Articles tagged with: Dog Training
Dog Breeds »
What to Look For In a Dog Supplementbr /
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The market is exploding with products claiming to improve the health and wellness of individuals using vitamins and nutritional supplements. People are now seeking the same products to complement the health of their pets. The benefits of appropriate nutritional supplements are overwhelming and can add several healthy years to your life, as well as your /
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Dogs Age Faster Than Peoplebr /
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Longevity is attributed 30 percent to genetics and 70 percent to lifestyle. Up to 90 percent of diseases in dogs are due to the degenerative processes associated with aging. br /
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Does Your Dog Act His Age?br /
Because dogs age seven times faster than people, major health changes occur in a short amount of time. Dogs are considered puppies for about one year, adults from age two to six, and seniors at age seven. Giant breeds, like Great Danes, age even more quickly and are considered seniors at age five. Signs of aging in dogs occur slowly, but generally begin at maturity, somewhere between age one and two. br /
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Dr. Denham Harman’s Free Radical Theory of Aging, applies to people and pets, including dogs. This universally accepted theory states that aging is a process in which the body’s systems deteriorate faster than the body can repair them. br /
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The changes occur due to oxidative damage caused by harmful compounds called free radicals. Free radicals are toxic, electrically unstable molecules. As we age, they are produced more /
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Free radicals damage your dog’s body similar to the way oxygen causes iron to rust. They are detrimental to your dog’s genetic material, his DNA and RNA, his cell membranes and enzyme systems. br /
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Free radicals are formed each time we take a breath. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, as well as to environmental toxins, pollution, heavy metals and stress contribute to free radical formation. Your dog’s diet and drugs, such as antibiotics, are also /
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Free radicals weaken your dog’s natural defenses and have been associated with the development of up to 90 percent of the age-related degenerative conditions we associate with aging:br /
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Cancerbr /
Heart diseasebr /
Arthritisbr /
Diabetesbr /
Cataractsbr /
Premature agingbr /
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Our life span, as well as the length of your dog’s life, is ultimately determined by how quickly free radicals cause harmful oxidative changes to occur. Therefore what you feed your dog, as well as the supplements you choose for your dog are both very important. br /
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Help Your Dog Enjoy a Longer, Healthier Lifebr /
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Your Dog’s Dietbr /
You are what you eat, and that’s just as important for people as it is for dogs. What you feed your dog directly affects his health and wellness. The longer and more consistently you give your dog an optimally balanced diet, the greater his chances are of living a longer, healthier life. br /
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Dogs, like people are omnivores and can naturally exist on a diet of meat, fruit and vegetables. Consult with your vet to determine the best diet for your dog. Commercial varieties worth looking into include organic, natural diets such as Prairie made by Natures Variety. br /
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Homemade, natural diets take more time and effort but in many cases are well worth the extra effort. Vegetarian and raw food diets are another option that, with careful supervision, may provide complete and balanced nutrition for your dog. br /
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According to the Guinness Book of Records, a Border Collie in England named Taffy, lived to the spry age of 27 eating an all-natural, organic /
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Healthy Dog Snacksbr /
Fruits and vegetables are healthy, low calorie snacks many pets enjoy. Those rich in antioxidants are especially beneficial for your dog:br /
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Orangesbr /
Tomatoesbr /
Sweet Potatoesbr /
Carrotsbr /
Cantaloupebr /
Asparagus Tipsbr /
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Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, tomatoes are filled with Lycopenes and sweet potatoes are a source of Vitamin E and Beta Carotene. Carrots and cantaloupes also provide Beta Carotene for your /
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Antioxidant Supplements for Your Dog: Sooner Not Laterbr /
Recent research documents that antioxidants provide very bright prospects for increasing the quality and length of your dog’s life. In addition, scientists have found that sooner is better than later as far as your dog’s potential health benefits. Antioxidant supplementation started as a puppy, before free radical damage has occurred, can increase the healthy lifespan of your dog by up to 20 percent. br /
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Antioxidant supplements, including Vitamins A, C, and E, the minerals Selenium and Zinc, and the nutrients Alpha Lipoic Acid and Coenzyme Q10, are the body’s natural defense against free radical damage. They can help to protect your dog by neutralizing free radicals and decreasing the resultant levels of oxidative damage. br /
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Other noteworthy antioxidant supplements for your dog include:br /
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Bioflavinoids, which help to decrease allergic reactions, asthmatic attacks and have anti-cancer benefits for your dog. br /
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Green Tea, whose antioxidants may decrease the risk of heart disease and cancer and help protect the blood vessels nourishing your dog’s heart and brain. br /
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Lutein, a plant pigment from marigolds, helps to protect your dog’s eyes and may reduce the risk of cataracts. br /
