no matter what she was doing before. She puts me ahead of all her other friends, never fails to make me feel special, and is a redhead just like me. But she’s not a person, even though she’s sure she is. She is a butterfly dog; a Papillon. br /
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When I brought this eight-week-old bundle of joy home, I didn’t know what to call her. I’m not very good at naming anything, so I usually just observe for a couple of weeks and let the animal name itself by its personality. This puppy’s name became evident in nothing flat: Tazzie. She whirled around the house, jumping up on furniture five times her size, zooming and zipping and totally charming me. She was, indeed, a Tasmanian devil pup. I quickly realized the athleticism of this dog and knew I’d have to find her a “job” when she got a little older. High-drive dogs, that don’t have “jobs,” will certainly find other outlets for their energy and those outlets aren’t usually things you would enjoy! br /
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You already have a burning love for your puppy, but what is your relationship like? Does it come when you call it? Does it sit or lay or stay? From your first class, at your dog training school, your relationship with your dog begins to change. I will warn you, however, that anything you want to teach your dog won’t come just with a once-a-week class, even if you have the best dog training school in the world. You have to practice with them, just a little bit, every day. br /
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Tazzie was a very food-motivated dog, so the fact that she got food every time she did something right made training a blast for her, all by itself. And this happened every day! Bonus! She made fast friends at her new dog training school, so going to class was fun as well. She got to where she would whine, as soon as we pulled in the parking lot, until I finally got her out of that /
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So now you’re taking your dog to classes in a place they love, and you’re working with them every day. During that time, you’re paying complete attention to them, teaching them to pay complete attention to you, and they get their favorite food as icing on the cake. This does incredible things for the bond between you and your dog. They learn to focus on you, no matter what, and good things will come. They get praised and fed, or praised and allowed to tug on a toy, whichever motivates the dog more, so your relationship can’t help but blossom. br /
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Ever since Tazzie and I started training together, she has claimed me as her own. When my other two dogs want to sit on my lap, she’ll push them out of the way to get the best spot because, I am her property, as far as she’s concerned. I do give the other dogs personal time as well, but I have to put her in a sit/stay or a down/stay so she’ll let them come get love. br /
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She is, by far, the one I can trust the most, not only because of her training, but from the bond we gained through the training. She never takes her eyes off of me, since we began at our dog training school, and it serves us well in the agility ring! br /
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If you want to forever alter and solidify the bond you share with your dog, find yourself a good dog training school, for whatever discipline you prefer, and go for it. With a little time, money, and patience, your relationship will become a forever relationship. If you do, your dog will turn out to be your best friend too!br /
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Dog Grooming »
Training a dog to act properly has many benefits, for the dogs and their human companions alike. Dog behavior training is critical in order to prevent such negative behaviors as aggression. It is important to deal with dog aggression issues by training dogs to interrelate appropriately with other dogs and especially /
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In order to know how to effectively train your dog to be a loyal and eager pet, it is important to know where dogs came from, and how their interaction with each other can affect /
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The first domesticated dogs were likely abandoned wolf puppies taken in by early humans. These wild dogs were taught to perform tasks that the humans needed assistance with, like guardian territory and frightening potential predators. Humans in turn provided sanctuary to the dogs, in addition to food and /
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This is a kind of connection that continues today. Many dogs still perform a variety of tasks for their masters, including herding, guarding, and /
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Be aware that dogs are instinctively pack creatures before beginning a training program. In wild dog packs, each member of the pack quickly learns his or her place in the ranking. Only when the alpha dog dies does the hierarchy ever change once established. The lower dogs understand that they do not challenge the pack leader, and the alpha dog carries out his duties as pack /
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The other members of the pack look to the alpha dog for leadership, food, and protection. Keeping this in mind, it is important for you to be the pack leader when you begin training your dog. br /
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A dog that submits to his human pack leader will respect his commands without question. Earning your dog’s respect is the first crucial step in effective dog training, and it will lay the groundwork for all succeeding /
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There are many reasons to train a dog properly. A calm and well-mannered dog is pleasant to be near, both for the dog’s family, and other people he might encounter. Additionally, being around an obedient dog assuages people’s fears, especially when it comes to more controversial breeds like Rottweilers and Pit /
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Knowing why a dog is exhibiting a negative behavior is important in effectively training and modifying bad behaviors. For instance, separation anxiety may be the root cause of many bad behaviors chewing and destructive behaviors. Solving the root cause of the problem will help to eliminate the peripheral /
