Articles tagged with: puppy training
Dog House Training »

Puppy training is important Puppies are cute cuddly and so full of life throughout the infancy stage. It is at this time when puppy training is vital – because believe it or not these cute cuddly little characters can cause so much havoc in the home – with their outbursts of action packed antics all brought on by excitement. Fun it may be at the time but when you waken to find the remains of a chewed slipper- scratch marks on the furniture and puppy poo to mark the pup`s presence then it is time for an obedience check.
Dog Training »

Puppy training is very important, whether you are training your first puppy or your 20th. Properly training and socializing a puppy is vital to making it a valued member of your family and your community. In some ways training a puppy is easier than training an adult or adolescent dog. One reason is that the puppy is essentially a “blank slate”, untroubled by past training techniques and other issues. In other ways, however, the puppy can be more difficult to train than an older dog.
Dog Training »
Puppy training biting ideas
Getting a new puppy is by and large an exhilarating event for the whole family, but there are a lot of things you’ll have to teach it before it becomes a affable member of the family. Everything from when and where to go to the restroom, what to chew and not to chew, and what it is and isn’t okay to eat. Teaching vocal commands to a dog is also an essential part of its training. Still, out of all the things you’ll want to take care of during puppy training, biting is perhaps the most important. In this editorial, well take a look at why instructing your puppy not to bite (certain things) is important, as well as a few methods you can use to do so.
First you must understand, puppies are not callous spirited by nature. Nor are they vicious because they like to bite things in the house, other people or even you. What it boils down to is that they are rambunctious, and sometimes obnoxious. Biting and placing there mouths on things are customary behaviors for puppies. As humans when we want to examine something we usually feel the object. Well, puppies don’t have hands so they inspect things and their location with their mouths.
Puppies are apt to bite everything they come into contact with, although some are worse than others. Retrievers such as Labradors tend to be quite gentle, and can even carry a raw egg in their teeth without breaking it. Some dogs need a little further help to be trained not to bite, and if it isn’t taken care of early on during puppy training, biting can increase to become a substantial problem. Some dogs that are either overly antagonistic or skeptical of people may bite someone and fatally hurt them, which never leads to a good result. Even if you want to use your dog as a means to defend your household and family, it needs to know that biting during play is not okay, and to be gentle with its teeth in general.
If you need puppy training biting ideas, then one of the most universal anti-biting methods may be able to help you. Take a toy or rope that your puppy likes to bite and chew and have the puppy try and get it. If its teeth only make contact with the toy, then continue to play with the puppy until it bites your skin (by accident or not). When its teeth touches your skin, stand up and turn around for ten seconds. If the puppy follows around to the side you are facing, take no notice of it and wait. Then continue play.
This is a great way to reduce the frequency of puppy training biting, and is an efficient means for showing your dog that biting, particularly during play time, is not okay. You can even use this approach to show it that it should be careful with its teeth.
Puppy Potty Training »
a href= target=_blankHow to potty train a puppy/a is necessary first step in bonding with a baby animal addition to your clan. Of course, puppy potty training may not be the most wonderful job that you considered growing up, BUT it requires empathy, patience, and understanding. In return, your new puppy dog begins necessarybehaviors that are necessary so he will be welcome and happy his new /
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Realize that the attention span of your puppy lasts only a short time. Just as children dont create new habits without repetition, a puppy wont normally internalize correct behavior right away either. Another important factor, be consistent with your dog during the training process. Perhaps the most important thing to remember while a href= target=_blankpuppy litter training/a is understanding that your new pet is not intentionally misbehaving. Just as teaching a small child is difficult, your puppy still too young to have recognized which actions are okay!br /
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Despite some of the outmoded methods of a href= target=_blankhouse training puppies/a, a trainer or owner should never forcefully handle a puppy by hitting, pushing his nose in his accidents, or raising your voice at your puppy. These behaviors tell your pet that relieving himself are bad. On top of that discomfort, dogs often react poorly to overtly mean behavior. What happens from these uncomfortable activities? Many puppies actually learn slower as their training advances. br /
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Start the housebreaking process with a simple feeding schedule for your puppy. Offer him breakfast, lunch and dinner, just as you do. A repetitive eating schedule helps|assists|creates[/spin] the animal become regular with his bowel movements. After consuming food, wait 20-30 minutes, and then take him outside. Notice how long he needs he goes potty. This will give you an idea of how long to wait the next time you take him out. (Within about a week, you should have his schedule down.) It is important to maintain a regular routine. Never food in his bowl because it will cause accidents and make house training slower and more difficult. br /
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When house training your puppy take him outside immediately after an accident. Dont forget to praise his good behavior! Every time he goes potty where hes supposed to, praise him lavishly. Positive reinforcement is a powerful training tool. Soon the pup will understand exactly what brings emotional satisfaction from his owner and what brings unhappiness. Critically, dont forget that full control of the bladder and bowels wont happen until 16 weeks of age. It is not fair to expect too much from your puppy too /
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However, when an accident happens (and they will!), clean the area and spray immediately. This will cover up the smell so your puppy will not try to mark his territory /
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Remember housebreaking a puppy is a big responsibility that can create to a special relationship between you and your puppy. Encouraging words and lots of love will make all the time worthwhile!