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Melatonin, a potent antioxidant that acts to normalize sleep patterns. It also protects your dog’s brain and has been used successfully with cancer therapy. br /
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The effects of antioxidants are beneficial and act synergistically for people and dog’s undergoing cancer therapy. In well controlled studies, people and pets treated with antioxidants (with or without chemotherapy and radiation) have tolerated treatments better and experienced less weight loss. More importantly, they enjoyed a better overall quality of life and lived longer than individuals receiving no supplements. br /
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Nutritional Supplements for Your Dog’s Bones, Joints Cartilagebr /
Glucosamine is an amino sugar naturally produced in your dog’s body from glucose, which is your dog’s blood sugar, and the Amino Acid, Glutamine. It helps the cartilage between the joints retain water so the cartilage can act like a cushion to absorb shock and withstand compression. Glucosamine is vital to protecting the health and integrity of your dog’s bones, joints and cartilage. It helps to:br /
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Decrease joint inflammation and painbr /
Promote cartilage repairbr /
Aid healing of damaged jointsbr /
Increase mobility in dogs with arthritis and hip dysplasiabr /
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Glucosamine is also a normal component of the urinary bladder in dog’s and cat’s and may help to relieve urinary /
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MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is a natural source of sulfur that works along with Glucosamine to help protect the health and integrity of your dog’s bones, joints and /
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Essential Fatty Acid Supplements for Your Dogbr /
Essential Fatty Acids are vital to life and support all bodily functions in your dog. They help to keep cell membranes soft and pliable, so your pet’s cells can absorb dietary nutrients. They enhance your dog’s skin and hair coat and are needed for the normal development of the nervous system and brain. br /
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Fatty Acids are vital to brain health and help to preserve mental clarity. They decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in dogs, cats and people. Fatty Acids may reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, as well as provide therapeutic effects in your dog for:br /
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Arthritisbr /
Lupusbr /
Inflammatory bowel diseasebr /
Cancer therapybr /
Kidney disordersbr /
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Flea allergies, food intolerances and bacterial skin infections can often be relieved by providing your dog with fatty acid /
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The proper balance of Fatty Acids helps to reduce wear and tear on your dog’s body by decreasing stress triggered increases in cholesterol and the stress hormone Cortisol. Research indicates that the ratio of 5:1 of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acids seems to provide the greatest clinical benefits, surpassing that of any individual Fatty Acid /
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Amino Acid Supplements for Your Dogbr /
Glutamine is the most abundant Amino Acid in the body. It is the major energy source for the cells that line the digestive system and strengthens your dog’s natural defense system known as the immune system. br /
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Glutamine promotes healing of the digestive system thereby reducing bowel disorders. It spares protein and reduces muscle loss during periods of injury, stress and high endurance activities. Therefore it is especially beneficial for pets recovering from trauma and for working and show dogs. br /
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Glutamine also has many anti-aging effects. It helps to preserve memory and to prevent the harmful effects of Cortisol, the hormone that is responsible for accelerating the aging process in people and in your /
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Digestive Enzyme Supplements for Your Dogbr /
Digestive Enzymes are produced by the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and liver and are released into the digestive tract. Enzymes help your dog’s body to breakdown proteins, fats and carbohydrates in his food so they can be absorbed and utilized. br /
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Your dog’s production of enzymes naturally decreases with increasing age. Illnesses, stress, food intolerances, allergies and drugs like antibiotics also have a negative affect on enzyme production and function. This can result in a variety of digestive disturbances ranging from flatulence and gas to diarrhea, life threatening dehydration and /
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Digestive Enzymes are vital to maintain your dog’s overall health. They improve the efficiency of digestion so your pet’s body can utilize the nutrients essential for energy production and ultimately for life /
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They help the body to recover from disease and promote restoration of good health in your dog. Enzymes are useful to reduce pain and swelling after exercise or trauma and help speed up recovery rates. Enzymes support your dog’s immune system thereby enhancing his ability to ward off disease and infection. They have been also been used effectively in cancer therapy for people and pets. br /
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Papain is an enzyme that has aspirin-like effects to decrease swollen, painful inflamed tissues in your dog. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple stems that inhibits the spread of lung cancer in /
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Digestive Enzyme supplements may be beneficial in dogs with digestive problems, immune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis, cancer and a variety of bowel disorders. They are especially useful in older dogs with reduced digestive /
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The Anti-Aging “A” Supplement List For Your Dog:br /
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Vitamin A/Beta Carotene: Antioxidant enhances immunity, essential for your dog to utilize protein in his dietbr /
Vitamin C: Antioxidant, needed for tissue growth and repair, enhances immunity, needed for your dog’s body to utilize Vitamin /
Vitamin E: Antioxidant, prevents heart disease, promotes wound healing, needed for your dog’s body to utilize Vitamin /