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Stress and the lack of ability to deal with it can cause a host of unpleasant dog behaviors. One objective of a high-quality dog training program is to help the dog to endure stress without exhibiting negative /
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It is important to differentiate human behavior and dog behavior when training and working through bad behaviors. Dogs and humans have different motivations and reactions, so avoid the temptation to see your dog as human, and react on that /
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One thing the humans and dogs have in common is their sociability and the need to form close groups and strong bonds. While the bonding is very important to dogs and humans, it has served very different purposes in the evolution of each species over /
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Dog Grooming »
Most training revolves around giving the dog consequences for his behaviour, in the hope of influencing the behaviour the dog will exhibit in the future. Operant conditioning defines four types of consequences:br /
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Positive reinforcement adds something to the situation to increase the chance of the behaviour being exhibited again (for example, giving a dog a treat when he sits.)br /
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Negative reinforcement removes something from the situation to increase the chance of the behaviour being exhibited again (for example, releasing the tension on an uncomfortable training collar when the dog stops pulling on the leash).br /
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Positive punishment adds something to the situation to decrease the chance of the behaviour being exhibited again (for example, growling at a misbehaving dog).br /
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Negative punishment removes something from the situation to decrease the chance of the behaviour being exhibited again (for example, walking away from a dog who jumps up).br /
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Most modern trainers say that they use positive training methods, which is a different meaning of the word positive from that in operant conditioning. Positive training methods generally means preferring the use of reward-based training to increase good behavior over that of physical punishment to decrease bad behavior. However, a good trainer understands all four methods, whether or not she can put operant-conditioning terminology to them, and applies them as appropriate for the dog, the breed, the handler, and the /
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Rewardsbr /
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Positive reinforcers can be anything that the dog finds rewarding – special food treats, the chance to play with a tug toy, social interaction with other dogs, or the owners attention. The more rewarding a dog finds a particular reinforcer, the more work he will be prepared to do in order to obtain the /
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Some trainers go through a process of teaching a puppy to strongly desire a particular toy, in order to make the toy a more powerful positive reinforcer for good behaviour. This process is called building prey drive, and is commonly used in the training of Narcotics Detection and Police Service dogs. The goal is to produce a dog who will work independently for long periods of /
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Some trainers believe that the toy acts as a positive reinforcer for the desired behavior, when in all likelihood the prey drive works on an entirely different level from standard training and conditioning techniques. This is seen most clearly in the fact that, according to the laws of operant conditioning, positive reinforcers lose their effectiveness if theyre given every single time a dog does what is desired of him; the more predictable the reinforcer, the less reliable the behavior. Yet detection dogs only work well when they are always rewarded with a toy, every single time they find drugs or explosives, etc. The reason for this disparity is that when a dog is trained through the prey drive, the training activates an instinctive, automatic sequence that has to be completed in order for the dog to feel satisfied. That sequence is: search, eye-stalk, chase, grab-bite, and kill bite. So when a dog searches and finds drugs or explosives, he feels he hasnt finished his job unless he can bite something. This is the primary reason hes always given the toy. Its not really a positive reinforcer. If it were it would reduce the reliability of the behavior overall. Its a means of completing the predatory sequence for the /
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Punishmentsbr /
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Positive punishment is probably the consequence that is least used by modern dog trainers, as it must be used very carefully. A dog is generally only given this type of punishment if it is willfully disobeying the owner. Punishing a dog who does not understand what is being asked of him is not only unfair to the dog, but can make the dog a fearful or unwilling /
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Punishments are administered only as appropriate for the dogs personality, age, and experience. A sharp No works for many dogs, but some dogs even show signs of fear or anxiety with harsh verbal corrections. On the other hand, certain dogs with harder temperaments may ignore a verbal reprimand, and may work best if the reprimand is coupled with a physical punishment such as a quick tug on a training collar. Trainers generally advise keeping hand contact with the dog to positive interactions; if hands are used to threaten or hurt, some dogs may begin to behave defensively when stroked or /
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Avoiding punishmentbr /
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Keeping a puppy on a leash in challenging situations or in his crate or pen when not closely supervised prevents the puppy from getting into situations that might otherwise invite an owners harsh reaction (such as chewing up a favorite pair of shoes).br /
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Dog Training »
House training is the first thing your new puppy must learn. The toileting process a puppy learns in the first few months as a member of your household will last a lifetime so it’s important to do it right the first time. House training issues are the number one reason why dogs are taken to animal shelters so let’s /