Dog House Training »
Nuts and bolts of puppy obedience training
Not long after a puppy is born, the puppy respect training can begin. The nuts and bolts of puppy obedience training may be initiated by the breeder from whom you purchased or secured your puppy.
Studies demonstrate that up to the age of three weeks, puppies are not yet ready to take in even a little in the way of instruction. They are not attentive of anything else except for their mom, food, and sleep. During this period, puppy elimination is done by response, but they change around the 21st to 28th day of puppy life as they begin to leave the blanket and search for a place to eliminate. At this period, puppies develop into more aware of their environment and are growing more responsive to stimuli. Lessons that an animal learns at an early age will have a greater impact on their obedience training as a whole.
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Staying encouraging helps puppies
When you want your dog to do the precise thing, the best thing to do is to not use chastisement as a form of readiness. Spoken praise along with special treats are more valuable. When you are needing to use negative stimuli for your puppy it should be limited to no and block any bad actions from your puppy with using your hands. hitting a puppy or injuring it in any way is and should not be used as a form of chastisement.
Puppies must be rewarded with praises and positive affection each time they react acceptably to a command. If not praised, puppies will lose enthusiasm and interest in obeying you. After your pet does a command properly and you praise and caress them, they will then learn that following these things are enjoyable and pleasing. Puppy obedience will also be developed as he learns that repeating proper events will reap rewards. Praises and treats, when used as positive reinforcement, can enhance the training and encourage the puppy to react to your commands.
Persistence mixed with large timing
While puppy training, you must keep in mind that timing is everything. Details such as actions, movements, and corrections will impinge on the puppy’s skill to follow commands. It is essential that pups gain knowledge of to recognize that the corrections are given as a result of his awkward action and conduct and that it will not happen if only he did what was expected of him.
For instance, a puppy who chews on a toy in a different room may not react to the command “come,” and unless it is reinforced, he will not learn to obey it.He will find out that “come” means that he should head for the trainer and that it will also bring in the goodies if the puppy is told to “come” under controlled situations, like when he’s on a leash and is gently pulled toward the trainer then praised.
Teaching puppy obedience training can be done at home if you focus on one exercise at a time and keep your instructions simple. It’s a whole lot easier to enlist in a training programs that is separated into phases rather than trying to teach your dog everything at once. Bring your patience with you when you are training and use positive reinforcement. Slowly your puppy will be taught to obey.
Basic Dog Commands, Dog Training »
Puppy dog requires obedience training
We often think of a happy family as a family of 4 two kids, a husband, and a wife that all live happily in their single family home with a white picket fence with their dog. Well life is not that short and sweet. Even though we wish it to be…we often have to live in the reality that things are not always that perfect.
So when you get a puppy you want it to listen to you. Getting a puppy dog to listen requires obedience training.
That sounds pretty simple but many times that is not always what we get so taking your puppy to a couple of obedience classes should help right? Traditionally yes…however Dog trainers are what they are cracked up to be these days and finding a trainer that works can sometimes be a chore we don’t want to continue. In the past many dog trainers have worked hard to get their certifications. Some trainers had to work side by side with animal handlers like breeders, groomers, or even veterinarians just to become qualified. This meant hours of pain staking handling of dogs some good, and some bad but hours just the same.
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In today’s world the Dog trainers are being taught on the internet. They don’t receive the long grueling hours that their fellow trainers have in the past. So how do you know if you are getting a real hard earned trainer…hope! Just like the masses. You could ask to see their certification, ask how long they have been in this field, but it is much harder to know now then before.
What is Obedience training?
Well it is the learning of basic everyday commands dogs need to know.
They learn how to:
- Sit
- Come
- Stay
- Heel
- Down
These commands will teach a dog to listen in the event of traffic, or a guest arriving. However it should not be mistaken for full training. The dog’s attitude toward others might stay the same…so if you dog bits someone, or attacks you should be wondering whether or not the dog is good for the home.
Along with that cute, cuddly face is a lot of responsibility. As we love our dogs we should see that they are properly trained to the best of our ability. After all their safety is up to us and we owe them that much!
You may find dog obedience training helpful.