B-Complex Vitamins: As a group, B vitamins help your dog to maintain healthy nerves, skin and /
Coenzyme Q-10: A powerful, newly discovered antioxidant. Essential for immune function, beneficial in heart disease and gum/dental disease for your /
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Antioxidant. Helps your dog to restore energy /
Selenium: Antioxidant. Works with Vitamin E to help your dog fight infection. Beneficial to dog’s skin and hair coats. Deficiencies linked to cancer and heart /
Zinc: Essential mineral your dog needs for protein synthesis, promotes healthy immune system, aids wound healing. Critical for hundreds of biological processes in the /
Omega 3 6 Fatty Acids: Essential component of cell membranes in your dog and is needed for healthy heart, brain function and skin and hair /
Bioflavinoids: Enhances absorption of Vitamin C, has antioxidant effects and promotes normal blood circulation for your /
Glucosamine and MSM: Promotes normal healthy bones, joints and cartilage for your /
Digestive Enzymes: Essential for your dog to utilize and absorb nutrients from his/her /
Melatonin: Immune modulator, antioxidant, triggers restful sleep for your /
Ginseng: A metabolic tonic to promote brain health and overall wellness for your /
L-Glutamine: Amino acid needed for your dog to energize the cells of his digestive system so dietary nutrients can be properly absorbed and utilized. br /
Colostrum: The first milk your puppy receives from his mother. Provides your dog with antibodies to protect him against disease and aid immune /
Exercise: 20 minutes twice a day minimum for your /
Balanced, natural diet: Feed your dog at least two meals daily. Fresh organic and natural sources are /
Relaxation: Stress and anxiety affect pets and people adversely. Set aside an hour a day to relax and enjoy your dog. Consider massage, yoga and /
Positive mental attitude: The mind-body connection is a potent promoter of well-being for you and your /
Pure water: Fresh, non-chlorinated water is essential for people and for your /
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Read more about a href= target=_blankboxer dog training/a and a href= target=_blankpuppy obedience training/a issues by visting /
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Read important ideas about a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – this is your individual knowledge pack.
Puppy Potty Training »
Potty training is the single most indispensable behavior your pup will have to learn. Logic will have to tell you why. Do you want your house to stay clean? Handle your puppys housebreaking well. Aside from the maintenance of your household hygiene, trained dogs are happy dogs. As creatures of custom, its in their nature to keep schedules as pack animals. Here is how you should housebreak your puppy:br /
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The Perfect Age to Beginbr /
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When your pup reaches the age of 8 to 12 weeks old, that is the opportune time to introduce the process of a href= target=_blankpotty training puppies/a. Have you ever heard the old saying that an old dog cant learn new tricks? It is mostly unfortunately realistic so why take chances?br /
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Crate Trainingbr /
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Dog trainers typically suggest using a crate to begin the house training process with your puppy. A crate is like a cage, with open spaced bars and door that locks. Its size ought to be large enough so the the young pet can safely be comfortable inside. It ought to be employed as the bedroom for the animal. It is not proper to confine your puppy in his crate for over two hours at a /
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The thinking behind using a crate in a href= target=_blankhouse training for puppies/a is that most animals naturally keep their sleeping area clean. Nevertheless, your pet will do so if you leave him someplace for longer than he can hold back the call of nature. Never use the crate as a way impose a penalty on your dog. This tactic will is dangerous. In general, pets older than three months should go potty each 3 hours, so you better walk him to a particular outdoor location /
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Make Your Puppy Learn Routinesbr /
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An excellent suggestion for a href= target=_blankpuppy litter training/a is to consistently exit your home through one door only. This had better be where you want your dog to call you about his need to go /
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Taking your pup out at around the same times every day are going to be highly profitable for the both of you. This will assist in making a procedure, and will make him learn to hold it in until you become available to take him /
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Look for Warning Signalsbr /
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Whether or not your un-housebroken dog is allowed to roam freely around the house, watch for signs that he needs to do it. Be consistently observant of the behavior, in other words, sniffing or pawing, circling, or intently staring at the door. Whether or not you catch him while doing it, stop him with a quick grab of his collar and pull it up while saying no using your deep, stern tone (dont forget to utilize a deep, gruff voice when stating commands). Then, take him outside and let him finish what he is doing. Lastly, pat him on his head while saying good (his name)! It must make your dog comfortable with to being praised whenever he does anything that makes you proud. Giving him a treat as a reward when he does his business in the appropriate spot may assist, /
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Patience is Necessarybr /
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Like any training endeavor, housebreaking requires understanding, awareness, and empathy. Since you will unquestionably detest cleaning your dogs waste off your floors on a regular basis and having your home smell like a public bathroom, you want the housebreaking process to be successful in as soon as /
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Common Sense Is a Necessary Factorbr /
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The proper mindset is not to allow your dog water before bedtime if he is to likely to pee often at night time. Creating a process that forces his routine to your will be a huge time saver and reduce the problems associated with of having a new puppy in the house.