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It’s important to understand that your puppy probably won’t be completely trained until he’s about 6 months old. That’s because young puppies lack the bladder and bowel control that they need to be reliably left alone for long periods of /
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It is also important for you to be available to supervise your new puppy but we all know that life happens. If you can’t be available for a period of time, confine your puppy to a small puppy-proof room. The entire floor should be covered with newspaper or some absorbent, disposable material. At first, your puppy will go everywhere in the room. As he gets older he will favor one area. Slowly reduce the area covered in papers until the puppy eventually goes only on the toilet papers. The floor in the puppy-proof room should not resemble other floor areas in the house like carpet or hardwood. Once your puppy is used to eliminating on a particular surface, he will want to eliminate on that type of /
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If you want to train your puppy to use only papers, your task is complete. Most owners prefer for their dogs to eliminate outside so the puppy-proof room should only be used when you aren’t home to supervise. If your puppy spends time in a crate, which he should at first, you can place papers in one area in the crate for your puppy to use. Dogs are naturally very clean animals and they will do their best no to soil their bed area. This really helps your puppy develop self /
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For puppies who are to be outdoor trained, take the puppy to his designated toilet area every 45 minutes. When your puppy does his business in his designated area, lavish praise on him. Don’t be afraid to look like a fool when providing this praise. He is learning the most important lesson in living in your household so go overboard with /
Put your puppy on a consistent feeding schedule so you can anticipate his needs. While he does need free access to clean, fresh drinking water, don’t give him unrestricted access to food. Likewise, until he is fully trained, do not give him the run of the house. One thing that will greatly aid in this process is putting a collar and long lead on your puppy and tying the other end of the lead around your waist. Your puppy will like being close to you and he won’t have the opportunity to make many /
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That doesn’t mean that mistakes won’t happen. When they do, don’t punish or reprimand him. He won’t understand the reason for the punishment and he might become nervous or agitated. He might even think he is being punished for eliminating at all. This could set your training back rather than moving it /
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The main thing you need for house training your puppy is patience and a good sense of humor. Be calm and relaxed while being consistent in your schedule and your puppy will be relaxed and calm while learning what he needs to learn to become a well adjusted member of the /
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While you and your puppy are bonding during this training time, you can start to introduce other commands like sit, come, stay, down. See my other articles on these individual commands and be sure to join me on the web at:br /
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Dog Training »
Unfortunately, eliminating problem behaviors is one thing that most dog owners eventually face. This article will focus on a few of the most commonly encountered behavior /
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Problem #1 – Jumping up on peoplebr /
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One of the most frequently cited problems with dogs is that of jumping up on people. Unfortunately, this is one of those behaviors that is often inadvertently encouraged by well meaning owners. After all, it is cute and adorable when that little 10 pound puppy jumps up on you, your family members and your /
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Many people reward this behavior on the part of a small puppy with kisses and treats. This is a huge mistake, however, since that cute little puppy may soon become a full grown dog who could weigh well in excess of 100 pounds. Suddenly that cute jumping behavior is no longer quite so /
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In addition to being annoying, jumping up on people can be dangerous as well. A large, heavy dog, jumping enthusiastically, can easily knock over a child or an older or handicapped adult. In todays litigious society, such an incident could easily make you, as the dogs owner, the subject of an unwanted /
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The time to teach a dog that jumping up on people is unacceptable is when he is still young and easy to handle. Retraining a dog that has been allowed to jump up on people can be difficult for the owner, and confusing for the /
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When the puppy tries to jump on you or another member of your family, gently but firmly place the puppys feet back on the floor. After the puppy is standing firmly on the floor, be sure to reward and praise him. It is important for every member of the family, as well as frequently visiting friends, to understand this rule and follow it /
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If one member of the family reprimands the dog for jumping and another praises him, the dog will be understandably confused. As with other dog training issues, consistency is the key to teaching the dog that jumping is always inappropriate. br /
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When praising and rewarding the dog for staying down, it is important for the trainer to get down on the dogs level. Giving affection and praise at eye level with the puppy is a great way to reinforce the /
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Problem #2 – Pulling and tugging at the leashbr /
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Pulling on the leash is another problem trait that many puppies pick up. Unfortunately, this behavior is also one that is sometimes encouraged by well meaning owners. Playing games like tug of war with the leash, or even with a rope (that can look like the leash to the dog) can unwittingly encourage a problem /
