Articles tagged with: pitbull
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I have long owned bull terriers. I have an American red nosed bull terrier named Jack. Commonly misnomered the pit bull, Jack is NOT a pit bull. Hes never been purposely fought, nor has he ever set foot inside a ring. No one has ever gambled on him fighting, nor is he allowed to fight.
Jack is a BULL TERRIER. Period. And, as such, I think he could be a really good advocate for his breed. He always has lots of energy, he is super obedient, and he is always eager to please. Hes probably one of the best dogs any dog lover could hope to have.
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Pit Bull heroic story
The Virginian-Pilot reported a heroic story of a Pit Bull that saved a store owner from a deadly attack.
Two intruders entered a screen printing shop in Virginia Beach. Their intentions are not entirely known but they were armed and dangerous.
They were immediately confronted by Rico, a one year old Pit bull waking up from a nap. The intruders shot Rico in the head with a .45-caliber handgun. But this was not enough to prevent Rico from fulfilling his duty as guard dog. This brave Pit Bull bit down on one of the attackers arms, allowing the shop employees time to escape.
“I know for a fact he saved our lives,” said a shop owner. “It was amazing, because I’ve never seen him act out aggressively.”
Other than possible vision loss in his left eye Rico is very healthy. He has already been released from the vet.
There have been no arrests in the robbery. The thieves were unable to steal anything of significant value.
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The city of Virginia Beach is paying all of Rico’s vet bills. There is also a fundraiser being held in his honor for any additional or ongoing costs. If the intruders are caught they will be forced to pay.
This is one of example of many recent positive news stories spotlighting the heroic acts of Pit Bulls. These accounts of Pit Bulls putting their life at risk for humans are helping to clear up bad rumors concerning the breed.
While the news is also full with Pit Bull attacks and fighting the public needs to know there are responsibly trained Pit Bulls saving lives!
A little known fact about Pit Bulls is that their bloodline does not naturally contain the instincts to attack humans. These instincts are caused by inhumane owners. These same instincts would show in German Shepherds and other aggressive breeds if they were subjected to the same abuse.
Owners who participate in dog fighting are actually hurting the Pit Bull bloodline by breeding abused and aggressive Pit Bulls. Before dog fighting Pit Bulls became popular breeders had nearly rid the bloodline of these overly aggressive Pit Bulls that would attack humans.
This is why the Humane Society and other Pit Bull advocate groups speak so harshly against dog fighting. In effect humans are creating Pit Bulls that will become overly aggressive[spin]. By eliminating Pit Bull fighting this breed will have the opportunity to clear its name.
Support the Pit Bull breed by learning how to properly train your Pit Bull and reporting any possible dog fighting in your area to the police.
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Adoption Stories, Pitbull Terrier »

The perfect ambassador for the Pit Bull breed
With all of the bad press the Pit Bull gets I just love finding amazing stories of this wonderful breed. If you are still on the back burner about the Pitbull breed check out these pit bull myths.
- Pit Bull Good Will Ambassador
Elsie, a Pit Bull whom called the Western PA. Humane Society home for seven months has not only found a wonderful home. When Becky saw Elsie, she said it was love at firsts site. Herb, Becky’s husband was not so accepting of the new addition to the family being a pitbull.
Shortly after Elsie move into her new home, Herb was diagnosed with cancer. It did not take long for Herb to change his mind about his new pitbull dog member. Elsie was the only one that he actually wanted to be close to him while he was receiving his chemo treatments. Becky said, “She lay across his chest as he slept on the couch and was the best medicine he could’ve asked for,” Herb is now in remission and doing well, and is nuts about Elsie.
After Elsie shows off for people, she acts as the perfect ambassador for the Pit Bull breed. Many claim “Meeting this sweet dog has completely changed my perception of pit bulls.”
Not only that, Elsie and her dog-mom have been selected as the third-quarter winners of the ASPCA Adopt-a Bull contest. The contest features successful adoptions of Pit Bull terriers made at shelters which are made by using the Meet Your Match™ program. Her win gave the Western PA. Humane Society a $4,000 grant and Elsie and her “mom” and the shelter are eligible to compete for the grand prize in the “Vote for Your Favorite Match” online contest to be held in February, 2009.
It is always nice to hear stories of Pit Bulls being placed into good homes. As a Pit Bull lover myself, it brings me much joy to hear stories of these dogs and how they really are amazing pets and companions! Stories like this one are great for changing the perceive many people have of Pit Bull dogs.
Do you know of any Pit Bulls that have been adopted and changed the mind of others?
Pitbull Terrier, Pitbulls »

Pitbulls are amazing family dogs. Have you seen a full-grown Pitbull? You probably will agree with me that this stocky, muscular, and big dog will make your spine chill. I will not blame you, you probably have seen stories in television, newspaper and probably have heard of banning of Pitbulls in the United States. However, if you want a friend, a very loyal friend who will protect you and your family, you need a Pitbull.
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A 5 year old pitbull mix named Maya has been honored by the Animal Miracle Foundation. Maya has been named the foundation’s Hero Dog of 2008!
Without the help of this amazing pitbull mix, her owners attacker may have never been caught! A drop of blood above Maya’s right eye was later tested for DNA by investigators, which led to the arrest of Anthony Easley. His preliminary hearing is pending.
The Animal Miracles Foundation which honored Maya is a non-profit that aims to improve public awareness about pet and wildlife issues.
In addition to saving her owner from a violent attack, Maya “is a testament to the fact that the pit bull dog breed can be hero dogs just like any other breed,” Colleen Paige, founder of the group, said in a statement.
Mayas owner, Angela Marcelino, adopted Maya from Humane Society Silicon Valley when the dog was 3 months old. She’s proud Maya is being honored but was not surprised when the dog tried to protect her early on the morning of June 17.
This goes to show you pitbulls are good dogs just like any other dog breed. Without the help of this pitbull, Ms. Marcelino could have been assaulted by her attacker.
Way to go Maya! Dog’s like you rock!