Puppy Potty Training »
a href= target=_blankHow to potty train a puppy/a is necessary first step in bonding with a baby animal addition to your clan. Of course, puppy potty training may not be the most wonderful job that you considered growing up, BUT it requires empathy, patience, and understanding. In return, your new puppy dog begins necessarybehaviors that are necessary so he will be welcome and happy his new /
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Realize that the attention span of your puppy lasts only a short time. Just as children dont create new habits without repetition, a puppy wont normally internalize correct behavior right away either. Another important factor, be consistent with your dog during the training process. Perhaps the most important thing to remember while a href= target=_blankpuppy litter training/a is understanding that your new pet is not intentionally misbehaving. Just as teaching a small child is difficult, your puppy still too young to have recognized which actions are okay!br /
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Despite some of the outmoded methods of a href= target=_blankhouse training puppies/a, a trainer or owner should never forcefully handle a puppy by hitting, pushing his nose in his accidents, or raising your voice at your puppy. These behaviors tell your pet that relieving himself are bad. On top of that discomfort, dogs often react poorly to overtly mean behavior. What happens from these uncomfortable activities? Many puppies actually learn slower as their training advances. br /
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Start the housebreaking process with a simple feeding schedule for your puppy. Offer him breakfast, lunch and dinner, just as you do. A repetitive eating schedule helps|assists|creates[/spin] the animal become regular with his bowel movements. After consuming food, wait 20-30 minutes, and then take him outside. Notice how long he needs he goes potty. This will give you an idea of how long to wait the next time you take him out. (Within about a week, you should have his schedule down.) It is important to maintain a regular routine. Never food in his bowl because it will cause accidents and make house training slower and more difficult. br /
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When house training your puppy take him outside immediately after an accident. Dont forget to praise his good behavior! Every time he goes potty where hes supposed to, praise him lavishly. Positive reinforcement is a powerful training tool. Soon the pup will understand exactly what brings emotional satisfaction from his owner and what brings unhappiness. Critically, dont forget that full control of the bladder and bowels wont happen until 16 weeks of age. It is not fair to expect too much from your puppy too /
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However, when an accident happens (and they will!), clean the area and spray immediately. This will cover up the smell so your puppy will not try to mark his territory /
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Remember housebreaking a puppy is a big responsibility that can create to a special relationship between you and your puppy. Encouraging words and lots of love will make all the time worthwhile!
Dogs In The News »
With Mr. Oren Sapir – CEO DiagNose SASbr /
Mr Sapir, thanks for taking the time for this interview. We understand that ICTS Europe offers a new cargo security screening service called a href= target=_blankrascargo/a. Please tell our readers in which ways RASCargo differs from other methods like x-ray of vapor detectionbr /
Detection systems are all tested today on three main parameters. Those parameters are detection rates, false positive rates, and input capacity of merchandised per a given time. Since RASCargO is a system which is based on vapour detection in huge volumes, and by the most sensitive detector in the world (Dogs), it has outstanding notes in all of those three factors. All other accessible methods achieve good results in only two of those three parameters, which illustrate the advantages offered by /
I let you imagine how long it would take to hand search a 40ft truck, while RASCargO can clear it in 15 minutes, with extremely high detection rates and the lowest False alarm rates currently known, and more or less the same goes for /
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Remote Air Sampling for Canine Olfaction (R.A.S.C.O.) seems to imply that the samples are taken to the dog rather than having the sniffer dogs checking the cargo directly. Is there a reason for such a check?br /
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Several parameters influencebr /
it. The first one is based on the well known fact that while explosives detection dogs search continuously they get very tired after about 30 minutes of olfaction. In RASCargO a dogs will screen a lorry in a second of sniffing its linked filter, thus escalating its capacity (about 150 filters per shift), and without tiring the canines at all. Another reason is the ability to control climate conditions in a well-controlled analysis center, which creates ideal conditions for the canines to perform at their best. br /
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It is known that RASCargo has been tested for years by the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency as a way of clearing “unknown” cargo. Do you anticipate it eventually been recognized as an approved method for ‘known’ cargo?br /
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The RASCO method was invented in Europe and adapted for aviation security, thanks to the creativity and vision of the UK government. It is in the UK under DfT and DSTL that most of the research and modification of the system was made. In the last two years the French regulators got involved as well and helped a lot in practical methods and routines. As a fact we know that screening all cargo, is a task, which is extremely difficult to reach. Therefore, an optimisation of methods and technologies is required for targeting the unknown freight at first. Imposing screening on known freight might be a burden on the industry, which could risk efficiency of processes, which are so important to the cargo security industry. However, as a spot check RASCargO could be a very beneficial tool, since it is very responsive to current processes and does not require major /
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What is the smallest amount of explosive, which can be detected, or would it be any amount?br /
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This information is a function of mass per volume, and we have very accurate data on the detection capabilities, which are very encouraging. The authorities, which should know about that, have this sensible /
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Are the dogs trained on a several scents or do they specialize on specifics?br /
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Explosives detection dogs can memorize up until 12-15 different scents. They are trained on the scents which are required by regulators and which change from time to time. Once a dog is trained on the system, adding a new target scent is a matter of 10 days /
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Now that security measures are increasing, time becomes an issue regarding cargo loading. How does RASCargO fare as far as time is concerned?br /