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The use of a quality body harness can be a big help when training a puppy not to pull, or retraining a dog that has picked up the habit of pulling on the leash. Try training the puppy to accept the body harness the same way it accepts the regular buckle /
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When walking with your dog, try using a lure or toy to encourage the dog to remain at your side. A training collar, when properly used, can also be a good training tool for a problem dog. When using a training collar or choke chain, however, it is very important to fit it correctly, and to use a size that is neither too big nor too small for your /
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When walking with your puppy, it is important to keep the leash loose at all times. If the puppy begins to pull ahead, the handler should quickly change directions so that the puppy fast finds itself falling behind. It is important to reverse directions before the puppy has reached the end of the leash. The leash should stay loose except for the split second it takes the handler to reverse direction. It is important to use a quick tug, followed by an immediate slackening of the /
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When training a puppy, it is important to never let the puppy pull you around. Training the puppy to walk properly while he or she is still small enough to handle is absolutely vital, especially when dealing with a large breed of dog. If your 150 pound Great Dane hasnt learned to walk properly while he or she is still a 20 pound puppy, chances are it never /
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It is important not to yank or pull on the puppys neck when correcting him. A gentle, steady pressure will work much better than a hard yank. The best strategy is to use the least amount of pressure possible to achieve the desired /
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Dog Training »
Does your dog seem to spend an infinite amount of time licking himself? Why is he doing it? And how do you, as a dog owner, correct that annoying licking habit? Here are five of the most common reasons why your dog might be incessantly licking himself and the solutions to correcting the /
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1. Your dog might have developed an unrelenting licking habit because he needs a /
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If your dog spends alot of time outside, romping through the woods, tramping in the mud, rolling in the grass or wading in the nearest stream or pond, he is probably dirty. So, your dog may be constantly licking himself because the dirt is irritating him! Plus, all that outdoor activity may have gotten him infested with ticks, fleas, mites, or lice. Your dog’s incessant licking may be an attempt to rid himself of those nasty varmints!br /
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Give him a bath with a veterinarian-approved flea and tick shampoo. Before bathing him, make sure you brush out all the mats and tangles from his coat or the bathing will make them /
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2. Your dog might have developed a chronic licking habit because he has a skin /
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Some common skin disorders that a dog may develop are mange or dermatitis. Mange is a skin disease in dogs that is caused by various types of mites. The dermatitis could be caused by an allergic reaction to fleas, dust mites, mold or a certain brand of dog food. If you suspect that your dog has a case of mange or dermatitis, your veterinarian will be able to diagnose what the disorder is and prescribe a course of /
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3. Your dog might have developed a persistent licking habit because he is under /
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The stress may be a result of a new adoption, physical abuse, separation anxiety, or even a reaction to a new /
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If you think separation anxiety might be the cause of his stress, there are several methods for solving the problem. Try exposing your dog to being alone for very short periods of time. When your dog has adjusted to being alone for that duration of time, gradually increase your departure period. If you must be away from your dog for a long period of time, while you are away at work, try to find a friend or neighbor who could come over and take him for a walk a couple of times during the /
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Perhaps a new dog in the family is causing the stress? It is very common to experience a period of stress and adjustment when a new dog is brought into a household that has an established pet. One way to help make the transition a little easier is to give your older dog alot of attention and love. It will let him know that hes still a vital part of the family. Just remember that it will take time for your dogs to adjust to one another and be one happy dog family!br /
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Changing your dog’s diet can also cause stress. If youre thinking of feeding your dog a new brand of dry dog food, do it gradually and over a period of four days or longer. On the first day that you change the food, feed your dog one quarter of the new food with three quarters of the old food. Add in another quarter of the new food after a couple of days or so. After another two days, add in another quarter of the new dog food. Finally, after another couple of days or so, you will be able to leave out the old dog food entirely!br /
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If you cannot determine the cause of your dogs stress, talk to your veterinarian. Hell be able to refer you to a dog behaviorist who will be able to determine the cause of your dogs stress. If your dog has severe separation anxiety, an anti-anxiety medication might be considered to alleviate the anxiety. Drugs are not a complete solution, however, and should be used along with a treatment /
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4. Your dog might have developed an incessant licking habit because he has an injury that has resulted in an open /
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A dog that has developed an injury that has resulted in an open wound will lick himself incessantly in an attempt to clean the wound and keep it free from bacteria. Dog saliva has been proven to kill some germs and when your dog licks an open wound, it will aid in keeping the wound infection /