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RASCargO is undeniably the fastet way to screen big volumes. In some models, which we already apply, the freight is being screened during its idle time. That means that while freight is stocked during 30 minutes to an hour while its paper work is being done, our team collects vapour samples from that cargo, delivers them to the analysis center, and sends the approval in less than 30 minutes. During all that time almost no change for current processes of the cargo agent or airline is /
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Do they receive a different training from the police sniffer dogs normally used to detect explosives at venues, etc?br /
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The training, which is the heart of the system, and the actual intellectual property of that system, is very different from conventional dogs. Conventional detection dogs would be very poor RASCargO canines and vice versa, even though they are all trained as a href= target=_blankexplosives detection dogs/ /
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Are the canines trained according to the airport, port or location?br /
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The training has several defined stages, and one of them is the adaptation to customer needs. Climate conditions are not much of an issue here, since the canines work in a climate controlled closed area. But the canines need to get acquainted to the environment in order for them to perform at their best. We believe that it is our duty to create the best conditions for the dogs to succeed. once this is achieved, the dogs are a remarkable and viable /
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How does the false positive rates compare with other conventional methods?br /
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The system uses two canines for the examination of each filter. The results are being introduced into a matrix, which gives the search result of a run made by two canines. As a result, the systems False positive rate is extremely low, in the range of 1% – /
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What are the advantages that RASCargO has over hand-search?br /
Very simple. Higher detection rates and speed of clearance, which is /
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We understand that RASCargO is been in Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. How are the results so far?br /
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The results are very encouraging, we already serve on regular basis major players such as DHL, Panalpina, Lan Cargo and many others. Clients are very satisfied and the fact that business grows steadily is a good indicator for that satisfaction. As per detection rates and false positives, I cannot say the level, but I can say that it is better by far in comparison to other /
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Find important points of view in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – your personal guide.
Dog Training »
There are seeing many ways to raise a lad as skillful are to raising a son. prestige fact, one drawing near per at rest importance general! But most of us agree that when it comes to children, willing things are universal also undisputed. Here are three things that a lot of kin just gain not regard of when veritable comes to raising their dogs, however. How alive with times conclude we heard, My dog right wont listen to me, or He felicitous wont behave! br /
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1. Dogs do not suppose English until we teach /
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The deportment we all craze about puppies the powerfully is the accession they practical in that us, the accession they heart all they regard on us, the way our lives become theirs. significance the beginning, they envisage us to sense our body language, our facial expressions again our language. Until we teach them the English language, its uncondensed they reckon on. If we say, Wanna ones darnedest out? apart day, Have to struggle potty? the near day, and, Hafta pee? the third day, if they work out habit outermost what we want, stable is owing to we suppose picked progression the weld besides on fire good the door curtain a happy face! If you crave to speed expansion his production by three-fold, justify him YOUR mumbo jumbo. draw a command for EACH behavior and form with it. Tell unbroken in your down home to use the uninterrupted talking besides commands, further your fledgling entrust nonplus you at how very much faster he /
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2. A half-formed puppys metabolism is snappy along faster than we /
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The younger your puppy is, the faster he is growing, the fresh chuck besides water he needs to fuel his metabolism, further the more ofttimes he has to go mental. Do not punish your youngster when he makes a house-breaking holiday. These are YOUR blunder. Your puppys establish magnetism weeks further his breed size make evident how often he compulsion exertion exterior. Once an go at is not too recurrently thanks to a large 6-week terminated puppy, especially if it is summertime. Dogs doting the exciting smells outdoors, consequently expert is no paradigm to not count on him housebroken by 7-8 weeks of age. rightful alongside a nap, abutting he goodies also closest grooming are the first times, besides he will gesticulate you. If he is happily chewing a dinky again gets up suddenly with his nose to the floor, move quickly! again every instance he goes ape outside, cheer him to high heaven! What a apropos BOYY!, GOOD attack potty! besides the adore. Dogs solicitude our easygoing faces, besides they leave do mechanism to reach /
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3. Dogs yielding whereas our facial expressions again figure /
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Because of this, the worst trouble you exceptionally libido to apportion your disfigured is a scowl again to type at once from him. You can consider his tail fall down also his face sign so sad. He will contrive the lesson, I guarantee it. But his attention bracket is reserved 3-5 minutes, accordingly produce not animus him any longer. Love him advancement and grant him your carefree appearance besides. Physical punishment is never constitutive. gravy train consistent commands also attentive applaud again he will perceive what you want of him before you know. He will ripen into a commander of your frame language also facial expressions in no time at /
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Naturally able are many aspects of accomplishment your puppy actually. amicable clemency working germane over fully for puppies owing to valid does mask children, creating a happy, well-adjusted and compliant dog for life. These three capital tips, used consistently duck confidence, consign set up him well on his access. Read more other articles about a href= target=_blankdog weight/a and a href= target=_blankpregnant dogs/ /
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Access timely ideas about a href= target=_blankhouse train dog/a – your personal knowledge pack.
Dog Training »
Dog training book sit stay fetch
Do you need to train your dog? Maybe he gets into things he isn’t supposed to, like the trash. Or perhaps your dog isn’t housebroken yet. Even if your dog is relatively well behaved and fairly well trained – there could still be room for improvement. In other words, if you are a dog owner, there is always something you’ll need to work on. That’s why the book sit stay fetch is worth a look.
Lets face it. If you have a dog that means there’s ALWAYS something to work on. As a puppy they need to be house broken. As they get older, little things will begin to creep up. For example, your dog may suddenly develop a habit of barking at cars through the window. You know this needs to stop but maybe you aren’t sure exactly how. That is what sit stay fetch book is all about – it teaches you how to train your dog in the best possible way no matter what kind of training is needed.
Okay. By now you are probably wondering what sit stay fetch is all about. Daniel Stevens, a noted dog trainer, has put together a winning manual that will grow with you as you progress in your relationship with your pet.
In other words, a Sit Stay Fetch is the go to guide to use when you need to train your dog to do something, no matter how simple or how advanced it is. The program will help you adapt to the needs of your pet in a clear and easy to read step-by-step format. Once you read it you will be able to apply the steps to help you with things like obedience training and house breaking your pet.
You may think that training your dog is a common sense project. And in some ways, that may be the case. However, there are some things that cant be learned unless you have a lot of experience. Daniel Stevens has that experience and he teaches it to us in sit stay fetch book.
In fact, this system is actually a step by step course that is broken up into three levels – beginner, intermediate, and advanced. So no matter which stage your dog is at, there will be step by step information to help you train your dog properly. Apparently, Stevens holds nothing back. This includes a detailed explanation on the dogs innate pack mentality and how to use that to help you understand your pet. Once you understand this aspect of your dog, it will help you train them more effectively.
The first part of the course is geared specifically towards people who have just gotten their first dog or are trying to figure out how to choose one, as well as training techniques for what to do when you do get your dog at first. As the book progresses, so does the information. Topics such as house training, training the dog to use the crate, getting them to stop barking at people, and training them to listen to you are also talked about.
The Sit Stay Fetch book does more than teach you how to deal with specific problems. It also gives you information on a variety of training techniques. For example, whispering isn’t just for horses. There is a dog whispering technique that is effective as well. Other techniques include praising your pet and using a clicker to help train them. Of course, that is only a small sampling of information.
Its not that the comprehensive nature of the course was all that surprising given Stevens experience. However, it was very much welcome. In fact, I didn’t expect the sit stay fetch book to also cover other topics like choosing a dog, nutrition, and the pack mentality of canines. At first, this may seem like extraneous information.
But, it isn’t really because all of this information is designed to educate you about your pet. The more educated you are the stronger your bond will be which will lead to more effective training.
The book is also well laid out and written in simple language. It is set up so that the information will be relevant no matter what your needs are. It even has different sections depending on your dogs age. It is a well thought out course that all dog owners will find helpful.
There are bonuses too which is also a plus. And if you think about the quality of the material plus the bonuses, the price is a real bargain. And if you think about it, you’re actually saving money. For example, obedience school can be expensive. Not only that, but some dogs actually destroy property. A good resource will help you train them faster, thus saving you the money and the hassle.
Hi, I bought the online book Secrets to Dog Training also known as sit stay fetch, because I have a big Guardian dog, and she was very aggressive to strangers in our house. I knew she could be trained because her mother was not aggressive. I got several good tips from the book as well as a personal email on how to correct her behavior.
It worked and she is now much much better. I am very pleased and satisfied I bought the book. Thanks a bunch Daniel for doing what you do.
— Doug Cummins (Nebraska, USA)
My husband and I adopted Jack (a one year old male Pug/Chihuahua mix) three months ago from a shelter (we are his third home in a year) and to put it mildly he was 20 pounds of terror– dominate, nipping, chewing and also had separation anxiety issues. He quickly earned the name Jack The Nipper.
I read a couple of books about dogs behaving badly, but felt that I needed a step-by-step approach to correct Jacks unpleasant behavior. I researched the internet and came across sit stay fetch, which I quickly downloaded, printed and read in one evening.
I immediately started with the Alpha Dog lessons and got across to Jack that I am the Alpha Mommy. I had no idea that doing something as simple as making him sit before I put his bowl of food down would make a difference in how Jack viewed me.
Jack has made great progress. He has become confident, less anxious and likes to practice commands every day. We still need to work on a few areas, but its only been less than three months! Jack is much happier knowing that we are the pack leaders who protect, feed and love him.
I recommend sit stay fetch to everyone who has a dog as a companion. I have learned so much about dog behaviors and how to respond accordingly without yelling or intimidating. Thanks Dan for writing such a great learning tool!
— Susan Caruso (USA)
Hi Daniel, Our Bichon, Jasmine, is a very friendly little dog who loves everyone she meets and shows it by jumping up on them. By following the instructions in your sit stay fetch, we were able to control her jumping.