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Veterinarian treatment may be required if your dog appears to be in pain, the wound contains a foreign material and is deep enough to require stitches, is bleeding excessively or becomes /
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5. Your dog might have developed a relentless licking habit because he has developed the bad habit of doing /
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Some dogs develop the habit of licking their paws incessantly despite them being clean, uninjured and parasite-free!br /
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Your dog may develop the habit of constantly licking himself because he has alot of nervous energy and no way to alleviate the stress. He also may have learned this behavior because he is bored and this is a way to entertain himself!br /
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Give your dog lots of time to play and run and work off any excess energy. If your dog is well-exercised and happy, he wont feel the need to relentlessly lick himself to relieve stress or boredom!br /
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The information detailed above will help you discover and correct your dogs habit of chronic licking. With careful observation and a little attention to proper grooming, training, along with regular veterinarian visits, you can lick your dogs incessant licking habit!br /
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Dog Breeds »
There are many different styles of dog training, and finding the one that works best for you is important for creating a dog that is a talented, loyal and faithful member of the family. All successful methods of dog training work to reinforce the relationship between dog and handler, and the foundation of any successful training program is getting the respect of the dog. Fortunately, dogs are wired by nature to seek out leaders, and to follow the direction of those /
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Both leash/collar training and reward training have been around for a very long time, and they have proven their effectiveness over time. The type of training that works best will vary from dog to dog, and from breed to breed. It is important to remember that each breed of dog has its own unique qualities, reinforced by hundreds of years of selective breeding. br /
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The leash and training collar is the most basic piece of equipment used in training a dog. Using the lead and training collar properly is vital to successful dog training. The training collar is designed to apply a specific amount of pressure each time the leash is tightened. The amount of pressure put on the leash controls the amount of pressure placed on the training collar, and the pressure can be adjusted according to how the dog /
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Of course personalities of individual dogs vary quite a bit, even within established breeds. You, as the owner of the dog, know better than anyone which style of dog training will work best, so it is important to work with the trainer you choose to achieve your goal of a willing, obedient and friendly /
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Leash and collar training is the best way to accomplish many types of dog training, particularly in situations where the dog must have a high level of reliability. For instance, dogs that have an important job to do, such as rescue dogs, police dogs and guard dogs, generally benefit from leash and collar /
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The first part of training with collar and leash, of course, is to purchase a quality, well made training collar that will fit your dog properly. There are many types of training collars and leashes on the market. The most important thing is to choose one that is sturdy and well made. The last thing you want to do is chase your dog down after he has broken his /
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The length of the collar should be approximately two inches longer than the circumference of the dog’s neck. It is important to accurately measure the dog’s neck using a measuring tape. In order to get an accurate measurement, you must make sure that the tape is not tight around the dog’s neck. br /
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In a collar and leash based dog training program, first the dog is taught a particular behavior, generally with the leash. After the dog has demonstrated that it understands the command, the leash is then used to correct the dog if it disobeys, or when it makes a mistake. The leash is the main form of controlling and communicating with the dog in leash and collar /
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When using leash and collar training, the dog must be trained to trust the handler and accept his or her directions without question. In order for the dog to be fully trained, the handler must demonstrate the ability to place the dog into a posture or position he or she does not want to take. This does not mean using force, but it does generally require some level of physical manipulation. This manipulation is most easily and safely done using the main tool of leash and collar training – the /
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The well trained dog is one who will walk at his owner’s side on a loose lead, neither dropping behind nor charging /
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The well trained dog will also vary his pace to meet that of his handler. Under no circumstances should the handler be forced to change his or her pace to match that of the dog. br /
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If the dog does begin to charge ahead, it is important to correct the dog promptly by giving a quick tug on the leash. This will give the dog a good reminder that he needs to change his pace. It is important to quickly relieve the pressure as soon as the dog responds. The training collar is designed to relieve pressure as soon as the leash is /
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Most dogs will immediately respond to corrections by a good, properly used training collar. If the dog does not respond as directed, it may be necessary to apply greater pressure. This can be especially true of large dogs or those who have preexisting behavior or control problems. If you are still unable to get a response from your dog, it is possible that you are using a training collar that is not large enough for your dog. If you think this may be the case, be sure to ask for expert advice before proceeding.