— Dr.Stanley Hyman (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
The training secrets in Sit Stay Fetch have been proven time and time again to work. So whats the catch? You have to follow the strategies taught in the book, many people fail because they never take action.
Many don’t have the will-power and desire to train their dogs. They think it takes forever and don’t actually realize that dogs learn VERY quickly when they learn to communicate with them properly… They get lazy and give up, rather than take on their dogs obedience training and achieve immediate results with their training.
If you really truly want a healthy well trained dog who will LISTEN to you wherever you go… if you want to be respected by other dog owners as someone who takes great care of their dog… then there is no doubt in my mind that Sit Stay Fetch will work for you.

Dog Collars »
Every dog owner is crazy about their canine however training them could be a actual hassle for various folks. There are several possibilities for this such as the dog taxing the will of the owner and besides the owner simply not being stern sufficiently. If you have tried the habitual rewarding respectable behaviour method only to uncover you are creating not much progress, then searching for other means like the electrically-powered shock collar possibly will be a way forward. These collars have been about for a few decades already although for smaller pooches these collars were simply exceedingly tough owing to the fact that there wasnt an modification for shock levels. Pros in the pooch training market made use of these collars to train hunting dogs yet now there are electric shock collars that are a great deal perfect designed for the family dog. When paying money for an electrically-powered dog training collar you will become aware of that there are two main forms, theres a bark collar and then theres a beeper /
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As you may possibly have thought, the bark collar is purposely formed to train your canine to impede barking. It does this by emitting an electric shock when your pooch barks. With any luck shortly, your pooch will understand to finish this bad behaviour. The positive thing concerning this sort of collar is that training your pooch can transpire day or night and if youre out at your job then the collar will keep on working when your animal is at your home. Countless canine owners discover that their canine has been barking throughout the day when no one is home and this can make your neighbors in actuality cross. If you would like to keep your neighbors content then obtaining this class of collar is very much suitable. The collar trains your dog when you /
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The hindrance with training a dog is that your animal is unable to comprehend what you are saying. So you is unable to merely go home and say to your pet that its been incredibly wayward for barking all day and that the neighbors have been bad tempered. As sharp dogs are, we are unable to speak with them that well. These electric shock collars are pretty economical and there isnt anything difficult about them. There is a microphone which senses when your animal barks and this then ensures the electric shock to be /
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Beeper collars in contrast are operated by you utilizing a remote transmitter. These are much more expensive to buy and are rather involved in contrast. In place of a simple unit there is a radio transmitter and a radio receiver fixed to the dogs collar. The advantage of this mode of training collar is that it are able to deal with more than only barking. There may be other sorts of bad behaviour that you need to get out of your dog such as digging holes in your turf or jumping up on people. In saying that with these conditions, you would need to have the transmitter to hand so that you can operate /
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No matter what sorts of electric shock collar you obtain its essential that you guarantee that the setting levels arent excessive. The reason of the collar is simply to make your canine unnerving; you dont in point of fact desire to cause any real ache. Only utilize the least amount of shock that you are able to. br /
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If you are a dog owner and would like to pay money for other dog goods for instance a href= target=_blanklow cost electronic training dog collars/a plus a href= target=_blankextra small wire crate/a you can do so straightforwardly on the /
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Grab practical information in the sphere of a href= target=_blankhouse train a dog/a – your own guide.
Dog Training »
Show your puppy that you are the dominant leader
Dogs are pack animals and many of their behaviors mirror this fact. When you get a new puppy one of the initial and the most imperative things that you can do is to create authority. You are the “pack leader” and you must act correspondingly.
Puppies will spend a great sum of time trying to figure out where they fit into the pecking order. They normally do this by trying to create their own authority. Some breeds are more forceful than others, for case in point, the terrier breeds. Some of the other breeds tend to be more passive naturally.
As soon as your puppy comes home he needs to have his place in the chain of command recognized. He needs to recognize that he must be compliant to you and that you and the other human family members are the prevailing members of the pack. All of the humans inside the home must be above him in the pecking order. This is not a matter of punishment but rather the way it must be in order for him to be contented and to become a responsible doggy citizen.
In order to prove the dominance you must understand a few easy rules. Otherwise your puppy will be getting mixed signals and it will be more arduous for you to train him and he will be bewildered as to what you really want.
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One of the essential rules you must follow is that the leader always eats first. Do not let you puppy eat before you eat. If you and your family are setting up to eat at about the same time you want to feed your puppy, you should make the puppy wait. Or else you can make plans for your puppy to eat at a complete separate time as you. At the start it may be valuable for your training to make the puppy come to you and wait for his food until you are ready to give it to him. You may want to train him to sit before you put the bowl of foodstuff down.
Grooming your puppy can send strong signals about who is in charge. At the beginning your puppy may whimper and cry when you touch him for basic grooming but you must ignore him and be adamant on finishing. All the time follow through on what you begin because puppies learn very quickly if you really mean something or not.
Most puppies will nip and bite at things when they are very young. You must hinder this behavior instantly and let your puppy know that it is not tolerable with a clear reaction of a “No” and a tap if necessary. Keep in mind that you are the pack leader and the pack leader does not ever get nipped.
The most critical thing with a puppy is to show him that you are the dominant leader of the pack so be careful of games such as “tug’o’war’ where he could demonstrate some dominance. You must commend his good behavior with words and treats and pay no attention to his poor behavior as you embark on obedience training. If you follow these simple tips you will have a well-behaved doggie citizen.
Dog Training »
Dog training guide
Obedience instruction has become more accessible to common people with the publication of the Diane Bauman’s guide Beyond Basic Dog Training. This book is a door open towards the secrets of an entire training philosophy, and it has been successfully used even for the preparation for canine competitions. Beyond Basic Dog Training helps you understand the principles and patterns on which dogs learn, which is in fact a dual system of trial and error. With Beyond Basic Dog Training you will learn to apply corrections in a positive way, teaching your canine friend not to fear failure.
As Diane Bauman proves in Beyond Basic Dog Training, for a successful program you have to understand that from the two elements involved in the equation, both are thinking. There is the “thinking handler” in charge of the “thinking dog”, so don’t ignore you’re pet’s “feelings”, on the contrary stick to an effective development of the communication level. With Beyond Basic Dog Training you will come to achieve more than obedient behavioral patterns, you will understand your dog and learn to respect and listen to its needs. We’re talking about security, trust and confidence and lots of fun too.
With a guide such as Beyond Basic Dog Training you can have fun entertaining classes with your dog in the comfort of your home. At least you’re 100% sure of the methods used, since you are in perfect trust. With Beyond Basic Dog Training you’ll turn your dog into a great companion; therefore it is very good for puppies to benefit from a fast and very humane way of teaching. It is perhaps the time now to answer a simple question: why would anyone go beyond basic dog training? Simple methods will only leave the training process at a minimal level exploiting the specific animal drives as much as possible.
Going beyond basic dog training, means getting to understand the more complex structures that make your dog what it really is; you come to appreciate a wagging tail more than you would have done before. Books such as Beyond Basic Dog Training may prove to be the right choice and the best source of information for reinforcing man-animal friendship. Being able to see your dog succeed in performing complex tasks is the reward of every owner and amateur trainer.
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Dog training: the process of teaching a dog (Canis lupus familiaris) to perform certain actions in response to certain commands which the dog is trained to understand. It is a general term which does not, by itself, describe what or how the dog is taught. There are many methods and objectives of training.
Dogs may be trained to:
- follow obedience commands (part of obedience training)
[caption id="attachment_1711" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Guide dog to lead the blind"]
- perform tricks casually or for circus acts
- be a guide dog to lead the blind
- be a rescue dog to find victims of a disaster
- be a hunting dog to aid in hunting
- aid in herding, tracking, and retrieving
- follow agility commands
- serve as a guard animal
As pack animals, wild dogs have natural instincts that favor cooperation with their fellow dogs. Many domestic dogs, either through instinct or breeding, can correctly interpret and respond to signals given by a human handler.
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Dog Training, Dogs & Family »
Start training your puppy
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Dog is the best animal in the world. It is the most loyal companion a man can have and probably even more trustworthy than your spouse. Dogs are the best choice to make if you want a four-legged animal that is smart, trustworthy and responsive, all at the same time. Many dogs are hyperactive and trouble makers as a puppy, but grow out of it with in a year. If you are dealing with a young pup, you must start training as soon as possible.
The longer you wait to put your dog into training, the more your stress will be with your dog. Some pups can be house trained at the age of three months, others may take longer. It depends on its IQ. When selecting a puppy that will someday perform the role of backyard guardian in your home, keep these characteristics drilled in mind: Moderate aggressiveness, Alertness/intelligence.
Without any basic dog obedience training, a dog may well still be a great companion and friend for you, but how do you know that your dog is safe, and consistent in all situations? You don’t know.
The time you get your dog is the time you start working with your dog. Let take a brief look at some of the basics training for your dog. It is imperative that all dogs should learn their name before they learn anything else. One of the first things to consider is that you will need to be sure to reward your dog for performing an accurate task, and you will have to control them in some way for being a bad dog. When disciplining the dog keep in mind that you are aware about it and do not hurt your pet. Then again, the dog should enjoy the training.
Dogs don’t speak human language therefore communicate with your dog using hand signals, body language, and your voice. This unique method of communication will build up the bond between you and your dog, enhancing a permanent and loving relationship. Training social skills is a continuous and long term process. Most dogs succeed on the certainty of routine. Take the time to command the dog to sit before you open a door or introduce the dog to a new person, or set its food down in front of it.
Every well-mannered dog should know at least five basic commands: heel, sit, down, stay and come. It is no good to teach your dog a command that you are never going to use such as bomb or drugs searching, or swimming. It is a true fact, that a well-trained dog is a happier dog and a well-trained dog enjoys much more affection and positive attention. Until then, have fun with your dog.